フリーな辞書プロジェクト「Wiktionary」の英語版。英語で解説された英英辞典です。 出典 Wiktionary URL http://en.wiktionary.org/ |
Wiktionary英語版 のさくいん |
- 絞込み
- R
- RA
- RB
- RC
- RD
- RE
- RF
- RG
- RH
- RI
- RJ
- RK
- RL
- RM
- RN
- RO
- RP
- RQ
- RR
- RS
- RT
- RU
- RV
- RW
- RX
- RY
- RZ
- R(50音)
- R(タイ文字)
- R(数字)
- R(記号)
- Rugia
- rugicollis
- rugiens
- Rugii
- rugine
- rugosa
- rugose
- rugosity
- rugpull
- rugrat
- Rugs
- rugulosin
- rugulosus
- ruh-roh
- Ruhen
- Ruhmkorff coil
- Ruhr
- rui-be
- ruibe
- ruidus
- ruin of the year
- ruin pub
- ruin'd
- ruinate
- ruination
- ruinator
- ruine
- ruiner
- ruing
- ruining
- ruino
- ruinosus
- ruinous
- ruinously
- ruinousness
- ruins
- ruint
- Ruiz
- rUK
- Rukmini
- Rule 110
- Rule 184
- Rule 63
- Rule 90
- rule against perpetuities
- rule in
- rule of five
- rule of reason
- rule of the road
- rule of thirds
- rule off
- rule on
- rule over
- rule the day
- rule the roast
- rule the school
- rule with a rod of iron
- rule-book
- rule-of-thumb
- ruled
- ruled out
- rulemaker
- rulemaking
- rulering
- rulers
- rulership
- rules
- rules lawyer
- rules of the road
- rules of thumb
- rules-lawyer
- rules-of-thumb
- ruleset
- rulesets
- rulesy
- ruling grade
- ruling pen
- Rullus
- rum baba
- rum ball
- rum bud
- rum popo
- rum runner
- rum-
- Rum-Johnny
- rum-snoozer
- Rumanian
- Rumble Pak
- rumble seat
- rumbles
- rumbling
- rumblingly
- rumblings
- rumbly
- rumbud
- rumbunctious
- rumbustious
- rumbustiously
- rumbustiousness
- rumdum