Baranov, Victoria; Ralph Haas and Pauline Grosjean,
Men. Male-biased sex ratios and masculinity norms: evidence from Australia’s colonial past, Journal of Economic Growth, 28, (3), 339-396
Berlanda, Andrea; Paolo Buonanno and Marcello Puca,
Religion and women: How Waldensians reduced the gender gap, Economics of Education Review, 96, (C)
Campo, Francesco; Luca Nunziata and Lorenzo Rocco,
Business is tense: new evidence on how language affects economic activity, Journal of Economic Growth, 29, (1), 121-149
Cantarella, Michele; Nicolò Fraccaroli and Roberto Volpe,
Does language prevent policy take-up? Evidence from the Italian Start-up Act, Research Policy, 53, (6)
Casabianca, Elizabeth and Matija Kovacic,
Loneliness and health among the elderly.The role of cultural heritage and relationship quality, No 2022:01, Working Papers, Department of Economics, University of Venice "Ca' Foscari"
Casabianca, Elizabeth and Matija Kovacic,
Historical roots of loneliness and its impact on second-generation immigrants’ health, Journal of Economic Behavior & Organization, 224, (C), 407-437
Cassar, Alessandra and Y. Jane Zhang,
The competitive woman: Evolutionary insights and cross-cultural evidence into finding the Femina Economica, Journal of Economic Behavior & Organization, 197, (C), 447-471
Clist, Paul and Ying-yi Hong,
Do international students learn foreign preferences? The interplay of language, identity and assimilation, Journal of Economic Psychology, 98, (C)
Dar, Shafkat Shafi and Sohini Sahu,
The effect of language on financial inclusion, Economic Modelling, 106, (C)
Davis, Lewis; Astghik Mavisakalyan and Clas Weber,
Gendered Language and Gendered Violence, No 1127, GLO Discussion Paper Series, Global Labor Organization (GLO)
Duchini, Emma; Stefania Simion and Arthur Turrell,
Pay Transparency and Cracks in the Glass Ceiling, The Warwick Economics Research Paper Series (TWERPS), University of Warwick, Department of Economics
Fredriksson, Per and Satyendra Gupta,
Irrigation and Culture: Gender Roles and Women’s Rights, No 681, GLO Discussion Paper Series, Global Labor Organization (GLO)
Fredriksson, Per and Satyendra Kumar Gupta,
Irrigation and gender roles, Journal of Development Economics, 163, (C)
Giuliano, Paola,
Gender and Culture, No 27725, NBER Working Papers, National Bureau of Economic Research, Inc
Gorny, Paul; Petra Nieken and Karoline Ströhlein,
He, She, They? The Impact of Gendered Language on Economic Behavior, No 10458, CESifo Working Paper Series, CESifo
Kovacic, Matija and Cristina Elisa Orso,
Who’s afraid of immigration? The effect of economic preferences on tolerance, Journal of Population Economics, 36, (3), 1901-1940
Lecce, Giampaolo; Laura Ogliari and Tommaso Orlando,
Resistance to Institutions and Cultural Distance: Brigandage in Post-Unification Italy, No 473, Development Working Papers, Centro Studi Luca d'Agliano, University of Milano
Lecce, Giampaolo; Laura Ogliari and Tommaso Orlando,
State formation, social unrest and cultural distance, Journal of Economic Growth, 27, (3), 453-483
Mavisakalyan, Astghik; Yashar Tarverdi and Clas Weber,
Heaven can wait: future tense and religiosity, Journal of Population Economics, 35, (3), 833-860
Oto-Peralías, Daniel and Dolores Gutiérrez Mora,
Gendered cities: Studying urban gender bias through street names, No b9n4k, OSF Preprints, Center for Open Science
Rottner, Florian,
Language and xenophobia, No 412, University of Göttingen Working Papers in Economics, University of Goettingen, Department of Economics
Wong, Lorraine,
The effect of linguistic proximity on the labour market outcomes of the asylum population, Journal of Population Economics, 36, (2), 609-652
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