Discussion Paper Series 2: Banking and Financial Studies
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- 2011,18: Does it pay to have friends? Social ties and executive appointments in banking
- Allen N. Berger, Thomas Kick, Michael Koetter and Klaus Schaeck
- 2011,17: Contagion in the interbank market and its determinants
- Christoph Memmel and Angelika Sachs
- 2011,16: A hierarchical model of tail dependent asset returns for assessing portfolio credit risk
- Natalia Puzanova
- 2011,15: Credit contagion between financial systems
- Natalia Podlich and Michael Wedow
- 2011,14: A hierarchical Archimedean copula for portfolio credit risk modelling
- Natalia Puzanova
- 2011,13: Banks' management of the net interest margin: Evidence from Germany
- Christoph Memmel and Andrea Schertler
- 2011,12: The effect of the interbank network structure on contagion and common shocks
- Co-Pierre Georg
- 2011,11: Improvements in rating models for the German corporate sector
- Till Förstemann
- 2011,10: Bank bailouts, interventions, and moral hazard
- Lammertjan Dam and Michael Koetter
- 2011,09: The importance of qualitative risk assessment in banking supervision before and during the crisis
- Thomas Kick and Andreas Pfingsten
- 2011,08: Systemic risk contributions: a credit portfolio approach
- Klaus Düllmann and Natalia Puzanova
- 2011,07: The two-sided effect of financial globalization on output volatility
- Barbara Meller
- 2011,06: Contagion at the interbank market with stochastic LGD
- Christoph Memmel, Angelika Sachs and Ingrid Stein
- 2011,05: Does modeling framework matter? A comparative study of structural and reduced-form models
- Yalin Gündüz and Marliese Uhrig-Homburg
- 2011,04: The price impact of lending relationships
- Ingrid Stein
- 2011,03: Do capital buffers mitigate volatility of bank lending? A simulation study
- Frank Heid and Ulrich Krüger
- 2011,02: Gauging the impact of a low-interest rate environment on German life insurers
- Anke Kablau and Michael Wedow
- 2011,01: Contingent capital to strengthen the private safety net for financial institutions: Cocos to the rescue?
- George von Furstenberg
- 2010,14: How correlated are changes in banks' net interest income and in their present value?
- Christoph Memmel
- 2010,13: Are banks using hidden reserves to beat earnings benchmarks? Evidence from Germany
- Sven Bornemann, Thomas Kick, Christoph Memmel and Andreas Pfingsten
- 2010,12: Interbank tiering and money center banks
- Ben Craig and Goetz von Peter
- 2010,11: Are there disadvantaged clienteles in mutual funds?
- Stephan Jank
- 2010,10: Do specialization benefits outweigh concentration risks in credit portfolios of German banks?
- Rolf Böve, Klaus Düllmann and Andreas Pfingsten
- 2010,09: Do banks benefit from internationalization? Revisiting the market power-risk nexus
- Claudia Buch, Cathérine Tahmee Koch and Michael Koetter
- 2010,08: Completeness, interconnectedness and distribution of interbank exposures: A parameterized analysis of the stability of financial networks
- Angelika Sachs
- 2010,07: Banks' exposure to interest rate risk, their earnings from term transformation, and the dynamics of the term structure
- Christoph Memmel
- 2010,06: Performance and regulatory effects of non-compliant loans in German synthetic mortgage-backed securities transactions
- Gaby Trinkaus
- 2010,05: Bank liquidity creation and risk taking during distress
- Allen N. Berger, Christa Bouwman, Thomas Kick and Klaus Schaeck
- 2010,04: What drives portfolio investments of German banks in emerging capital markets?
- Christian Wildmann
- 2010,03: Purchase and redemption decisions of mutual fund investors and the role of fund families
- Stephan Jank and Michael Wedow
- 2010,02: Recovery determinants of distressed banks: Regulators, market discipline, or the environment?
- Thomas Kick, Michael Koetter and Tigran Poghosyan
- 2010,01: Deriving the term structure of banking crisis risk with a compound option approach: The case of Kazakhstan
- Stefan Eichler, Alexander Karmann and Dominik Maltritz
- 2009,15: What macroeconomic shocks affect the German banking system? Analysis in an integrated micro-macro model
- Sven Blank and Jonas Dovern
- 2009,14: The dependency of the banks' assets and liabilities: evidence from Germany
- Christoph Memmel and Andrea Schertler
- 2009,13: Systematic risk of CDOs and CDO arbitrage
- Alfred Hamerle, Thilo Liebig and Hans-Jochen Schropp
- 2009,12: Margins of international banking: is there a productivity pecking order in banking, too?
- Claudia Buch, Cathérine Tahmee Koch and Michael Koetter
- 2009,11: Determinants for using visible reserves in German banks: an empirical study
- Sven Bornemann, Susanne Homölle, Carsten Hubensack, Thomas Kick and Andreas Pfingsten
- 2009,10: The dark and the bright side of liquidity risks: evidence from open-end real estate funds in Germany
- Falko Fecht and Michael Wedow
- 2009,09: Income diversification in the German banking industry
- Ramona Busch and Thomas Kick
- 2009,08: Financial market´s appetite for risk: and the challenge of assessing its evolution by risk appetite indicators
- Birgit Uhlenbrock
- 2009,07: Time dynamic and hierarchical dependence modelling of an aggregated portfolio of trading books: a multivariate nonparametric approach
- Sandra Gaisser, Christoph Memmel, Rafael Schmidt and Carsten Wehn
- 2009,06: Does banks size distort market prices? Evidence for too-big-to-fail in the CDS market
- Manja Völz and Michael Wedow
- 2009,05: Why do savings banks transform sight deposits into illiquid assets less intensively than the regulation allows?
- Dorothee Holl and Andrea Schertler
- 2009,04: Shocks at large banks and banking sector distress: the Banking Granular Residual
- Sven Blank, Claudia Buch and Katja Neugebauer
- 2009,03: The effects of privatization and consolidation on bank productivity: comparative evidence from Italy and Germany
- Elisabetta Fiorentino, Alessio De Vincenzo, Frank Heid, Alexander Karmann and Michael Koetter
- 2009,02: Stress testing German banks in a downturn in the automobile industry
- Klaus Düllmann and Martin Erdelmeier
- 2009,01: Dominating estimators for the global minimum variance portfolio
- Gabriel Frahm and Christoph Memmel
- 2008,20: Sturm und Drang in money market funds: when money market funds cease to be narrow
- Stephan Jank and Michael Wedow
- 2008,19: Stochastic frontier analysis by means of maximum likelihood and the method of moments
- Andreas Behr and Sebastian Tente
- 2008,18: Real estate markets and bank distress
- Michael Koetter and Tigran Poghosyan
Papers sorted by number 2011,18 2008,17
Papers sorted by number 2011,18 2008,17