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Wiktionary英語版での「Peakist」の意味 |
peakist (複数形 peakists)
- A supporter of the peak oil theory, or one who advocates policies that depend on this theory.
- 2012, H. Herring, Living in a Low-Carbon Society in 2050:
- A pure 'peakist' view questions how much longer conventional (cheaper) supplies of fossil fuels will continue.
- 2012, Bob Everett, Energy Systems and Sustainability, page 20:
- The nuclear industray has traditionally argued that there is little danger of the world 'running out' of nuclear fuel in the near future; but there is also a peakist perspective on the uranium resource.
- 2015, Matthew Schneider-Mayerson, Peak Oil: Apocalyptic Environmentalism and Libertarian Political Culture, page 124:
- A New York man in his fifites noted that "capitalism requires constant *growth*[sic] for it to remain viable as an economic system, but that continuous growth may well no longer be possible due to peak oil," while a peakist in her early forties observed that "capitalism as we know it has grown on the back of cheap energy, particularly oil."
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