University of California at Los Angeles, Anderson Graduate School of Management
From Anderson Graduate School of Management, UCLA
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- 1999: Can We Disentangle Risk Aversion from Intertemporal Substitution in Consumption
- Eduardo Schwartz and Walter N. Torous
- 1999: The Term Structure with Highly Persistent Interest Rates
- Rossen Valkanov
- 1999: Long-Horizon Regressions: Theoretical Results and Applications to the Expected Returns/Dividend Yields and Fisher Effect Relations
- Rossen Valkanov
- 1999: Equity Premium and Dividend Yield regressions: A lot of noise, little information, confusing results
- Rossen Valkanov
- 1999: International Portfolio Management, Currency Risk and the Euro
- Giorgio De Santis, Bruno Gerard and Pierre Hillion
- 1999: Approximate Arbitrage
- Antonio Bernardo and Olivier Ledoit
- 1999: The Relevance of Current Risk in the EMU
- Giorgio De Santis, Bruno Gerard and Pierre Hillion
- 1999: Equity Duration, Growth Options and Asset Pricing
- Bradford Cornell
- 1999: Deal Terms in the big Transactions of the Nineties
- J. Fred Weston and Brian Johnson
- 1999: Mergers and Performance
- J. Fred Weston
- 1999: Flexible Multivariate GARCH Modeling With an Application to International Stock Markets
- Olivier Ledoit, Pedro Santa-Clara and Michael Wolf
- 1999: Assessing Assets Pricing Anomalies
- Michael Brennan and Yihong Xia
- 1999: The Cross Section of Expected Returns and its Relation to Past Returns: New Evidence
- Mark Grinblatt and Tobias J. Moskowitz
- 1998: The Effect of Insider Beliefs on Informed Trade, Market Liquidity, and Price Efficiency"
- Tyrone W. Callahan
- 1998: Wealthy People and Fat Tails: An Explanation for the Lévy Distribution of Stock Returns
- Shiki Levy
- 1998: Resolution of a Financial Puzzle
- Michael Brennan and Yihong Xia
- 1998: Crashes at Critical Points
- Anders Johansen, Olivier Ledoit and Didier Sornette
- 1998: Investment Talent and the Pareto Wealth Distribution: An Experimental Analysis
- Shiki Levy and Haim Levy
- 1998: New Events, Information Acquisition, and Serial Correlation
- Craig W. Holden and Avanidhar Subrahmanyam
- 1998: Feedback from Stock Prices to Cash Flows” (formerly called “Real Effects of Financial Market Trading)
- Avanidhar Subrahmanyam and Sheridan Titman
- 1998: Resources, real options, and corporate strategy
- Antonio Bernardo and Bhagwan Chowdhry
- 1998: Credit Risk and Risk Neutral Default Probabilities: Information About Migrations and Defaults
- Gordon Delianedis and Robert Geske
- 1998: Time Series and Cross Sectional Properties of Management Ownership and Valuation
- Duke K. Bristow
- 1998: Asymmetry and Power: Can Ethnic Dominance Minimize Conflict?
- Ivo Welch
- 1998: IPO Price Clustering and Discreetness
- Duke K. Bristow
- 1997: Are Rich People Smarter?
- Shiki Moshe Levy
- 1997: Efficiency of Asset Markets with Asymmetric Information
- Antonio Bernardo and Kenneth Judd
- 1997: Information Aggregation, Currency Swaps, and the Design of Derivative Securities
- Bhagwan Chowdhry and Mark Grinblatt
- 1997: Bond Pricing with Default Risk
- Jesus Saa-Requejo and Pedro Santa-Clara
- 1997: Stock Price Volatility, Learning, and the Equity Premium
- Michael Brennan and Yihong Xia
- 1997: Simulated Likeliehood Estimation of Diffusions With an Application to the Short Tem Interest Rate
- Pedro Santa-Clara
- 1997: The Role of Learning in Dynamic Portfolio Decisions”
- Michael Brennan
- 1997: On the Evolution of Overconfidence and Entrepreneurs
- Antonio Bernardo and Ivo Welch
- 1996: The Impact of Performance-Based Fees on Pension Fund Management
- Mark Grinblatt and Sheridan Titman
- 1996: Collusion, Custom, or Negotiation Costs?
- Duke K. Bristow and Laura Casares Field
- 1996: The Welfare Effects of Public Information in Both Complete and Asymmetric Information Markets
- Thomas E. Copeland and Bruce L. Miller
- 1996: Volume and Price Formation in an Asset Trading Model with Asymmetric Information
- Antonio Bernardo and Kenneth Judd
- 1995: Is Institutional Investment in Initial Public Offerings Related to Long-Run Performance of These Firms?
- Laura C. Field
- 1995: Regime Shifts in Short Term Riskless Interest Rates
- Clifford A. Ball and Walter N. Torous
- 1995: Using the DCF Approach to Analyze Cross- sectional Variation in Expected Returns
- Bradford Cornell and Simon Cheng
- 1995: Convertible Bonds: Test of a Financial Signalling Model
- Michael Brennan and Constance Her
- 1995: An Analytic Solution for Interest Rate Swap Spreads
- Mark Grinblatt
- 1995: Stochastic Volatility and Option Valuation: A Pricing-Density Approach
- Francis A. Longstaff
- 1994: Imperfect Competition in Noncompetitive Securities Markets with Diversely Informed Traders
- Huining Cao
- 1994: Canada's Interconvertible Shares: A Puzzle
- Warren Bailey
- 1993: Optimal Call Policy for Corporate Bonds
- Francis A. Longstaff and Bruce Tuckman
- 1993: Holding Costs and Equilibrium Arbitrage
- Bruce Tuckman and Jean-Luc Vila
- 1993: Private vs. Public Lending: Evidence from Covenants
- Marcel Kahan and Bruce Tuckman
- 1993: Dependence of Portfolio Returns Over Time and the CAPM: Diverse Holding Periods
- Haim Levy and Itzhak Venezia
- 1993: Agency and Asset Pricing
- Michael Brennan
- 1993: Why Real Interest Rates, Cost of Capital and Price/Earnings Ratios Vary Across Countries
- Bhagwan Chowdhry and Sheridan Titman
- 1993: The Blind Leading the Blind: Social Influence, Fads, and Informational Cascades
- David Hirshleifer