ERIM Report Series Research in Management
From Erasmus Research Institute of Management (ERIM), ERIM is the joint research institute of the Rotterdam School of Management, Erasmus University and the Erasmus School of Economics (ESE) at Erasmus University Rotterdam Contact information at EDIRC. Bibliographic data for series maintained by RePub ( this e-mail address is bad, please contact ). Access Statistics for this working paper series.
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- 204: Does Risk Seeking Drive Asset Prices? A stochastic dominance analysis of aggregate investor preferences
- Thierry Post and Haim Levy
- 203: Governance Structure, Product Diversification, and Performance
- A.A.C.J. van Oijen and George Hendrikse
- 202: Diversification and Corporate Governance
- George Hendrikse and A.A.C.J. van Oijen
- 201: Allocation of Railway Rolling Stock for Passenger Trains
- Bianca van den Berg, Leo Kroon, Marc Salomon and Erwin Abbink
- 200: The Effects of Self-Reinforcing Mechanisms on Firm Performance
- Erik den Hartigh, Fred Langerak and Harry Commandeur
- 199: Modeling Generational Transitions from Aggregate Data
- Philip Hans Franses and Stefan Stremersch
- 198: Human Resource management, Institutionalisation and Organisational Performance
- Paul Boselie, Jaap Paauwe and R. Richardson
- 197: Challenging (Strategic) Human Resource management Theory
- Jaap Paauwe and Paul Boselie
- 196: Web Based Organizing and the Management of Human Resources
- Jaap Paauwe, Reina Visser and Roger Williams
- 195: Classification Trees for Problems with Monotonicity Constraints
- Rob Potharst and A.J. Feelders
- 194: High Performance Work Systems
- Paul Boselie and Ton van der Wiele
- 193: Cognitive and Affective Consequences of Two Types of Incongruent Advertising
- Joost Loef and Peter Verlegh
- 192: The Added Value of Corporate Brands
- Guido Berens, Cees van Riel and Gerrit van Bruggen
- 191: Adding Shareholder Value through Project Performance Measurement, Monitoring & Control
- Mehari Akalu and Rodney Turner
- 190: Modular Decomposition of Boolean Functions
- Cor Bioch
- 189: Means-End Relations
- Johan van Rekom and Berend Wierenga
- 188: Periodic Review, Push Inventory Policies for Remanufacturing
- B. Mahadevan, David Pyke and Moritz Fleischmann
- 187: Version Spaces and Generalized Monotone Boolean Functions
- Cor Bioch and T. Ibaraki
- 186: Relative Distress and Return Distribution Characteristics of Japanese Stocks, a Fuzzy-Probabilistic Approach
- Willem-Max van den Bergh, Onno Steenbeek and Jan van den Berg
- 185: Measures of Pleasures
- Slawomir Magala
- 184: Crew Rostering for the High Speed Train
- Ramon Lentink, M.A. Odijk and E. van Rijn
- 183: Dynamic Effects of Trust and Cognitive Social Structures on Information Transfer Relationships
- David Dekker, David Krackhardt and Philip Hans Franses
- 182: Governance and Competence
- Bart Nooteboom
- 181: A Balanced Theory of Sourcing, Collaboration and Networks
- Bart Nooteboom
- 180: ISO 9000 Series Certification Over Time: what have we learnt?
- Ton van der Wiele and Alan Brown
- 179: The Importance of Sociality for Understanding Knowledge Sharing Processes in Organizational Contexts
- Niels Boer, Peter van Baalen and Kuldeep Kumar
- 178: Harnessing Intellectual Resources in a Collaborative Context to Create Value
- Sadja Qureshi, V. Hlupic, G-J. de Vreede and R.O. Briggs
- 177: Estimated Parameters Do Not Get the "Wrong Sign" Due To Collinearity Across Included Variables
- Philip Hans Franses and Christiaan Heij
- 176: Towards a Transaction Cost Theory of Management Control
- Roland Speklé
- 175: Competitive Reactions and the Cross-Sales Effects of Advertising and Promotion
- Jan-Benedict Steenkamp, V.R. Nijs, Dominique Hanssens and Marnik Dekimpe
- 174: The Joint Effect of Relationship Perceptions, Loyalty Program and Direct Mailing on Customer Share Development
- Peter Verhoef
- 173: The Shape of Utility Functions and Organizational Behavior
- Joost Pennings and Ale Smidts
- 172: An Empirical Comparison of Default Swap Pricing Models
- Patrick Houweling and Ton Vorst
- 171: How Cannibalistic is the Internet Channel?
- Barbara Deleersnyder, Inge Geyskens, Katrijn Gielens and Marnik Dekimpe
- 170: Do Promotions Benefit Manufacturers, Retailers or Both?
- Shuba Srinivasan, Koen Pauwels, Dominique Hanssens and Marnik Dekimpe
- 169: Evaluating Direct Marketing Campaigns: recent findings and future research topics
- Jedid-Jah Jonker, Philip Hans Franses and Nanda Piersma
- 168: Quick Response Practices at the Warehouse of Ankor
- Rommert Dekker, René de Koster, H. van Kalleveen and Kees-Jan Roodbergen
- 167: Investment Appraisal Process in the Banking & Finance Industry
- Mehari Akalu and Rodney Turner
- 166: The Role of Schema Salience in Ad Processing and Evaluation
- Joost Loef, Gerrit Antonides and Fred van Raaij
- 165: Managing interactions between technological and stylistic innovation in the media industries, insights from the introduction of ebook technology in the publishing industry
- Sophie Schweizer
- 164: Testing for Third-Order Stochastic Dominance with Diversification Possibilities
- Thierry Post
- 163: A Stochastic Dominance Approach to Spanning
- Thierry Post
- 162: Trust and Formal Control in interorganizational Relationships
- R. Klein Woolthuis and Bart Nooteboom
- 161: An Introduction to Paradigm
- S.C. van der Made-Potuijt and Arie de Bruin
- 160: Entrepreneurship in China: Institutions, organisational identity and survival: empirical results from two provinces
- Barbara Krug and Hans Hendrischke
- 159: Modeling the Conditional Covariance between Stock and Bond Returns
- Peter de Goeij and Wessel Marquering
- 158: Equivalent Results in Minimax Theory
- Hans Frenk, G. Kassay and J. Kolumban
- 157: Suboptimality of Sales Promotions and Improvement Through Channel Coordination
- Berend Wierenga and Han Soethoudt
- 156: Entrepreneurial Activity, Self-Perception and Gender
- Ingrid Verheul, Lorraine Uhlaner and Roy Thurik
- 155: The Impact of Institutional Differences on Derivatives Usage
- Gordon Bodnar, Abe de Jong and V. Macrae
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