Hift die Soziale Marktwirtschaft wirtschaftliche Probleme von heute zu lösen
Thomas Bittner
Chapter 13 in List Forum Band 32, 2006, vol. 3, pp 239-251 from List Gesellschaft e.V.
The Social Economy influenced Germany's economic policy and discussion for half a century. Because it is assumed that the Social Market Economy was the basis for the post-war 'Wirtschaftswunder', hopes were high to repeat an economic miracle in Eastern Germany with its impliementation. Still today the return to the Social Market Economy is seen as a solution to the current economic problems in Germany. In economic literature, however, the empirical relevance of the Social Market Economy is disputed. This paper summarizes the key arguments of this discussion. It warns about overratng this concept and exaggerated aspirations with its transfer to current economic problems.(Original text only available in german language)
Keywords: Social Market Economy; Germany; East Germany (search for similar items in EconPapers)
Date: 2006
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