教育方法や教育施設などの、教育に関連する用語の英語訳を調べることができます。 提供 愛知県総合教育センター URL http://www.apec.aichi-c.ed.jp/ |
- range of choice in the teaching hours
- rank out of 5
- rate a student's class performance
- rate of advancement to university
- rate of university entrants
- rating
- Reading
- reading materials
- reading party
- readmission
- real estate
- realities of each community
- reality
- reasonable commuting distance from students' homes
- receive a grant
- reception room
- reception's desk
- receptionist's desk
- recess
- recognize individual differences
- recommendation
- recommendation system for entry
- recommendations
- record of proceedings
- records of special activities
- recruiting activities
- recruitment
- recruitment of able researchers
- redefinition and merging
- reduction or waiving of tuition fees
- reevaluation
- reference
- reference book
- reference points
- reform
- reform in the way of thinking
- refusal to attend school
- refuse dump
- refuse heap
- regional revitalization
- register
- register for courses
- register in the attendance book
- registration number
- regular course
- regular school day
- regulations for moving up a grade
- regulations for promotion to the next grade
- rehearsal for the graduation ceremony
- relating to
- relative evaluation
- relaxation
- Religious Juridical Persons Law
- reluctant to attend school
- remedial class
- remedial student
- rendezvous spots
- report card
- report for being late
- report of absence
- report on one's school record
- representative of the graduates
- reprimand
- required number of days to attend school
- required subject
- requirements of a fully human life and approaches to life
- research fund
- research institute
- residents' tax
- resit an exam
- resolute attitude
- resort to corporal punishment
- resort to violence
- respect each student's personality
- respect for individuality
- rest
- restroom
- restructuring
- retake an exam
- retention
- retirement age
- retirement allowance
- return
- returnee children
- review
- Revised Course of Study
- revision
- revitalization
- revival
- rich fund of sensitivity vis-à-vis the natural world
- rich grounding in scientific perception
- rich sense of humanity
- richness of spirit
- roll
- roll book
- roll call
- room for growth
- room mother
- room to grow