IT・コンピュータや生命科学など、幅広い分野の専門用語を英語で調べることができます。 提供 日中韓辭典研究所 URL http://www.cjk.org/cjk/indexj.htm |
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- 絞込み
- B
- BA
- BB
- BC
- BD
- BE
- BF
- BG
- BH
- BI
- BJ
- BK
- BL
- BM
- BN
- BO
- BP
- BQ
- BR
- BS
- BT
- BU
- BV
- BW
- BX
- BY
- BZ
- B(50音)
- B(タイ文字)
- B(数字)
- B(記号)
- bacteriophytoma
- bacterioplankton
- bacterioprotein
- bacteriorhodopsin
- bacteriosis
- bacteriostasis
- bacteriostat
- bacteriostatic
- bacteriostatic action
- bacteriostatic agent
- bacteriostatically
- bacteriotherapy
- bacteriotoxin
- bacteriotropin
- bacterioviridin
- bacterium
- bacteriuria
- bacteroid
- Bacteroidaceae
- Bacteroides
- bactoprenol
- Bactrian camel
- baculiform
- baculite
- baculoviral
- Baculoviridae
- baculovirus
- baculum
- bad air
- bad bargain
- bad block
- bad breath
- bad business
- bad cast
- bad check
- bad coin
- bad condition
- bad conductor
- bad crop
- bad debt
- bad debt insurance
- bad debt provision
- bad debt reserve
- bad debts
- bad debts written off
- bad faith
- bad geometry
- bad harvest
- bad loan
- bad mark system
- bad money
- bad news
- bad odour
- bad quality
- bad risk
- bad sector
- bad smell
- bad times
- bad trade
- bad year
- bad-debt loss
- baddeleyite
- badge
- badge punch
- badge reader
- badger
- badland
- badlands
- bads
- Baer's law
- Baermann apparatus
- Baermann funnel technique
- Baeyer strain theory
- baffle
- baffle block
- baffle board
- baffle pier
- baffle plate
- baffle plate thickener
- baffle plate type separator
- baffle purifier
- baffle vane
- baffle wall
- baffle weir
- baffled piston
- baffles
- baffling wind
- bafilomycin
- bag
- bag and baggage
- bag cell
- bag filter
- bag form-fill-sealing machine
- bag in box
- bag making machine
- bag molding
- bag net
- bag of waters
- bag removing
- bag type float