Research in Economics and Business: Central and Eastern Europe
2009 - 2019
From Tallinn School of Economics and Business Administration, Tallinn University of Technology Contact information at EDIRC. Bibliographic data for series maintained by Anneli Kalm (). Access Statistics for this journal.
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Volume 11, issue 2, 2019
- Entrepreneurial Training Intervention: The Case of the Creative Industries and Community Entrepreneurship
- Mervi Raudsaar and Kärt Summatavet
- The Entrepreneurial Intentions of Students in Central and Eastern European Countries
- Jelena Hartšenko and Merle Küttim
- How Entrepreneurial is the University? A Case of the University of Technology
- Karen Voolaid, Ãœllas Ehrlich and Marianne Kallaste
- Monopsony and Discrimination Against Women in the Labour Market in an Extended Solowian Model
- Wei-Bin Zhang
- Economic Freedom and Subjective Well-Being: Empirical Evidence from the MENA Region
- Zaïbi Oussama, Hachicha Ahmed and Hachicha Fatma
Volume 11, issue 1, 2019
- The Roles and Activities of Human Resource Managers: Empirical Results from Estonia based on Ulrich’s Human Resource Model
- Karin Kuimet
- Reviewing Entrepreneurship Education Projects and their Impact
- Anne Gustafsson-Pesonen
- Assessment of Psychosocial Risk Factors and their Impact on Health-Care Workers’ Mental Health: An Empirical Study in Estonian Nursing Homes
- Jaana Sepp, Marina Järvis and Karin Reinhold
- Does FDI Inflow Accelerate Export Performance in Countries in Transition? An empirical analysis of European Countries in Transition
- Besnik Fetai and Fisnik Morina
Volume 10, issue 2, 2018
- The growth of enterprises in the creative industries: the tricky world of ambitions
- Silja Lassur and Külliki Tafel-Viia
- Open Innovation in Enterprise Strategies in Central and Eastern Europe: The Case of Estonia
- Marianne Kallaste, Christos Kalantaridis and Urve Venesaar
- Knowledge Exchange and Collaboration with Industry in the Context of Entrepreneurial Higher Education Institutions
- Merle Küttim, Anne Põder, Marianne Kallaste, Mervi Raudsaar and Urve Venesaar
- Price and Income Elasticities of Aggregate Import Demand in Estonia
- Markus Alttoa
Volume 10, issue 1, 2018
- Student Career Choice Orientation and How this Relates to Autonomous and Controlled Motivation
- Marianne Kallaste, Martin Toding and Juhan Teder
- The Relationship Between Entrepreneurship Competence in Engineering Educators and Engineering Pedagogy Competences
- Airi Noppel
- Influence of the Last Occupations of the Unemployed on Gender Inequality: Evidence from Spain, Switzerland and the European Union
- Marina Fad’oš and Mária Bohdalová
- Safety Compliance of Occupational Exposure to Electromagnetic Fields
- Tarmo Koppel and Inese Vilcane
Volume 9, issue 2, 2017
- Financial Behaviour and Financial Literacy among University Students
- Kutlu Ergün
- Factors Influencing the Business Value of e-Government Services for Small and Medium Sized Enterprises
- Valter Ritso, Kristiina Kindel and Urve Venesaar
- Regional Social Infrastructure: Spatial Aspects of Sustainable Development
- Olga Zaborovskaia, Alexander A. Gorovoy and Ekaterina V. Plotnikova
- Performance Evaluation of Fundamental Indexation Strategies on the NASDAQ OMX Baltic Stock Exchange
- Fabio Filipozzi and Rando Tomingas
- Regional Convergence in Europe: Evidence from the Perspective of Capital Accumulation in Services
- ElÃas Melchor-Ferrer, Antonio Mihi-Ramirez and Eugene Agoh
Volume 9, issue 1, 2017
- Impact of Entrepreneurship Teaching Models on Students’ Entrepreneurial Intentions: The Case of Estonia and Hungary
- Jelena Hartsenko and Urve Venesaar
- Innovation Policy and Economic Development in Peripheral Regions in the Context of Electoral Institutions
- Pijus Krūminas
- University Teachers’ Conceptions of Entrepreneurial Learning within Engineering Education
- Martin Toding
- The Relationship Between Ambidextrous Marketing, Market Performance and Financial Performance
- Emrah Tokgöz
Volume 8, issue 2, 2016
- How Entrepreneurship Education Can be Developed Knowing the Power of Metacognition
- Sirje Ustav
- The Economic Impact of Environmental Regulations on a Maritime Fuel Production Company
- Eunice Omolola Olaniyi and Marti Viirmäe
- International Knowledge Transfer from University to Industry: A Systematic Literature Review
- Madhav Govind and Merle Küttim
- Developing a Design Management Model for Innovating SMEs in the Context of Regional Smart Specialisation
- Laima Gerlitz
Volume 8, issue 1, 2016
- What Rules in the ‘Deep’ Determinants of Comparative Development?
- Alvar Kangur
- Complex Endogenous Growth Model and Its Applications
- Robert Kitt
- Serendipity or Singularity: Endogenising Infinite Returns on Education
- Natalie Lubenets
- Public Finances and Fiscal Policy in the Baltic States 1991–2015
- Karsten Staehr
- Strategies in the Tallinn School Choice Mechanism
- Andre Veski and Kaire Põder
Volume 7, issue 2, 2015
- How to Become a Start-up Capital
- Piret Karis and Mait Rungi
- Drivers of Estonian Housing Market Cycles
- Veronika Aus, Ene Kolbre and Kristian Kahre
- The Impact of a Change in Real Estate Value on Private Consumption in Estonia
- Signe Rosenberg
Volume 7, issue 1, 2015
- Has the European Financial Integration Promoted the Economic Growth Among the New European Union Countries?
- Donny Tang
- Investor Education and Portfolio Diversification on the Stock Market
- Kristjan Liivamägi
- Conditional Volatility Exposures in Asset Pricing in the Downside and Classical Framework
- Lesław Markowski
Volume 6, issue 2, 2014
- The Network Topology of the Hungarian Short-Term Foreign Exchange Swap Market
- Adam Banai, András Kollarik and András Szabó-Solticzky
- Identification of Systemically Important Banks Using Network Theory
- Adam Banai, András Kollarik and András Szabó-Solticzky
- Branding Paradigms in the Fast Moving Consumer Goods Industry
- Roxana Wright
Volume 6, issue 1, 2014
- Experience Marketing in Country Branding: Theoretical Developments and an Estonian Case Study
- Siiri Same
- Designing a Business Service experience: Customer's Perspective on Value Co-creation
- Jana Kukk, Anu Leppiman and Anneli Pohjola
- Experience Design in Digital Services
- Satu Miettinen, Piia Rytilahti, Hanna-Riina Vuontisjärvi, Essi Kuure and Simo Rontti
- Consumer Journey from First Experience to Brand Evangelism
- Iivi Riivits-Arkonsuo, Kristel Kaljund and Anu Leppiman
Volume 5, issue 2, 2013
- Generational Differences in Attitude toward Income Redistribution in the Baltic States: A Cohort Analysis
- Lisa Wilder
- Structural Similarity as a Determinant of Business Cycle Synchronization in the European Union: A Robust Analysis
- Krzysztof Beck
- Productivity Convergence in Manufacturing in the European Union: The Role of Economic Structure
- Maciej Grodzicki
Volume 5, issue 1, 2013
- Output Convergence between Western Balkans and EU-15
- Valerija Botric
- Stock Market Wealth Effects in Emerging Economies of Eastern Europe: Evidence from Russia and Ukraine
- Ramiz Rahmanov
- Putting the Pieces Together: The Moldovan Exchange Rate Policy Puzzle
- Shinji Takagi and Vitalie Ciubotaru
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