56 documents matched the search for the 2016-06-25 issue of the NEP report on Agricultural Economics (nep-agr), currently edited by Angelo Zago.
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A non-equilibrium formulation of food security resilience, Matteo Smerlak and Bapu Vaitla,
from arXiv.org
Regional Agricultural and Trade Policies: Indian Perspective, Ramesh Chand,
from Australian Agricultural and Resource Economics Society
Keywords: Agricultural and Food Policy, International Relations/Trade
Tropical Agricultural Development: Managing Expectations For Food, Incomes and Natural Environment, Allan Dale,
from Australian Agricultural and Resource Economics Society
Keywords: Agribusiness, Agricultural and Food Policy, Environmental Economics and Policy
Reducing the business risk in expanding grain farm businesses, David Feldman, Ross Kingwell, Brad Plunkett, Quenten Thomas and Imma Farre-Codina,
from Australian Agricultural and Resource Economics Society
Keywords: Agribusiness
Transforming Agricultural System under Socio-economic Change, Climate Change and Ecosystem Change, Hirotaka Matsuda, Yuka Ogata, Akira Takagi and Hisashi Kurokura,
from Australian Agricultural and Resource Economics Society
Keywords: Agricultural and Food Policy, Environmental Economics and Policy
Economic Impacts from Coal Seam Water on Agricultural Enterprises, Case Study: Chinchilla District, Queensland, David Monckton,
from Australian Agricultural and Resource Economics Society
Keywords: Agricultural and Food Policy, Environmental Economics and Policy
Winery reputation in explaining wine clusters: A spatial analysis of Hunter Valley wine producers, Peter Lock, Stuart Mounter, Jonathan Moss and Euan Fleming,
from Australian Agricultural and Resource Economics Society
Keywords: Agricultural and Food Policy
Farmers’ Adjustment Strategies to the Millennium Drought and the Association with Profitability, ZhongKai Ooi,
from Australian Agricultural and Resource Economics Society
Keywords: Agricultural and Food Policy
Policy issues for Australian agriculture, Daryl Quinlivan,
from Australian Agricultural and Resource Economics Society
Keywords: Agricultural and Food Policy
Enforcing environmental policies in China -- The “indecisive” role of the market in SO2 and COD emissions trading, Yuan Xu,
from Australian Agricultural and Resource Economics Society
Keywords: Environmental Economics and Policy
A bioeconomic framework for phosphorus deep-placement decisions, Andrew Zull, Mike Bell, Howard Cox, Jayne Gentry, Kaara Klepper and Chris Dowling,
from Australian Agricultural and Resource Economics Society
Keywords: Agricultural and Food Policy, Environmental Economics and Policy
Dairy in Science-Based Nutrition, Allison L. Specht,
from United States Department of Agriculture, Agricultural Outlook Forum
Keywords: Food Consumption/Nutrition/Food Safety, Livestock Production/Industries
Sugar in Mexico: Implications from the Antidumping and Countervailing Duties Suspension Agreements, Salvador Behar,
from United States Department of Agriculture, Agricultural Outlook Forum
Keywords: Crop Production/Industries, Environmental Economics and Policy
How Land Tenure will Shape the Future of US Agriculture, Neil D. Hamilton,
from United States Department of Agriculture, Agricultural Outlook Forum
Keywords: Land Economics/Use
Strengthening Rural Communities Through Partnership and Investment, McKenna,
from United States Department of Agriculture, Agricultural Outlook Forum
Keywords: Community/Rural/Urban Development
Opportunities for U.S. Beef Exports, Kent Bacus,
from United States Department of Agriculture, Agricultural Outlook Forum
Keywords: International Relations/Trade, Livestock Production/Industries
Trends in Farm Household Income and Assets, Daniel Prager,
from United States Department of Agriculture, Agricultural Outlook Forum
Keywords: Consumer/Household Economics
Managing Water for the Future, Matthew Zaragoza-Watkins,
from United States Department of Agriculture, Agricultural Outlook Forum
Keywords: Environmental Economics and Policy
Rural demography in the developing world: what do we know and why it matters, Steve Wiggins and Sharada Keats,
from Agricultural Economics Society
Keywords: Agricultural and Food Policy
Modelling the Risk, Return and Resiliency of Future Dairy Farm Systems, Mark Neal and Simon Cooper,
from Australian Agricultural and Resource Economics Society
Keywords: Agricultural and Food Policy, Production Economics, Risk and Uncertainty
Options for simultaneous greenhouse gas abatement and profitability on Australian broadacre cropping farms, Nikki Dumbrell, Marit Kragt, Elizabeth Meier, Peter Thorburn and Jody Biggs,
from Australian Agricultural and Resource Economics Society
Keywords: Agricultural and Food Policy, Environmental Economics and Policy
Determinants of Cocoa Marketing Efficiency in Pasaman Regency, West Sumatra, Indonesia, Amzul Rifin and Herawati,
from Australian Agricultural and Resource Economics Society
Keywords: Agricultural and Food Policy
Resource Reallocation and Industry-level Productivity Growth in Australian Broadacre Agriculture, Yu Sheng,
from Australian Agricultural and Resource Economics Society
Keywords: Agricultural and Food Policy
from ANPEC - Associação Nacional dos Centros de Pós-Graduação em Economia [Brazilian Association of Graduate Programs in Economics]
Agricultural Development in Emerging Africa: Can Farming Systems Approach help in Planning and Priority Setting for Climate Smart Agriculture?, Fulgence Mishili, Thilak Mallawaarachchi, Judith Valerian, Christopher Auricht, Jean-Marc Boffa and John Dixon,
from Australian Agricultural and Resource Economics Society
Keywords: Agricultural and Food Policy
Technology adaptation, TFP growth, and convergence in agriculture: A global perspective using conditional regression quantiles, Daniel Gregg,
from Australian Agricultural and Resource Economics Society
Keywords: Research and Development/Tech Change/Emerging Technologies
Optimal Local Surveillance Measures for an Exotic Pest in Heterogeneous Spaces over Time, Tom Kompas, Pham Van Ha and Hoa Nguyen,
from Australian Agricultural and Resource Economics Society
Keywords: Environmental Economics and Policy
STAX and Cotton Crop Insurance: First Year Results, Keith Coble,
from United States Department of Agriculture, Agricultural Outlook Forum
Keywords: Agricultural Finance, Crop Production/Industries
Money, sunshine, and rain: Exploring the drivers of rural land values in New Zealand over time and space, Corey Allan and Suzi Kerr,
from Australian Agricultural and Resource Economics Society
Keywords: Land Economics/Use
HEAD-TAIL DILEMMA OF WATER RE-ALLOCATION: Productive efficiency-based collective decision on allocating land for sharecropping in in Village Irrigation Systems of Sri Lanka, Mohottala G. Kularatne, Sean Pascoe, Clevo Wilson and Tim Robinson,
from Australian Agricultural and Resource Economics Society
Keywords: Agricultural and Food Policy, Environmental Economics and Policy
Agricultural productivity, poverty and inequality in Indonesia, Peter Warr,
from Australian Agricultural and Resource Economics Society
Keywords: Agricultural and Food Policy, Food Security and Poverty
Regulatory Failure and Risk in Aquaculture: A case study of the Irish Oyster Industry, Alan Renwick,
from Agricultural Economics Society
Keywords: Agricultural and Food Policy, Risk and Uncertainty
Estimating the cost of strengthening ecosystem connectivity in an agricultural landscape in Central Sumatra, Laura Bateman, Dale Yi, Oscar Cacho and Randy Stringer,
from Australian Agricultural and Resource Economics Society
Keywords: Agricultural and Food Policy, Land Economics/Use
The Rise and Fall of U.S. Farm Productivity Growth, 1910-2007, Julian Alston, Matthew A. Andersen and Philip Pardey,
from Australian Agricultural and Resource Economics Society
Keywords: Farm Management, Production Economics
Characterization of the collection and distribution processes of bienestarina in Bogotá, Cristian Peñaloza, Laura Palacios Argüello and Jesus Gonzalez-Feliu,
from HAL
Keywords: Food supply chain,distribution processes,Bienestarina,Instituto Colombiano del Bienestar Familiar
Do Contractual Relations Incentivize Farmers’ Adoption of Multiple Innovations?: Evidence from the Indonesian Dairy Sector, Risti Permani and Wendy Umberger,
from Australian Agricultural and Resource Economics Society
Keywords: Agricultural and Food Policy
Part-Time Farming in Italy: Does Farm Size Really Matter?, Barbara Tocco, Sophia Davidova and Alastair Bailey,
from Agricultural Economics Society
Keywords: Farm Management
Meeting Climate Change Targets – necessary adjustments and challenges for Brazilian beef industry, M. C. dos Santos, L. K. Aguiar, R. J. Bansback, B. J. Revell and S. de Zen,
from Agricultural Economics Society
Keywords: Agricultural and Food Policy, Environmental Economics and Policy
Factors Associated with Extension Programme Participation: The case of discussion groups for Irish cattle farmers, Daniel O'Callaghan, Thia Hennessy and James Breen,
from Agricultural Economics Society
Keywords: Agricultural and Food Policy, Livestock Production/Industries
Don’t Forget about the Children – Latent Food Insecurity in Rural Cambodia, Dorothee C. Buehler, Rebecca C. Hartje and Ulrike Grote,
from Agricultural Economics Society
Keywords: Agricultural and Food Policy, Food Consumption/Nutrition/Food Safety, Food Security and Poverty
The Inequality of Farmland Size in Western Europe, Jason Loughrey, Trevor Donnellan and John Lennon,
from Agricultural Economics Society
Keywords: Agricultural and Food Policy
Hedonic Analysis of Origin of Meat In The United Kingdom, Mohamud Hussein, Iain Fraser and Marco Costanigro,
from Agricultural Economics Society
Keywords: Agricultural and Food Policy, Consumer/Household Economics
Are U.S. Farmers Expecting Imminent Impacts from Climate Change? Evidence from Weather Shocks on the Farmland Market, Matthew Utterback,
from Agricultural and Applied Economics Association
Keywords: Agricultural and Food Policy, Resource /Energy Economics and Policy
Subjective Risks and Barriers to Perennial Bioenergy Production: Estimating a Structural Model with Data from a Hypothetical Market Experiment, David Smith,
from Agricultural and Applied Economics Association
Keywords: Crop Production/Industries, Production Economics, Resource /Energy Economics and Policy, Risk and Uncertainty
Investigating the Relationship between Land and Labor Endowments and Agricultural Mechanization among Chinese Farmers, Zeng Yating, Jin Yanhong and Tang Zhong,
from Agricultural and Applied Economics Association
Keywords: Farm Management, Labor and Human Capital, Land Economics/Use, Production Economics
Food price volatility and farmers' production decisions under imperfect information, Anais Maillet,
from LEI Wageningen UR
Biofuel Mandating and the Green Paradox, Samuel Okullo, Frédéric Reynès and Marjan Hofkes,
from Tilburg University, Center for Economic Research
Keywords: green paradox; climate change; peak oil; biofuel mandates; unconventional crude oil
Foreign Direct Investments and trade in agriculture: an incomplete contracts approach, Margherita Scoppola and Margherita Scoppola,
from LEI Wageningen UR
Risk attitudes of farmers, foresters and students: An experimental multimethod comparison, Philipp Sauter, Daniel Hermann and Oliver Musshoff,
from Australian Agricultural and Resource Economics Society
Keywords: Agricultural and Food Policy, Environmental Economics and Policy
Shared and Relational Activities in Rural Commonality: Towards a non-Individualistic Conception of Well-Being, Nicolò Bellanca and Benedetto Rocchi,
from Universita' degli Studi di Firenze, Dipartimento di Scienze per l'Economia e l'Impresa
Keywords: relational goods, shared goods, well-being, civic agriculture, commonality.
TTIP and Agricultural Trade: The Case of Tariff Elimination and Pesticide Policy Cooperation, Bo Xiong and John Beghin,
from Center for Agricultural and Rural Development (CARD) at Iowa State University
Keywords: Trans-Atlantic Trade and Investment Partnership, TTIP, maximum residue limit, MRL, sanitary and phytosanitary measures, tariff, trade agreement, NTM JEL: Q17, F15
Are Cash Transfers the answer for children in Sub-Saharan Africa? A Literature Review, James Manley and Vanya Slavchevska,
from Towson University, Department of Economics
Keywords: Social protection, cash transfers, Sub-Saharan Africa, child health, adolescent health.
The Clean Development Mechanism and Dynamic Capabilities of Implementing Firms: Evidence from India, Aradhna Aggarwal,
from The South Asian Network for Development and Environmental Economics
Keywords: CDM, Dynamic capability, R&D, Fuel efficiency, Total factor productivity, India
Financial needs and tools for agricultural development and transformation pertinent to low-income, food-insecure countries, Sarris Alexandros,
from FERDI
How Important are Agricultural Externalities? A Framework for Analysis and Application to Dutch Agriculture, Roel Jongeneel, Nico Polman and Gerrit van Kooten,
from University of Victoria, Department of Economics, Resource Economics and Policy Analysis Research Group
Keywords: environmental spillovers; applied welfare measurement; agricultural externalities; agricultural value added; non-agricultural commodities
Weather index insurance and shock coping: evidence from Mexico's CADENA Program, Alain F. De Janvry, Elizabeth Andrea Ramirez Ritchie and Elisabeth Sadoulet,
from The World Bank
Keywords: Non Governmental Organizations,Public Finance Decentralization and Poverty Reduction,Disaster Management,Regional Urban Development,Public Sector Management and Reform,Hazard Risk Management,Urban Economics,City to City Alliances,Urban Economic Development,Urban Communities,National Urban Development Policies&Strategies,Social Risk Management,Public Sector Economics,Economics and Institutions,Adaptation to Climate Change