Michael Creel,
from SUNY-Oswego, Department of Economics
Keywords: econometrics,econometrics,online textbook
Two Notes on Econometrics,
N. Hakwani,
from New South Wales - School of Economics
Keywords: econometrics
Econometric Modeling and Inference,
Jean-Pierre Florens, Vêlayoudom Marimoutou and Anne Peguin-Feissolle,
from HAL
Keywords: Econometrics
Econometrics and Economic Policy,
Gregory C. Chow,
from University Library of Munich, Germany
Keywords: Econometrics
Econometrics and the Welfare State,
Trygve Haavelmo,
from Nobel Prize Committee
Keywords: Econometrics;
A Guide to Econometrics, 5th Edition,
Peter Kennedy,
from The MIT Press
Keywords: econometrics
Assessing applied econometric results,
Carl Christ,
in Review
Keywords: Econometrics
The computational experiment: an econometric tool,
Finn Kydland and Edward Prescott,
from Federal Reserve Bank of Minneapolis
Keywords: Econometrics
Michael Creel,
from Unitat de Fonaments de l'Anàlisi Econòmica (UAB) and Institut d'Anàlisi Econòmica (CSIC)
Keywords: Econometrics lecture notes, open source
Bayesian reduced rank regression in econometrics,
John Geweke,
from Federal Reserve Bank of Minneapolis
Keywords: Econometrics
The Influence of A. W. H. Phillips on Econometrics,
David Hendry and Grayham Mizon,
from European University Institute
Using Invention Activities to Teach Econometrics,
Douglas McKee and George Orlov,
in Journal of Economics Teaching
Keywords: Econometrics
Bayesian skepticism on unit root econometrics,
Christopher Sims,
from Federal Reserve Bank of Minneapolis
Keywords: Econometrics
From Utopian Theory to Practical Applications: The Case of Econometrics,
Ragnar Frisch,
from Nobel Prize Committee
Keywords: econometrics
Prior density ratio class robustness in econometrics,
John Geweke and Lea Petrella,
from Federal Reserve Bank of Minneapolis
Keywords: Econometrics
Book reviews: Econometrics of Qualitative Dependent Variables, Christian Gourieroux,
David Margolis,
from HAL
Keywords: Econometrics
Book reviews: Econometrics of Qualitative Dependent Variables, Christian Gourieroux,
David Margolis,
from HAL
Keywords: Econometrics
Solutions Manual and Supplementary Materials for Econometric Analysis of Cross Section and Panel Data,
Jeffrey Wooldridge,
from The MIT Press
Keywords: econometrics
Geometric Indices: A Theory of Hedging and Econometric Analysis with Applications to the UK Stock Market,
L.C.G. Rogers, S.E. Satchell and Y. Yoon,
from Faculty of Economics, University of Cambridge
Keywords: econometrics
Interactive Web-based Simulations to Teach Econometrics: Making Abstract Concepts Tangible,
Tanya Byker, Amanda Gregg and Dylan Mortimer,
in Journal of Economics Teaching
Keywords: Econometrics
Using simulation methods for Bayesian econometric models: inference, development, and communication,
John Geweke,
from Federal Reserve Bank of Minneapolis
Keywords: Econometrics
A Course of Econometrics,
David Pollock,
from SUNY-Oswego, Department of Economics
Keywords: econometric theory,applied econometrics,econometrics, online textbook
The Fellowship of Econometrics: Selection and Diverging Views in the Province of Mathematical Economics, from the 1930s to the 1950s,
Francisco Louçã and Sofia Terlica,
in History of Political Economy
Keywords: econometrics
The computational experiment: an econometric tool,
Finn Kydland and Edward Prescott,
from Federal Reserve Bank of Cleveland
Keywords: Econometrics; Econometric models
A History of Japanese Developments in Econometrics,
Aiko Ikeo,
in History of Political Economy
Keywords: Japan, econometrics
Approximate Bias Correction in Econometrics,
James MacKinnon and Anthony Smith,
from Universite Aix-Marseille III
Environmental Econometrics Using Stata,
Christopher Baum and Stan Hurn,
from StataCorp LP
Keywords: environment, econometrics
Notation in Econometrics: A Proposal for a Standard,
K.M. Abadir and Jan Magnus,
from Tilburg University, Center for Economic Research
Keywords: econometrics; standards
Worldwide Econometrics Rankings: 1989-2005,
Badi Baltagi,
from Center for Policy Research, Maxwell School, Syracuse University
Keywords: Econometrics rankings, Econometrics journals, Econometric theory, Applied econometrics.
Posterior simulators in econometrics,
John Geweke,
from Federal Reserve Bank of Minneapolis
Keywords: Econometric models
Bayesian comparison of econometric models,
John Geweke,
from Federal Reserve Bank of Minneapolis
Keywords: Econometric models
Pacific Basin econometric research,
Lawrence Klein,
in Proceedings
Keywords: Pacific Area; Econometric models; Econometrics
Handbook of Econometrics,
Zvi Griliches and Michael Intriligator,
from Elsevier
Keywords: Simultaneous equation models, econometrics, identification
Handbook of Econometrics,
Zvi Griliches and Michael Intriligator,
from Elsevier
Keywords: Simultaneous equation models, econometrics, identification
Handbook of Econometrics,
Zvi Griliches and Michael Intriligator,
from Elsevier
Keywords: Simultaneous equation models, econometrics, identification
Handbook of Econometrics,
James Heckman and Edward Leamer,
from Elsevier
Keywords: Simultaneous equation models, econometrics, identification
Handbook of Econometrics,
James Heckman and Edward Leamer,
from Elsevier
Keywords: Simultaneous equation models, econometrics, identification
Handbook of Econometrics,
James Heckman and Edward Leamer,
from Elsevier
Keywords: Simultaneous equation models, econometrics, identification
health econometrics,
Andrew Jones,
from Palgrave Macmillan
Keywords: econometrics, evaluation, health economics, microeconometrics
Handbook of Econometrics,
Robert Engle and Daniel McFadden,
from Elsevier
Keywords: Simultaneous equation models, econometrics, identification
The econometrics of elasticities or the elasticity of econometrics: an empirical analysis of the behavior of U.S. imports,
Jaime R. Marquez,
from Board of Governors of the Federal Reserve System (U.S.)
Keywords: Econometrics; Imports
An Introduction to Econometrics: A Self-Contained Approach,
Frank Westhoff,
from The MIT Press
Keywords: Economics, Econometrics
An Introduction to the Structural Econometrics of Auction Data,
Harry Paarsch and Han Hong,
from The MIT Press
Keywords: auctions, econometrics
How to use econometric models to forecast,
Thomas M. Supel,
from Federal Reserve Bank of Minneapolis
Keywords: Econometric models
Econometric Methods and Their Applications in Finance, Macro and Related Fields,
Kaddour Hadri and William Mikhail,
from World Scientific Publishing Co. Pte. Ltd.
Keywords: Financial Econometrics, Applied Econometrics, Econometric Theory and Methods
Econometric Methods for Ordered Responses: Some Recent Developments,
Franco Peracchi,
from World Scientific Publishing Co. Pte. Ltd.
Keywords: Financial Econometrics, Applied Econometrics, Econometric Theory and Methods,
Note: The Progress of the Econometric Movement,
James R. Simpson and Lonnie L. Jones,
in History of Political Economy
Keywords: progress, Econometric Movement
Impulse-Response Analysis in Econometrics,
C. Bruneau,
from Paris X - Nanterre, U.F.R. de Sc. Ec. Gest. Maths Infor.
Mr Malinvaud and Econometrics,
Pascal Mazodier,
in Annals of Economics and Statistics
Keywords: Econometrics, Statistical methods, Probability
Essays on Econometrics of Cointegration,
Heikki Kauppi,
from Department of Economics
Representation in Econometrics: A Historical Perspective,
Christopher L. Gilbert and Duo Qin,
from Queen Mary University of London, School of Economics and Finance
Keywords: Econometrics, History, Measurement error
Spatial Data and Econometrics,
Jean Dubé and Diego Legros,
from HAL
Keywords: Econometrics,Spatia Data
An Econometric Examination of the New Federalism,
Edward Gramlich,
in Brookings Papers on Economic Activity
Keywords: macroeconomics, econometrics, Federalism
The Empirical Significance of Econometric Models,
Thomas Mayer,
from University of California, Davis, Department of Economics
Keywords: econometric, models, theories
What Economists Think of Their Econometrics?,
Thomas Mayer,
from California Davis - Institute of Governmental Affairs
Keywords: econometrics ; economic theory
System-theoretic trends in econometrics,
Johannes Schumacher,
from Tilburg University, School of Economics and Management
Keywords: Economics; Estimation; econometrics
Arie Kapteyn, S. van de Ger, H. van de Stadt and T. Wansbeek,
from Tilburg - Center for Economic Research
Keywords: linear models ; consumption ; econometrics
Structural Econometrics of Auctions: A Review,
Matthew L. Gentry, Timothy Hubbard, Denis Nekipelov and Harry Paarsch,
in Foundations and Trends(R) in Econometrics
Keywords: Auctions, Structural econometrics
Randomization Tests in Econometrics,
Peter Kennedy,
from Department of Economics, Simon Fraser University
Keywords: econometrics ; economic models
An Introduction to Matlab for Econometrics,
John Frain,
from Trinity College Dublin, Economics Department
Keywords: Matlab, Econometric Software
Introduction to STATA with Econometrics in Mind,
John Frain,
from Trinity College Dublin, Economics Department
Keywords: Stata, Econometric Software
Rao's Score Test in Econometrics,
Anil Bera and Aman Ullah,
from Tilburg - Center for Economic Research
Keywords: econometrics ; economic models
Using R to Teach Econometrics,
Jeffrey Racine and Rob Hyndman,
from Monash University, Department of Econometrics and Business Statistics
Keywords: Econometrics; Statistical software; Teaching
The Econometric Analysis of Economic Policy,
A Banerjee, David Hendry and Grayham Mizon,
from European University Institute
Econometric modeling in Singapore,
Kum Poh Wong,
in Proceedings
Keywords: Econometric models; Singapore
Exogeneity in climate econometrics,
Felix Pretis,
in Energy Economics
Keywords: Exogeneity; Climate econometrics; VAR;
Some uses of simulation in econometrics,
Adrian Pagan,
in Mathematics and Computers in Simulation (MATCOM)
Keywords: Simulation; Econometrics; Business cycle;
A history of the histories of econometrics,
Marcel Boumans and Ariane Dupont-Kieffer,
from University Library of Munich, Germany
Keywords: econometrics; philosophy of science; discipline
An Econometric Model of Cattle Inventories,
Randal R. Rucker, Oscar R. Burt and Jeffrey LaFrance,
from Monash University, Department of Economics
Keywords: cattle, econometrics, inventories
The usefulness of applied econometrics to the policymaker,
Darryl R. Francis,
in Review
Keywords: Econometrics; Monetary policy
Quantitative theory and econometrics,
Robert King,
in Economic Quarterly
Keywords: Money theory; Econometrics
Econometric methods and Reichenbach's principle,
Sean Muller,
from Southern Africa Labour and Development Research Unit, University of Cape Town
Keywords: Reichenbach's principle, econometrics, causality
The Earliest History of Econometrics: Some Neglected Danish Contributions,
Niels Kœrgaard,
in History of Political Economy
Keywords: Danish, econometrics
Economic Summary of 2005: Results of Econometric Analysis,
Boris Brodsky,
in Applied Econometrics
Keywords: econometrics; Russia
General Nonparametric Regression Estimation and Testing in Econometrics,
Aman Ullah and Hrishikesh Vinod,
from The A. Gary Anderson Graduate School of Management. University of California Riverside
Keywords: econometrics ; evaluation
Special Issue on Spatial Econometrics: An Editorial Note,
Giuseppe Arbia, Gianfranco Piras and Ingmar Prucha,
in The Review of Regional Studies
Keywords: spatial econometrics
Econometric Analysis for the rural sector in Greek economy,
Eleftherios Giovanis,
from University Library of Munich, Germany
Keywords: basic econometrics
Modelling Addictive Consumption: Some Theoretical and Econometric Issues,
Chongwoo Choe and Imad Moosa,
from School of Economics, La Trobe University
Keywords: Econometrics, Consumers
A Comparative Study of Introductory and Undergraduate Econometric Textbooks,
Mark Harris and L.R. Macquarie,
from Monash University, Department of Econometrics and Business Statistics
Keywords: econometrics; teaching
Quality control of empirical econometrics: a status report,
Cornelis Los,
from Federal Reserve Bank of New York
Keywords: Economics; Econometrics
Econometric Society 1930: How It Got Founded,
Olav Bjerkholt,
from Oslo University, Department of Economics
Keywords: Econometric-Society
Introduction: P.A.V.B. Swamy's contribution to Econometrics,
Stephen Hall, Lawrence Klein, George Tavlas and Arnold Zellner,
in Economic Modelling
Keywords: Econometrics Swamy
Undergraduate Econometrics Instruction: Through Our Classes, Darkly,
Joshua Angrist and Jorn-Steffen Pischke,
from Institute of Labor Economics (IZA)
Keywords: econometrics, teaching
A retrospective on J. Denis Sargan and his contributions to econometrics,
Neil Ericsson, Esfandiar Maasoumi and Grayham Mizon,
from Board of Governors of the Federal Reserve System (U.S.)
Keywords: Econometrics; Economists
Some comments on the role of econometrics in economic theory,
Martin Eichenbaum,
in Economic Perspectives
Keywords: Econometrics; Economics
Challenges in the teaching of econometrics: the lesson of Pietro Balestra,
Patrick Gagliardini,
in Revue d'économie politique
Keywords: teaching, econometrics, mathematics, econometrics literature
Econometrics, Volume 2: Econometrics and the Cost of Capital,
Lawrence J. Lau,
from The MIT Press
Keywords: econometrics, cost of capital, producer behavior
Econometrics, Volume 1: Econometric Modeling of Producer Behavior,
Dale Jorgenson,
from The MIT Press
Keywords: econometrics, producer behavior, empirical findings
Bayesian Econometrics,
Mauro Bernardi, Stefano Grassi and Francesco Ravazzolo,
Keywords: Bayesian econometrics; forecasting; MCMC methods; macroeconomic and financial applications
What is Econometrics?,
Badi Baltagi,
from Springer
Keywords: Nobel Prize, Economic Data, Econometric Method, Competent Mathematician, Real Understanding
National and Regional Econometric Models,
Barbara Chizzolini,
from Springer
Keywords: Econometric Model, Regional Economy, National Variable, Spatial Econometric, National Model
Econometrics: A Bird's Eye View,
John Geweke, Joel L. Horowitz and Mohammad Pesaran,
from Institute of Labor Economics (IZA)
Keywords: Bayesian econometrics, macroeconometrics, microeconometrics, history of econometrics, nonparametric and semi-parametric analysis
Keynes, Induction, and Econometrics,
Bradley W. Bateman,
in History of Political Economy
Keywords: John Maynard Keynes, induction, econometrics
Conditional Probability and Econometric Models,
Alexandru Manole, Andrei Hrebenciuc and Daniel Dumitrescu,
in Romanian Statistical Review Supplement
Keywords: conditional probability, econometrics, standard deviation
The Contribution of Econometrics to the Management of the Enterprise,
Régis Bourbonnais and Mara Magda Maftei,
in Journal for Economic Forecasting
Keywords: econometrics, forecasting, ARMA process, VAR
The Contribution of Econometrics to the Management of the Enterprise,
Régis Bourbonnais and Magda Mara Maftei,
from HAL
Keywords: Econometrics,forecasting,ARMA process,VAR
Policy Analysis with Econometric Models,
Christopher Sims,
in Brookings Papers on Economic Activity
Keywords: macroeconomics, econometric model, policy analysis
Business Cycle Theory And Econometrics,
Allan Gregory and Gregor Smith,
from Economics Department, Queen's University
Keywords: business cycles, time-series econometrics
An Econometric Model for Deforestation in Indonesia,
Muhammad Zikri,
from Department of Economics, Padjadjaran University
Keywords: Deforestation, econometric model, Indonesian forest
Econometric modeling at Bank of Japan,
Hidekazu Eguchi,
in Proceedings
Keywords: Japan; Econometric models; Bank of Japan