International Review of Law and Economics
1981 - 2024
Current editor(s): C. Ott, A. W. Katz and H-B. Schäfer From Elsevier Bibliographic data for series maintained by Catherine Liu (). Access Statistics for this journal.
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Volume 13, issue 4, 1993
- 9th EALE conference, London, September 1992 introduction pp. 335-336
- Roger Van den Bergh
- The economics of intellectual property rights pp. 337-348
- John Kay
- A positive analysis of the doctrine of separation of powers, or: Why do we have an independent judiciary? pp. 349-379
- Eli M. Salzberger
- The evolution of judge-made law pp. 381-411
- Georg Von Wangenheim
- A pacemaker that stops halfway: The decompilation rule in the EEC directive on the legal protection of computer programs pp. 413-429
- Dieter Schmidtchen and Christian Koboldt
- Environmental risk internalization through capital markets (ERICAM): The case of nuclear power pp. 431-444
- Jean-Robert Tyran and Peter Zweifel
- Nonpayment of poll tax: An exploratory analysis of tax resistance pp. 445-455
- Roger Bowles and Philip Jones
Volume 13, issue 3, 1993
- Should employees be subject to fines and imprisonment given the existence of corporate liability? pp. 239-257
- A. Mitchell Polinsky and Steven Shavell
- Political influence and the ratification of the income tax amendment pp. 259-270
- Gary M. Anderson and Robert Tollison
- The decision by strategic nonfilers to participate in income tax amnesties pp. 271-283
- Michael Graetz and Louis Wilde
- Emergence and construction of efficient rules in the legal system of German civil law pp. 285-302
- Claus Ott and Hans-Bernd Schafer
- Oscillatory vs. stationary enforcement of law pp. 303-315
- C. Y. Cyrus Chu
- The adverse selection of cases for trial pp. 317-324
- Luke Froeb
- Limited liability and incentives when firms can inflict damages greater than net worth pp. 325-330
- Lisa Lipowski Posey
Volume 13, issue 2, 1993
- The law enforcement process and criminal choice pp. 115-134
- Jennifer F. Reingnaum
- Optimal deterrence of nuisance suits by repeat defendants pp. 135-144
- Thomas Miceli
- The economics of insurance law pp. 145-162
- Samuel Rea
- Legal requirements that artists receive resale royalties pp. 163-177
- Larry Karp and Jeffrey Perloff
- An economic model of auto thefts in Finland pp. 179-191
- Erkki Koskela and Matti Viren
- Assessing the impact of legal reform by intervention analysis pp. 193-215
- D. J. Pyle and D. F. Deadman
- Optimal sanctions and differences in individuals' likelihood of avoiding detection pp. 217-224
- Lucian Bebchuk and Louis Kaplow
- Boxed in: Economists and benefits from crime pp. 225-231
- Fred S. McChesney
- Neither boxed in nor circular: A reply to Professor McChesney pp. 233-235
- Jeff L. Lewin and William N. Trumbull
Volume 13, issue 1, 1993
- The efficiency implications of cost-shifting rules pp. 3-18
- Hugh Gravelle
- Economic incentives to accident prevention: An empirical study of the German sugar industry pp. 19-33
- Hein Kotz and Hans-Bernd Schafer
- Remuneration regimes for private prisons pp. 35-45
- Kenneth L. Avio
- The demand for capital punishment pp. 47-59
- Samuel Cameron
- Time, uncertainty, and subjectivism: Giving more body to law and economics pp. 61-84
- Dieter Schmidtchen
- The property rights school: Is economic ownership the missing link? pp. 85-97
- Alexander Bajt
- Buying versus creating reputation pp. 99-101
- Chong Ju Choi
- Price discrimination in conveyancing: A reply to our critics pp. 103-107
- Simon Domberger and Avrom Sherr
- A critical assumption in testing for price discrimination in the market for conveyancing services pp. 109-111
- Frank H. Stephen, James H. Love, Derek D. Gillanders and Alan A. Paterson
Volume 12, issue 4, 1992
- 8th EALE Conference Copenhagen 1991 pp. 410-410
- Roger Van den Bergh
- Information, error costs and regulation pp. 411-421
- Anthony Ogus
- Analyzing institutional successes and failures: A millennium of common mountain pastures in Iceland pp. 423-437
- Thrainn Eggertsson
- A case study on the legal regulation of shoplifting in Austria and the "criminal tourism" from the East pp. 439-455
- Peter Lewisch
- Consumer safety under products liability and duty to disclose pp. 457-478
- Paul Burrows
- Professional liability and the licensed profession pp. 479-496
- Paul Fenn, Neil Rickman and Alistair McGuire
- Changes of corporate control and mandatory bids pp. 497-516
- Ruth Luttmann
- The effects of contractual restrictions on industrial organization: The case of Swedish pulpwood transactions pp. 517-532
- Per-Olof Bjuggren
Volume 12, issue 3, 1992
- The provision of public goods in apartment buildings pp. 299-315
- Gerrit de Geest
- The spread of the comparative negligence rule in the United States pp. 317-332
- Christopher Curran
- Criminal choice, nonmonetary sanctions and marginal deterrence: A normative analysis pp. 333-344
- Louis L. Wilde
- A note on marginal deterrence pp. 345-355
- Steven Shavell
- Economic effects of EEC insider trading regulation applied to Germany pp. 357-375
- Hans-Bernd Schafer and Claus Ott
- Strategic behavior under tort law pp. 377-380
- Alfred Endres
- Legal complexity and lawyers' benefit from litigation pp. 381-395
- Michelle J. White
- Testing for price discrimination in the market for conveyancing services pp. 397-404
- Frank H. Stephen, James H. Love, Derek D. Gillanders and Alan A. Paterson
Volume 12, issue 2, 1992
- Editors' introduction pp. 123-124
- Robert Cooter and Barry Weingast
- Economic analysis and just compensation pp. 125-138
- Daniel A. Farber
- A comment on economic analysis and just compensation pp. 139-140
- Robert Tollison
- A comment on economic analysis and just compensation pp. 141-144
- Barton Thompson
- Bicameralism: When are two decisions better than one? pp. 145-162
- Saul Levmore
- Constitutional structure, public choice, and public law pp. 163-165
- Philip P. Frickey
- The merits of bicameralism pp. 166-168
- William H. Riker
- Modeling collegial courts I: Path-dependence pp. 169-185
- Lewis A. Kornhauser
- Rationality, decision rules, and collegial courts pp. 186-190
- Pablo Spiller
- Judicial review and the power of the purse pp. 191-208
- Susan Rose-Ackerman
- General legislation and the budget pp. 209-210
- Jurgen Backhaus
- Comment pp. 211-213
- Roger Noll
- Myth, democracy, and legislative accountability: A dubitante opinion pp. 213-216
- Jerome Culp
- Statutory interpretation and political advantage pp. 217-231
- Daniel B. Rodriguez
- The self-limitation of legislative history: An intrainstitutional perspective pp. 232-235
- Daniel R. Ortiz
- The theory of interpretive canon and legislative behavior pp. 235-238
- McNollgast
- Congress is a "They," not an "It": Legislative intent as oxymoron pp. 239-256
- Kenneth A. Shepsle
- Incomplete contracts and statutes pp. 257-259
- Gillian K. Hadfield
- Cycling legislative intent pp. 260-262
- William Eskridge
- A positive theory of statutory interpretation pp. 263-279
- John A. Ferejohn and Barry Weingast
- Judicial discretion and the internal organization of congress pp. 280-283
- Jonathan R. Macey
- Some tasks in understanding law through the lens of public choice pp. 284-288
- Frank H. Easterbrook
Volume 12, issue 1, 1992
- The optimal probability and magnitude of fines for acts that definitely are undesirable pp. 3-11
- Louis Kaplow
- The motives of judges: Empirical evidence from antitrust sentencing pp. 13-30
- Mark Cohen
- Emotional responses in litigation pp. 31-44
- Peter H. Huang and Ho-Mou Wu
- The political economy of supreme court constitutional decisions: The case of Roosevelt's court-packing plan pp. 45-67
- Rafael Gely and Pablo Spiller
- Low-probability-high-penalty enforcement strategies and the efficient operation of the plea-bargaining system pp. 69-77
- Bruce Kobayashi and John Lott
- Should environmental legislation set the rules constraining polluters? Defining the ends and assessing the means of environmental policy: An examination of the ec mercury directive pp. 79-93
- John Ashworth and Ivy Papps
- The effects of regulatory reform on the architectural profession in the United Kingdom pp. 95-116
- Kenneth Button and Michael Fleming
- The law and economics of competition policy: Frank Matthewson, Michael Trebilcock, Michael Walker, eds., Vancoever: The Fraser Institute, 1990. Pp. xx, 443 pp. 117-118
- Tim Frazer
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