Exchange Rate Flexibility under the Zero Lower Bound,
Michael Devereux and David Cook,
from C.E.P.R. Discussion Papers
Keywords: Forward guidance; Lower bound; Monetary policy; Optimal currency area
Corporate Saving in Global Rebalancing,
Philippe Bacchetta and Kenza Benhima,
from C.E.P.R. Discussion Papers
Keywords: Capital flows; Credit constraints; Financial crisis; Global imbalances
External Liabilities and Crises,
Gian Maria Milesi-Ferretti and Catão, LuÃs,
from C.E.P.R. Discussion Papers
Keywords: International investment positions; Sovereign deebt; Currency crises; Current account imbalances; Foreign exchange reserves
Testing 'the trilemma' in post-transitional Europe: a new empirical measure of capital mobility,
Tomislav Globan,
from Faculty of Economics and Business, University of Zagreb
Keywords: capital flows; capital mobility; the trilemma; impossible trinity; interest rate shocks; VAR model; historical decomposition
Good News is Bad News: Leverage Cycles and Sudden Stops,
Ozge Akinci and Ryan Chahrour,
from Boston College Department of Economics
Keywords: News Shocks, Sudden Stops, Leverage, Boom-Bust Cycle
Noisy information, distance and law of one price dynamics across US cities,
Mario Crucini, Mototsugu Shintani and Takayuki Tsuruga,
from Centre for Applied Macroeconomic Analysis, Crawford School of Public Policy, The Australian National University
Keywords: Real exchange rates, Law of one price, Relative prices, Trade cost
The Domestic and International Effects of Interstate U.S. Banking,
Fabio Ghironi, Viktors Stebunovs and Matteo Cacciatore,
from C.E.P.R. Discussion Papers
Keywords: Business cycle volatility; Current account; Deregulation; Interstate banking; Producer entry; Real exchange rate
The Macroeconomic Effects of Debt- and Equity-Based Capital Inflows,
Jonathan Davis,
from Hong Kong Institute for Monetary Research
Keywords: Capital Inflows, Debt, Equity, Macroeconomic Effects
Exchange rate and price dynamics in a small open economy - the role of the zero lower bound and monetary policy regimes,
Gregor Bäurle and Daniel Kaufmann,
from Swiss National Bank
Keywords: Exchange rate and price dynamics, zero lower bound on short-term interest rates, small-open-economy DSGE model, monetary policy regimes, monetary transmission, Bayesian VAR, sign restrictions
Exchange rate pass-through and product heterogeneity: does quality matter on the import side?,
Michele Bernini and Chiara Tomasi,
from The University of Sheffield, Department of Economics
Keywords: Importers, Exporters, Quality, Exchange Rate Disconnect
Fewer but Better: Sudden Stops, Firm Entry, and Financial Selection,
Sînâ Ateş and Felipe Saffie,
from Penn Institute for Economic Research, Department of Economics, University of Pennsylvania
Keywords: Financial Selection, Sudden Stop, Endogenous Growth, Firm Entry, Firm Heterogeneity
Inspecting the Mechanism: Leverage and the Great Recession in the Eurozone,
Philippe Martin and Thomas Philippon,
from C.E.P.R. Discussion Papers
Keywords: Eurozone crisis; Fiscal policy; Macroprudential policy; Private leverage; Sudden stop
European Integration and the Feldstein-Horioka Puzzle,
Margarita Katsimi and Gylfi Zoega,
from Birkbeck, Department of Economics, Mathematics & Statistics
Keywords: Feldstein-Horioka puzzle, European integration.
Re-Distribution, Aggregate Demand, and Growth in an Open Economy: The Crucial Interaction of Portfolio Considerations and External Account Constraints,
Arslan Razmi,
from University of Massachusetts Amherst, Department of Economics
Keywords: Wage-led growth, stagnationism, exhilarationism, neo-Kaleckian models, distribution, accumulation.