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RePEc Data Check for series repec:bok:wpaper

Each night we check the validity of new and modified templates in the RePEc archives mirrored at EconPapers and run a link checker on a portion of the data. Data for series last updated 2021-01-06 01:06:49 GMT.
  • Data checked 2024-10-27 06:33:04 GMT, 18 errors and 18 warnings. 244 templates without errors.
  • 244 URLs checked 2025-01-28 11:36:35 GMT, 12 errors, 6 warnings
    Papers with bad full text links (File-URL) are not included in NEP.
  • Currently mirrored files for series (login with username datacheck and password repec)
  • Results for the bok archive.
  • Access statistics for repec:bok:wpaper.

EconPapers listing for Working Papers From Economic Research Institute, Bank of Korea
Contact information at EDIRC.

Bibliographic data for series maintained by Economic Research Institute ().

rdf/redif-files, ReDIF compliance

Templates with errors can not be processed correctly and are dropped. Lines with warnings are ignored when the template is processed.
Consult the ReDIF documentation for further information.

Data checked 2024-10-27 06:33:04 GMT, 18 errors and 18 warnings. 244 templates without errors.
Correcting your data? Use our interactive check to validate your corrections.

Files with errors or warnings

Click to view problems in context (login with username datacheck and password repec)


  1. (wp2013-19.rdf): Not a valid ReDIF file
  2. (wp2014-28_eng.rdf, line 1): Duplicate handle [repec:bok:wpaper:1428], also in [wp2014-28(!D0A4!C6CC!B4DC,!0020!BD84!B958!0020!C5C6!C74C).rdf]
  3. (wp2018-5.rdf, line 1): Duplicate handle [repec:bok:wpaper:1801], also in [wp2018-1.rdf]
  4. (wp2020-1.rdf, line 22): Invalid value 'RePEc:bok:wpaper: 2001' of type <documenthandle> (attribute 'handle', eval)
  5. (wp2020-10.rdf, line 17): Invalid value 'RePEc:bok:wpaper: 2010' of type <documenthandle> (attribute 'handle', eval)
  6. (wp2020-12.rdf, line 22): Invalid value 'RePEc:bok:wpaper: 2012' of type <documenthandle> (attribute 'handle', eval)
  7. (wp2020-13.rdf, line 22): Invalid value 'RePEc:bok:wpaper: 2013' of type <documenthandle> (attribute 'handle', eval)
  8. (wp2020-15_eng.rdf, line 32): Invalid value 'RePEc:bok:wpaper: 2015' of type <documenthandle> (attribute 'handle', eval)
  9. (wp2020-16.rdf, line 25): Invalid value 'RePEc:bok:wpaper: 2016' of type <documenthandle> (attribute 'handle', eval)
  10. (wp2020-17.rdf, line 25): Invalid value 'RePEc:bok:wpaper: 2017' of type <documenthandle> (attribute 'handle', eval)
  11. (wp2020-19.rdf, line 27): Invalid value 'RePEc:bok:wpaper: 2019' of type <documenthandle> (attribute 'handle', eval)
  12. (wp2020-2.rdf, line 24): Invalid value 'RePEc:bok:wpaper: 2002' of type <documenthandle> (attribute 'handle', eval)
  13. (wp2020-20.rdf, line 22): Invalid value 'RePEc:bok:wpaper: 2020' of type <documenthandle> (attribute 'handle', eval)
  14. (wp2020-28.rdf, line 22): Invalid value 'RePEc:bok:wpaper: 2028' of type <documenthandle> (attribute 'handle', eval)
  15. (wp2020-3.rdf, line 19): Invalid value 'RePEc:bok:wpaper: 2003' of type <documenthandle> (attribute 'handle', eval)
  16. (wp2020-4.rdf, line 23): Invalid value 'RePEc:bok:wpaper: 2004' of type <documenthandle> (attribute 'handle', eval)
  17. (wp2020-6.rdf, line 22): Invalid value 'RePEc:bok:wpaper: 2006' of type <documenthandle> (attribute 'handle', eval)
  18. (wp2020-7.rdf, line 28): Invalid value 'RePEc:bok:wpaper: 2007' of type <documenthandle> (attribute 'handle', eval)


  1. (wp2012-4(472)_eng.rdf, line 8): Bad Windows-1252 character \x{9D}. Consider using Unicode, see "Unicode" in the archive maintainers FAQ.
  2. (wp2012-4(472)_eng.rdf, line 8): Bad Windows-1252 character \x{9D}. Consider using Unicode, see "Unicode" in the archive maintainers FAQ.
  3. (wp2012-6(475)_eng.rdf, line 18): Bad Windows-1252 character \x{9D}. Consider using Unicode, see "Unicode" in the archive maintainers FAQ.
  4. (wp2012-6(475)_eng.rdf, line 18): Bad Windows-1252 character \x{9D}. Consider using Unicode, see "Unicode" in the archive maintainers FAQ.
  5. (wp2014-16_eng.rdf, line 13): Bad Windows-1252 character \x{81}. Consider using Unicode, see "Unicode" in the archive maintainers FAQ.
  6. (wp2014-16_eng.rdf, line 13): Bad Windows-1252 character \x{81}. Consider using Unicode, see "Unicode" in the archive maintainers FAQ.
  7. (wp2014-16_eng.rdf, line 13): Bad Windows-1252 character \x{81}. Consider using Unicode, see "Unicode" in the archive maintainers FAQ.
  8. (wp2014-16_eng.rdf, line 13): Bad Windows-1252 character \x{81}. Consider using Unicode, see "Unicode" in the archive maintainers FAQ.
  9. (wp2014-28(!D0A4!C6CC!B4DC,!0020!BD84!B958!0020!C5C6!C74C).rdf, line 15): Invalid value '?' of type <jel> (attribute 'classification-jel', eval)
  10. (wp2014-28(!D0A4!C6CC!B4DC,!0020!BD84!B958!0020!C5C6!C74C).rdf, line 15): An invalid JEL code used '?'
  11. (wp2014-28_eng.rdf, line 15): Invalid value '?' of type <jel> (attribute 'classification-jel', eval)
  12. (wp2014-28_eng.rdf, line 15): An invalid JEL code used '?'
  13. (wp2018-0_eng.rdf, line 1): Long author-name 'Economic Research Institute, the Bank of Korea', possibly multiple authors
  14. (wp2018-13.rdf, line 20): Bad Windows-1252 character \x{9D}. Consider using Unicode, see "Unicode" in the archive maintainers FAQ.
  15. (wp2019-11_eng.rdf, line 10): Invalid value 'soohyonkim@ bok.or.kr' of type <email> (attribute 'author-email', regex)
  16. (wp2019-12_eng.rdf, line 10): Invalid value 'rickard.nyman.11@ucl.ac.uk, rickardnyman@gmail.com' of type <email> (attribute 'author-email', regex)
  17. (wp2019-1_eng.rdf, line 15): Invalid value 'soohyonkim@ bok.or.kr' of type <email> (attribute 'author-email', regex)
  18. (wp2020-10.rdf, line 11): Key attribute 'file-url' has an empty value


URL check

244 URLs checked 2025-01-28 11:36:35 GMT, 12 errors, 6 warnings
Papers with bad full text links (File-URL) are not included in NEP.


Errors indicate bad URLs, the URL should be corrected or removed from the template if the file is no longer available.

  • '500' type errors might be temporary, a count is given for the error if it has persisted for more than one week. In this case the cause (which is typically a DNS error or a problem with the server holding the file) should be investigated and the error corrected.
  • 'bad file descriptor' is a cryptic error message that most likely means that, for a https link, that there is a problem with the SSL certificate. It might be expired or an intermediate certificate is missing from the server.
  • Occassionally an error link might work when you click on it in the browser. Hopefully this is because the error has been resolved. If this condition persists and the links have been checked again (the links for a series are rechecked roughly once a week) here are some likely explanations for the inconsistency:
    • Accesses from the outside are blocked but allowed from within the local network. This needs correcting.
    • Your web server responds differently to HEAD and GET requests, which it should not. We use HEAD requests to check the links because it puts a lighter load on your web server and saves on network bandwidth. Suitable reading for your web server administrator is sections 4.1 and 4.3.2 in RFC 7231 which specify how web servers should behave. If your administrator insists on not implementing HEAD properly he/she should at least configure the server to return a sensible response such as "405 Method Not Allowed" or "501 Not Implemented" so that we can use other methods (a conditional GET) to check the link.
    • The relatively large number of accesses made by the link checker has been identified as suspect by your web server. If so white listing the User-Agent of the link checker should resolve the issue. The User-Agent string is currently "RePEc link checker (https://EconPapers.repec.org/check/)" and you should match on "RePEc link checker" as this will not change.

Errors in series repec:bok:wpaper


Warnings indicate possible problems or errors. Warnings are issued for the following conditions:

  • Redirects: Redirects are used to indicate that a resource has moved to a new location. This is a legitimate use but the redirect is unlikely to stay in place forever so it is a good idea to update the information before the redirect is lost. Unfortunately many webservers are misconfigured to give a redirection status code (3xx) when it should send an error status code (usually 401, 403 or 404). The URL needs correcting if you follow the link and end up on a page mentioning an error code or that the page could not be found.
  • Inconsistent file format: The server indicates that this is a html-document but the extension of the file name is inconsistent with this. This could be a spurious warning but the most likely source of this is a bad URL and a server that is misconfigured to send a '200 OK' response together with a custom error page. If so, the URL should be corrected in the template.

Warnings in series repec:bok:wpaper

Page updated 2025-01-28