IT・コンピュータや生命科学など、幅広い分野の専門用語を英語で調べることができます。 提供 日中韓辭典研究所 URL http://www.cjk.org/cjk/indexj.htm |
日英・英日専門用語辞書 のさくいん |
- 絞込み
- M
- MA
- MB
- MC
- MD
- ME
- MF
- MG
- MH
- MI
- MJ
- MK
- ML
- MM
- MN
- MO
- MP
- MQ
- MR
- MS
- MT
- MU
- MV
- MW
- MX
- MY
- MZ
- M(50音)
- M(タイ文字)
- M(数字)
- M(記号)
- matrix storage
- matrix switch
- matrix table
- matrix theory
- matrix transfer function
- matrix unit
- matrix vesicle
- matrix vesicles
- matrix-tree theorem
- matroclinal inheritance
- matroid
- matroid intersection problem
- matron
- matt
- matt finish
- matt spot
- matte
- matte finish
- matte smelting
- matted row culture
- matter
- matter cycle
- matter of degree
- matter of great importance
- matter of law
- matter of life and death
- matter of money
- matter of preference
- matter of record
- matter production
- matter under discussion
- matter wave
- Matthiessen rule
- matting
- matting in connection
- matting runner
- mattock
- mattress
- mattress suture
- mattress tape
- mattress tick
- mattress works
- maturate
- maturation
- maturation arrest
- maturation division
- maturation first division
- maturation hormone
- maturation period
- maturation pheromone
- maturation protein
- maturation second division
- maturation value
- maturation-inducing substance
- maturation-promoting factor
- maturational
- mature
- mature bacteriophage
- mature cataract
- mature field
- mature forest
- mature infant
- mature larva
- mature leaf
- mature milk
- mature orchard
- mature paddy field
- mature seedling
- mature silkworm
- mature soil
- mature stage
- mature teratoma
- mature tree
- mature-green fruit
- matured bill
- matured bond
- matured check
- matured cotton
- matured endowment
- maturing
- maturing feeding
- maturing temperature
- maturity
- maturity basis
- maturity date
- maturity dividend
- maturity index
- maturity list
- maturity method
- maturity value
- maturity-onset diabetes
- matutinal epilepsy
- maucherite
- maul hammer
- Maule reaction
- Mauler
- maunder minimum
- Mauritius hemp
- mausoleum
- Mauthner