Weblio英和和英辞典 のさくいん |
- 絞込み
- C
- CA
- CB
- CC
- CD
- CE
- CF
- CG
- CH
- CI
- CJ
- CK
- CL
- CM
- CN
- CO
- CP
- CQ
- CR
- CS
- CT
- CU
- CV
- CW
- CX
- CY
- CZ
- C(50音)
- C(タイ文字)
- C(数字)
- C(記号)
- coffee‐ground vomit
- coffee‐table book
- coffeine contracture
- coffer
- Coffer
- coffer-dam
- cofferdam
- Cofferdam
- coffered
- coffered ceiling
- cofferer
- coffering
- coffers
- Coffers
- coffeum
- coffey
- Coffey
- coffey still
- Coffey suspension
- Coffeyville
- coffin
- Coffin
- coffin bone
- Coffin bone
- coffin corner
- coffin dodger
- Coffin fittings, not of metal
- coffin lid crystal
- coffin nail
- Coffin Texts
- coffin-dodger
- Coffin-Lowry syndrome
- Cofactor of BRCA1
- Coffin-Lowry症候群
- coffinful
- coffinite
- Coffinite
- coffins
- Coffins
- Coffin‐Lowry syndrome
- coffle
- coffolate
- Coffs Harbour
- coffée
- cofiber
- cofilin
- cof
- Cofilin
- cofilin 1
- cofilin 2
- Cofilin-1
- cofilins
- cofilmmaker
- cofiltered
- Cofimvaba
- cofinality
- Cofinality
- cofinance
- cofire
- cofired
- cofiring
- Cofiring
- coflow
- coflows
- cofocal
- cofocal~
- cofocus
- coformulated
- coformycin
- cofound
- cofounded
- cofounder
- cofounding
- cofoundの現在分詞形
- cofunction
- Cofunction
- cofunctional mode set
- cofunctional VidPN modality
- cofusion
- cog
- Cog
- cog belt
- cog railway
- cog wheel
- cog-wheel
- cog-wheel ocular movements
- cog-wheel pump
- Cog-wheel rigidity
- COG8
- cogalois
- Cogan
- Cogan syndrome
- Cogan's congenital oculomotor apraxia
- Cogan's microcystic corneal dystrophy
- Cogan's microcystic dystrophy
- Cogan's syndrome
- Cogan-Reese syndrome
- Cogan‐Reese syndrome
- Cogan’s syndrome
- Cogan症候群
- Cogealac
- Cogema
- cogen
- cogency
- cogendus
- cogeneration
- Cogeneration
- cogeneration power plant
- cogeneration system
- cogeneration system for hospital
- cogeneration systems
- cogenerator
- cogens
- cogent
- cogent evidence
- cogently
- Coger
- cogged
- cogged belt
- Cogger
- Coggeshall
- cogging
- Cogging
- cogging hammer
- cogging mill
- cogging roll
- Coggiola
- coggle
- Coggle
- cogitabilis
- cogitable
- cogitabund
- cogitabundus
- cogitans
- cogitata
- cogitate
- cogitated
- cogitates
- cogitating
- cogitatio
- cogitation
- cogitative
- cogitatus
- cogito
- Cogito
- cogito ergo sum
- cogito, ergo sum
- cognac
- cognac oil
- Cognac oil
- cognacy
- cognata
- cognate
- Cognate
- cognate interaction
- cognate object
- Cognate object
- cognate recognition
- cognate word
- cognates
- cognatic
- cognatio
- cognation
- cognatus accusativus
- cognetics
- cogniac
- cognification
- cognisable
- cognisance
- cognisant
- cogniscient
- cognise
- cognite
- cognitio
- cognition
- cognition ability
- cognition disorder
- cognition disorders
- cognition enhancer
- cognition time
- cognitions
- cognitissimus
- cognitive
- cognitive activities
- cognitive aspects
- cognitive behavior therapy
- cognitive behavioral therapy
- Cognitive behavioral therapy
- cognitive bias
- Cognitive bias
- cognitive characteristic
- cognitive characteristics
- cognitive content
- cognitive deficit
- cognitive development
- cognitive disabilities
- cognitive disability
- cognitive disorder
- Cognitive disorder
- cognitive disorders
- cognitive dissonance
- Cognitive dissonance
- cognitive dissonance theory
- cognitive disturbance
- cognitive domain
- cognitive engineering
- cognitive enhancer
- cognitive estrangement
- cognitive factor
- cognitive function
- cognitive functioning
- cognitive functions
- cognitive impairment
- cognitive information
- cognitive load
- cognitive map
- cognitive maps
- cognitive meaning
- cognitive mechanism
- cognitive model
- Cognitive model
- cognitive neuroscience
- cognitive neuroscientist
- cognitive operation
- cognitive parallax
- cognitive phenomenon
- cognitive process
- cognitive processes
- cognitive processing
- cognitive psychology
- Cognitive psychology
- cognitive radio
- Cognitive radio
- cognitive radio access network
- cognitive radio access networks
- cognitive radio base
- cognitive radio base station
- cognitive radio network
- cognitive radio networks
- cognitive radio system
- cognitive radio systems
- cognitive radio technology
- cognitive rehabilitation
- cognitive relativism
- cognitive reserve
- cognitive science
- cognitive sciences
- cognitive scientist
- cognitive semantics
- cognitive skills
- cognitive state
- cognitive states
- cognitive structure
- cognitive structures
- cognitive styles
- cognitive system theory
- cognitive theories
- cognitive therapy
- Cognitive therapy
- cognitive walkthrough
- Cognitive walkthrough
- cognitive wireless
- cognitive wireless access network
- cognitive wireless cloud
- cognitive wireless clouds
- cognitive wireless communication
- cognitive wireless router
- cognitive(認識力の
- cognitive-behavioral therapy
- cognitively
- cognitive~
- cognitivism
- Cognitivism
- cognitivist
- cognitivus
- cognito
- cognitor
- cognizable
- cognizably
- cognizance
- cognizant
- cognizant quality engineer
- cognize
- cognizee
- cognomen
- Cognomen
- cognomens
- cognomentum
- cognomina
- cognominal
- cognominally
- cognominatus
- cognominis
- cognomino
- cognoscence
- cognoscens
- cognoscente
- cognoscenti
- cognoscibilis
- cognoscible
- cognoscitive
- cognovit
- Cognovit
- cognovit judgement
- cognovit judgment
- cogo
- cogon
- cogon grass
- cogongrass
- cogradient
- cogs
- COGs
- Cogswell
- cogware
- cogwheel
- cogwheel ore
- cogwheel phenomenon
- cogwheel pump
- cogwheel pupil
- cogwheel respiration
- cogwheel rigidity
- cogwheel sign
- cogwheeled
- cog‐wheel respiration
- cog‐wheel rigidity
- cohabit
- cohabitandus
- cohabitant
- cohabitate
- cohabitation
- Cohabitation
- cohabitaturus
- cohabitatus
- cohabited
- cohabitee
- cohabiter
- cohabiting
- cohabito
- cohabits
- cohaerens
- cohaereo
- cohaeresco
- Cohan
- cohead
- Cohee
- coheir
- coheiress
- coheirship
- cohelix
- Cohen
- cohenite
- Cohenite
- Cohen症候群
- cohere
- cohered
- coherence
- Coherence
- coherence control
- coherence estimation
- coherence factor
- coherence function
- Coherence length