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Schumpeter Discussion Papers

From Universitätsbibliothek Wuppertal, University Library
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sdp24002: Roadmap zur ökonomischen Evaluation von E-Health-Anwendungen, Version 2.0 Downloads
Stefan Müller-Mielitz, Thomas Lux, Juliane Köberlein-Neu, Linda Kerkemeyer, Cordula Kreuzenbeck, Anna-Janina Stephan, Carsta Militzer-Horstmann, Christian Jacke, Christian Thielscher, Godwin Giebel, Hannah Schick, Lea Schomacher, Veronika Strotbaum, Kurt Becker, Norbert Butz, Mareike Mähs, Markus Schneider, Thomas Krauss and Paul Schmücker
sdp24001: Adam Smith, the "Adam Smithproblem" and his influence Downloads
Annette Godart-van der Kroon
sdp21001: Roadmap zur ökonomischen Analyse von E-Health Anwendungen Downloads
Stefan Müller-Mielitz, Thomas Lux, Juliane Köberlein-Neu and Uwe Fachinger
sdp20002: Who’s Your Daddy? Intergenerational Mobility in the U.S. Financial Industry Downloads
Henrik Schuermann
sdp20001: Entrepreneurs embrace competition: Evidence from a lab-in-the-field study Downloads
Diemo Urbig, Werner Boente, Vivien D. Procher and Sandro Lombardo
sdp19001: Urbane Produktion – Konzept und Messung Downloads
Monika Piegeler and Guido Spars
sdp18009: Reginald Hansens Schmollerstudien: Die (Wieder)Entdeckung einer wirtschaftswissenschaftlichen Revolution Downloads
Dieter Lindenlaub
sdp18008: Animal Spirits - Die Verhaltensökonomischen Grundlagen der Keynesschen Theorie Downloads
Ronald Schettkat
sdp18007: The Behavioral Economics of John Maynard Keynes Downloads
Ronald Schettkat
sdp18006: Early Detection of Students at Risk - Predicting Student Dropouts Using Administrative Student Data and Machine Learning Methods Downloads
Johannes Berens, Oster Simon, Kerstin Schneider and Julian Burghoff
sdp18005: Revision or Revolution? A Note on Behavioral vs. Neoclassical Economics Downloads
Ronald Schettkat
sdp18004: Discussing Social Business Innovations: An Interview with Professor Muhammad Yunus Downloads
Michael Wirtz and Christine Volkmann
sdp18003: Schumpeter und die Zukunft des Unternehmertums Downloads
Reinhard Pfriem
sdp18002: Auf der Schwelle zur "Vierten Industriellen Revolution" Downloads
Heinz Kurz
sdp18001: Der Schumpetersche Unternehmer in der Geschichte des ökonomischen Analyse Downloads
Hans Frambach
SDP17001: Educational differences in smoking: selection versus causation Downloads
Hendrik Jürges and Sophie-Charlotte Meyer
SDP16009: Are Generalists Beneficial to Corporate Shareholders? Evidence from Sudden Deaths Downloads
André Betzer, Maximilian Ibel, Hye Seung (Grace) Lee, Peter Limbach and Jesus M. Salas
SDP16008: Index Membership vs. Loss of Voting Power: The Unification of Dual-Class Shares Downloads
André Betzer, Inga van den Bongard and Marc Goergen
SDP16007: Joseph A. Schumpeter: Ein Pionier der Makrofinanz Downloads
Gerald Braunberger
SDP16006: Economics meets Psychology:Experimental and self-reported Measures of Individual Competitiveness Downloads
Werner Bönte, Sandro Lombardo and Diemo Urbig
SDP16005: Macroeconomic revolution on shaky grounds: Lucas/Sargent critique’s inherent contradictions Downloads
Ronald Schettkat and Sonja Jovicic
SDP16004: Regional Convergence in the Russian Federation - Spatial and Temporal Dynamics Downloads
Jens K. Perret
SDP16003: An Alternative Approach towards the Knowledge Production Function on a Regional Level - Applications for the USA and Russia Downloads
Jens K. Perret
SDP16002: Quiet please! Adverse effects of noise on child development Downloads
Anna Makles and Kerstin Schneider
SDP16001: Zur landesspezifischen Erfassung des Migrationshintergrunds in der Schulstatistik – (k)ein gemeinsamer Nenner in Sicht? Downloads
Thomas Kemper
SDP15007: Wage Inequality, Skill Inequality, and Employment: Evidence from PIAAC Downloads
Sonja Jovicic
SDP15006: Creating Reproducible Publication Quality Graphics with R: A Tutorial Downloads
Martin Meermeyer
SDP15005: Maternal Employment and Childhood Overweight in Germany Downloads
Sophie-Charlotte Meyer
SDP15004: Energy and Material Efficiency Improvements, Compliance Strategies, and Investments in Resource Efficiency: A Cross-Country Study Downloads
Christian Dienes
SDP15003: Between facts and perceptions: The area close to school as a context factor in school leadership Downloads
Alexandra Schwarz and Stefan Brauckmann
SDP15002: The Effects of Gender and Personality on Foreign Language Anxiety among Adult Multilinguals Downloads
Vasiliki Gargalianou, Katrin Muehlfeld, Diemo Urbig and Arjen Van Witteloostuijn
SDP15001: Schumpeter School International Comparative Institutions Database Downloads
Sonja Jovicic
SDP14014: LinRegInteractive: An R Package for the Interactive Interpretation of Linear Regression Models Downloads
Martin Meermeyer
SDP14013: Simulationsstudie zur Anpassung der Produktionsplanung eines mittelständischen Industrieunternehmens Downloads
Jürgen Wicht
SDP14012: Extracurricular educational programs and school readiness: evidence from a quasi-experiment with preschool children Downloads
Anna Makles and Kerstin Schneider
SDP14011: Price Competition in the enlarged EU 27 Export Market and the Role of Foreign Direct Investment Downloads
Jens K. Perret
SDP14010: Open Market Share Repurchases in Germany - A Conditional Event Study Approach Downloads
Christian Andres, André Betzer, Markus Doumet and Erik Theissen
SDP14009: Förderung von mathematischen Potentialen durch den Einsatz handlungsorientierter und aktiver Methoden: Ein Lehrveranstaltungskonzept Downloads
Torben Kuschel
SDP14008: Gender differences in competitive preferences: new cross-country empirical evidence Downloads
Werner Bönte
SDP14007: You can’t always get what you want: Gender Differences in Job Satisfaction of University Graduates Downloads
Werner Bönte and Stefan Krabel
SDP14006: Religion, Growth and Innovation in Contemporary Russia Downloads
Jens K. Perret
SDP14005: Specifying Formatively-measured Constructs In Endogenous Positions In Structural Equation Models: Caveats and Guidelines For Researchers Downloads
Dirk Temme, Adamantios Diamantopoulos and Vanessa Pfegfeidel
SDP14004: Making dough or baking dough? Spousal housework responsibilities in Germany, 1992-2011 Downloads
Vivien Procher, Nolan Ritter and Colin Vance
SDP14003: Health, financial incentives, and early retirement: Micro-simulation evidence for Germany Downloads
Hendrik Jürges, Lars Thiel, Tabea Bucher-Koenen, Johannes Rausch, Morten Schuth and Axel Börsch-Supan
SDP14002: Bildungspolitik versus Gesundheitspolitik – Evidenzbasierte Interventionen gegen soziale Ungleichheit in Gesundheit Downloads
Hendrik Jürges
SDP14001: First do no harm. Then do not cheat: DRG upcoding in German neonatology Downloads
Hendrik Jürges and Juliane Köberlein
SDP13010: Consistently wrong: Neoclassical micro-foundations and the macroeconomic policy ineffectiveness hypothesis Downloads
Sonja Jovicic and Ronald Schettkat
SDP13009: Does Inequality Promote Employment? An International Comparison Downloads
Sonja Jovicic and Ronald Schettkat
SDP13008: From emerging economies toward the Emerging Triad Downloads
Hermann Sebastian Dehnen, Jan H. van Dinther and Norbert Koubek
SDP13007: Entwicklung eines Analysewerkzeugs zur Identifikation und Analyse von Präsenzlücken im Handel Downloads
Jürgen Wicht
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