Discussion Papers
From Graduate School of Economics, Kobe University
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- 1416: Fiscal Policy Effectiveness in Japan: Experiences from Recent Policies
- Tomomi Miyazaki
- 1415: Empirical research on urban population
- Shuichi Okada
- 1414: A CGE Analysis on a Rate-based Policy for Climate Change Mitigation
- Shinya Kato and Kenji Takeuchi
- 1413: YIMBY or NIMBY? Municipalities' reaction to disaster waste from the Great East Japan Earthquake
- Yuichi Ishimura, Kenji Takeuchi and Fredrik Carlsson
- 1412: Effects of Tax Incentives on Sales of Eco-Friendly Vehicles: Evidence from Japan
- Ibrahim Alhulail and Kenji Takeuchi
- 1411: Marginal q and Firms' Capital Investments: Evidence from Time Series Data of Japanese Manufacturing Industries
- Masafumi Kozuka
- 1410: Policy Duration Effects, Quantitative Monetary Easing Policy and Economic Growth: Evidence from Japanese Time Series Data
- Masafumi Kozuka
- 1409: A Theory of the Cross-Sectional Fertility Differential: Jobs f Heterogeneity Approach
- Daishin Yasui
- 1408: Industry Concentration, Knowledge Diffusion, and Economic Growth Without Scale Effects
- Colin Davis and Ken-ichi Hashimoto
- 1407: Fiscal Reform and Fiscal Sustainability: Evidence from Australia and Sweden
- Tomomi Miyazaki
- 1406: Trends of Study on Regional Disparities
- Yuji Ataka
- 1405: Fertility, Regional Demographics, and Economic Integration
- Hiroshi Goto and Keiya Minamimura
- 1402: Worker's Mental Health and Conditions of Working Life
- Juntaro Yamaoka and Miki Kobayashi
- 1401: An empirical analysis of the effect of increasing male wage inequality on female marriage behavior in Japan
- Shoichi Sasaki
- 1315: A model of financial contagion with variable asset returns may be replaced with a simple threshold model of cascades
- Teruyoshi Kobayashi
- 1314: An Experimental Study on Motivations for Socially Responsible Investment
- Miwa Nakai, Tomonori Honda, Nariaki Nishino and Kenji Takeuchi
- 1313: The Effect of the Subsidy Granted for the "Roadside Stations" Based on the Endogenous Development Policy
- Yusaku Matsuo
- 1312: What Factors Promote Peatland Fire Prevention? Evidence from Central Kalimantan, Indonesia
- Yuki Yamamoto, Kenji Takeuchi and Gunnar Köhlin
- 1311: Liquidity and Efficiency in the Gold Futures Market- The Effects of Night Session Extension -
- Kentaro Iwatsubo
- 1310: Multiple Steady States under the Balanced Budget Rule- a Generalization
- Fujio Takata
- 1309: An Analysis of Relationships between Employment Tenure and Wage Differentials by Educational Attainment Level in Japan
- Yasuhide Tanaka
- 1308: Does the Acquisition of Asian Market Improve Corporate Profits? -Asian Market and R&D Investment in four Machine Apparatus Industries-
- Toshiyuki Nakanishi
- 1307: Network versus portfolio structure in financial systems
- Teruyoshi Kobayashi
- 1306: Asymmetric forecasting and commitment policy in a robust control problem
- Taro Ikeda
- 1305: A Model of Patent Race When Firms Are Heterogeneous
- Tetsugen Haruyama
- 1304: The structure and the determinants of the trade of SME products
- Sawako Maruyama
- 1303: Expansion and Transformation of the Export-Oriented Silk Weaving District: The Case of Fukui in Japan from 1890 to 1919
- Tomoko Hashino and Keijiro Otsuka
- 1302: The frequency of arbitrage opportunities in Saga city horse racing
- Masahiro Ashiya
- 1301: Lock! Risk-Free Arbitrage in the Japanese Racetrack Betting Market
- Masahiro Ashiya
- 1224: Public Policy and the Income-Fertility Relationship in Economic Development
- Masako Kimura and Daishin Yasui
- 1223: Malthus's Criticism of Adam Smith and Dynamic Mechanism of Population in the First Edition of Principle of Population
- Taro Hisamatsu
- 1222: Regional coordination and its background: Should Kansai be heading for regional coordination like Vastra Gotaland?
- Sawako Maruyama
- 1221: Empirical Analysis on Rural-Urban Interchanges and Agricultural Development Policy in Nose Town,Japan
- Tomoko Kinugasa, Mitoshi Yamaguchi and Masatsugu Nakagawa
- 1220: Privatization in a mixed oligopoly: Productivity, market concentration, and the optimal degree of privatization
- Shinjiro Miyazawa
- 1219: Research on Minimal Efficient Scale of Municipality and Regional Peculiarity
- Shuichi Okada, Tomoko Kinugasa and Mitoshi Yamaguchi
- 1218: Adult Longevity and Growth Takeoff
- Daishin Yasui
- 1217: Comparison of Effects of the Global Finaicial Crisis: Romaninan and Latvian cases
- Masahiko Yoshii
- 1216: Three Essays on Robustness and Asymmetries in Central Bank Forecasting
- Taro Ikeda
- 1215: Substitutability of Savings by Sectors: OECD Experiences
- Yoichi Matsubayashi and Takao Fujii
- 1214: R&D Subsidies, International Knowledge Dispersion, and Fully Endogenous Productivity Growth
- Colin Davis and Ken-ichi Hashimoto
- 1213: Diversity among banks may increase systemic risk
- Teruyoshi Kobayashi
- 1212: Income Inequality and Family Formation: Analysis of Unmarried Men
- Miki Kobayashi
- 1211: An Empirical Analysis of the Role of Relationship Banking ?Can the Relationship Banking Substitute the Role of Policy Finance?
- Takeshi Koba and Tsubouchi Shinji
- 1210: An Empirical Verification of the Selection Hypothesis and the 50 Percent Rule. - Evidence from the Lawsuits against Layoffs in Japan
- Takeshi Koba and Kousaku Honda
- 1209: Are There Price Premiums for Certified Wood? Empirical Evidence from Log Auction Data in Japan
- Yuki Yamamoto, Kenji Takeuchi and Takayoshi Shinkuma
- 1208: Nowcasting Taylor rule and relative asymmetry
- Taro Ikeda
- 1207: Willingness to pay for the infrastructure investments for alternative fuel vehicles
- Nobuyuki Ito, Kenji Takeuchi and Shunsuke Managi
- 1206: The Influences of Economic and Psychological Factors on Energy-Saving Behavior: A Field Experiment in Matsuyama, Japan
- Kenichi Mizobuchi and Kenji Takeuchi
- 1205: Japanese Employment System and Wage Structure
- Naoki Mitani and Takashi Oshio
- 1204: Sustainability membership and stock price: an empirical study using the Morningstar-SRI Index
- Miwa Nakai, Keiko Yamaguchi and Kenji Takeuchi