統計などで用いられる商品の分類名の英語訳を調べることができます。 提供 政府統計の総合窓口(e-Stat) URL http://www.e-stat.go.jp/ |
和英日本標準商品分類 のさくいん |
- 絞込み
- M
- MA
- MB
- MC
- MD
- ME
- MF
- MG
- MH
- MI
- MJ
- MK
- ML
- MM
- MN
- MO
- MP
- MQ
- MR
- MS
- MT
- MU
- MV
- MW
- MX
- MY
- MZ
- M(50音)
- M(タイ文字)
- M(数字)
- M(記号)
- Massagers suitable for home use
- Mast-head lights
- Master antennas for community reception
- Master monitors
- Master preparation machines for copying
- Mastication rollers
- Mastitis and abnormal milk testing sets
- Mat washers
- Mat worsted
- Match boxes
- Match woods
- Matcha
- Matcha tea-cups
- Matches
- Matches, candles, perfumed incense and incense-sticks
- Matebashii trees
- Material experiment equipment
- Materials and prostheses for surgical use
- Materials for "tenkoku" seals
- Materials for bulbs and tubes
- Materials for making device
- Materials for pastes and liquid golds
- Materials for photosensitizers
- Mathematics and natural science
- Matricaria seeds
- Matricaty
- Matrices
- Matrush bags
- Mats
- Mats for silkworm rearing
- Matsu boards
- Matsu flat squares
- Matsu narrow boards
- Matsukawa-garei
- Matsumo
- Matsutake mashrooms
- Matt choppers
- Matt use
- Mattenccia Todaro
- Matter property testing apparatus for petroleum products
- Mattress
- Mattress pad covers
- Mattress pads
- Mattress pads and covers
- Mautical sextants
- Mawashi
- Mawata
- Maximum demand indicators
- Maximum loading capacity of trailers; 1,000kg or less
- Maximum loading capacity; 1,000kg or less
- Maximum loading capacity; 350kg or less
- May queen
- Mayonaise
- Mayudama
- Mazard cherry seeds
- Mazard stock plants
- MCA radio communication system
- MCAシステム用通信装置
- Me group
- Meadow fescue seeds
- Measure spoons and measure cups
- Measurement components
- Measurement resistors,capacitance and inductance
- Measures
- Measuring and monitoring systems for bio-phenomena
- Measuring and sizing apparatus
- Measuring and sorting devices
- Measuring associated equipment
- Measuring cutters
- Measuring cylinders
- Measuring device of detecting ranging soils
- Measuring equipment
- Measuring equipment for bio-magnetic phenomena
- Measuring equipment for motion picture film processing
- Measuring equipment for radiation control, radiationhazard
- Measuring flasks
- Measuring instruments for chemical index
- Measuring instruments for environmental test
- Measuring instruments for organic pollution index
- Measuring instruments for physical index
- Measuring instruments utilizing ionizing radiation
- Measuring instruments with graduation of derived measuringunit
- Measuring instruments with graduation of derived measuringunit,n.e.c.
- Measuring instruments with graduation of standard measuringunit
- Measuring machines
- Measuring microscopes
- Measuring microscopes for machine tool
- Meat and bone meal
- Meat and egg prepared foods
- Meat balls
- Meat carriers
- Meat choppers
- Meat ham slicers
- Meat juice
- Meat mixers
- Meat offal of bovine animals
- Meat offal of pigs
- Meat offal of sheep or lambs
- Meat paste