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Japanolatryとは 意味・読み方・使い方
Wiktionary英語版での「Japanolatry」の意味 |
Japanolatry (uncountable)
- An admiration for Japan or items that reflect Japanese culture.
- 1895, Asian Review, page 218:
- Mr . Norman is not free from the prevalent Japanolatry . At p. 360 (e.g) Japan did not provoke the late war; at p. 376 she is dubbed a "first class military power"; and at p. 377, one of her buglers blows, apparently for a long time (with a bullet in his chest), till breath fails — which anyone can tell would be an immediate result.
- 1967, Geoffrey Bownas, From Japanology to Japanese Studies:
- Japanolatry in the West coincided with victory in the Sino-Japanese War, and, ten years later, the defeat of Russia.
- (more specifically) A belief in the superiority of Japanese business practices and management style.
- 1994, Karel Williams, Cars: Analysis, History, Cases, page 216:
- Finally, the complex and multi-dimensional character of any performance gap can be explored further by introducing cash flow per vehicle produced as a third performance measure; this series shows the limits of Japanolatry because, on this measure, average car companies in Japan as well as America have real problems.
- 2016, Anthony J. Berry, Jane Broadbent, David T. Otley, Management Control: Theories, Issues and Practices, page 222:
- We have attempted to confront each of these broader issues elsewhere, in work which questions the exaggerated and uncritical Japanolatry of much Western social science (Williams et al., 1991, 1992).
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