A Study on Strategic Application of Business Ecosystem to Practical Management System,
Daisuke Sato,
from Global Academy of Training and Research (GATR) Enterprise
Keywords: Business ecosystem, Innovation management, Resources Management, Affiliation approach, Structural Approach.
Innovative HRM Designers: The Design Regimes of Human Resource Management in French Industrial History,
John Levesque, Cédric Dalmasso and Sophie Hooge,
from HAL
Keywords: HRM - Human resource management,Design Theory,Design Regimes,HRM History
University as a Knowledge Source of Innovation: A spatial analysis of the impact on local high-tech startup creation,
Kazuyuki Motohashi and Qiuhan Zhao,
from Research Institute of Economy, Trade and Industry (RIETI)
Women-led firms’ performance during the Covid-19 pandemic. Evidence from an emerging economy,
Diego Grijalva,
from University Library of Munich, Germany
Keywords: Firms' performance, Covid-19, emerging economies
Digitalisation and productivity: gamechanger or sideshow?,
Robert Anderton, Vasco Botelho and Paul Reimers,
from University of Nottingham, GEP
Keywords: digital technology/transition; productivity growth; technology adoption; technology diffusion
Socioemotional Wealth and Product Differentiation in the Informal Economy: A Simple Theroetical Model,
Augendra Bhukuth, Damien Bazin and Abir Khribich,
from Groupe de REcherche en Droit, Economie, Gestion (GREDEG CNRS), Université Côte d'Azur, France
Keywords: informal economy, know-how (savoir-faire), micro-small enterprises, product differentiation, SEW
Getting Schooled: The Role of Universities in Attracting Immigrant Entrepreneurs,
Natee Amornsiripanitch, Paul Gompers, George Hu and Kaushik Vasudevan,
from Federal Reserve Bank of Philadelphia
Keywords: entrepreneurship; venture capital; immigration; education
Does the adoption of Ind AS affect the performance of firms in India?,
Nikhil M N, Suman Chakraborty, Lithin B M and Lumen Shawn Lobo,
from University Library of Munich, Germany
Keywords: emerging market, firm profitability, fixed effect model, IFRS convergence, Nifty 500, panel data, return on assets
Does green transition promote green innovation and technological acquisitions?,
Udichibarna Bose,
from Banco de Portugal, Economics and Research Department
Personality Predicts Entrepreneurial Success,
Terhi Maczulskij and Jutta Viinikainen,
from The Research Institute of the Finnish Economy
Keywords: Personality, Entrepreneurship, Entrepreneurial success
Clean innovation and heterogeneous financing costs,
Emanuele Campiglio, Alessandro Spiganti and Anthony Wiskich,
from Department of Economics, University of Venice "Ca' Foscari"
Keywords: carbon tax, endogenous growth, financing experience effect, innovation policy, low-carbon transition, optimal climate policy, sustainable finance
Intangible Capital as a Production Factor. Firm-level Evidence from Austrian Microdata,
Klaus Friesenbichler, Agnes Kügler and Julia Schieber-Knöbl,
from WIFO
Keywords: Intangible capital, R&D, Firm level productivity, Investment, Production function, Austria