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Wiktionary英語版での「Heartsong」の意味 |
heartsong (複数形 heartsongs)
- (obsolete) A heartwarming song or poem.
1895, Johnson Brigham, Midland Monthly Magazine - Volume 4, page 572:
- How the crest-hunting rich and the wealth-seeking wearers of inherited honors and the popularity-seeking and place-hunting politicians whom their promoters half satirically style “great” dwindle when compared with this man, who with a few simple little heartsongs had won the love of children, had found a place in the hearts of those who mourn and hand entered the home and made it the happier and better for his presence!
1896, Self Culture - Volume 3, page 524:
- Many of his lyrics are heartsongs that will chord with human life as long as it has sorrows and aspirations.
- A song or message that is deeply heartfelt.
1893, Elizabeth Susan MacLeod, Carols of Canada, Etc., Etc, page 31:
- So we, when our Great High Priest shall come, Begirt of power, enrobed of state, And the peoples of ten thousand isles With eager joy His advent wait, Shall hail, with a heartsong of rapture, His step on our sin-furrowed strand ; Shall march, with the grand triumphal throng, In the glow of a God-lit land.
- The expression of a person's inner essence, underlying identity, and reason for existence.
1863, Sartor Resartus (1831).: Lectures on Heroes (1840)., page 259:
- All cathedrals, pontificalities, brass and stone, and outer arrangement never so lasting, are brief in comparison to an unfathomable heartsong like this : one feels as if it might survive, still of importance to men, when these had all sunk into new irrecognisable combinations, and had ceased individually to be.
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