Details about Ulrich Kohler
Access statistics for papers by Ulrich Kohler.
Last updated 2023-12-05. Update your information in the RePEc Author Service.
Short-id: pko106
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Working Papers
- Is there a rural penalty in language acquisition? Evidence from Germany’s refugee allocation policy
OSF Preprints, Center for Open Science
- The Long Arm of Prospective Childhood Income for Mature Adult Health in the U.S
SocArXiv, Center for Open Science
- Managing Stata-related files with dirtools
German Stata Users' Group Meetings 2014, Stata Users Group
- Rescaling results of mixed nonlinear probability models to compare regression coefficients or variance components across hierarchically nested models
German Stata Users' Group Meetings 2012, Stata Users Group
- Comparing coefficients between nested nonlinear probability models
German Stata Users' Group Meetings 2011, Stata Users Group View citations (100)
- Estimating the potential impact of nonvoters on outcomes of parlimentary elections in proportional systems with the applications to German national elections from 1949 to 2005
Discussion Papers, Research Unit: Inequality and Social Integration, WZB Berlin Social Science Center View citations (4)
- Charts for comparing results between many categories
German Stata Users' Group Meetings 2008, Stata Users Group
- Election outcomes and maximizing turnout: Modelling the effect
Discussion Papers, Research Unit: Inequality and Social Integration, WZB Berlin Social Science Center View citations (1)
- The inequality of electoral participation in Europe and America and the politically integrative functions of the welfare state
Discussion Papers, Research Unit: Inequality and Social Integration, WZB Berlin Social Science Center View citations (1)
- Well-being and inequality
Discussion Papers, Research Unit: Inequality and Social Integration, WZB Berlin Social Science Center View citations (11)
- Sequence analysis using Stata
German Stata Users' Group Meetings 2006, Stata Users Group View citations (3)
- From nationally bounded to pan-European inequalities? On the importance of foreign countries as reference groups
Discussion Papers, Research Unit: Inequality and Social Integration, WZB Berlin Social Science Center View citations (8)
- Biplots, revisited
United Kingdom Stata Users' Group Meetings 2004, Stata Users Group
Also in German Stata Users' Group Meetings 2004, Stata Users Group (2004)
- Empirische Untersuchung zweier Individualisierungshypothesen mit Querschnittsdaten aus 28 Ländern
Discussion Papers, Research Unit: Inequality and Social Integration, WZB Berlin Social Science Center View citations (1)
- Transfering Data with Outdat
Dutch-German Stata Users' Group Meetings 2002, Stata Users Group
Journal Articles
- Two-step analysis of hierarchical data
Stata Journal, 2024, 24, (2), 213-249 View citations (1)
- The Long Arm of Prospective Childhood Income for Mature Adult Health in the United States
EconStor Open Access Articles and Book Chapters, 2022, 63, (4), 543-559 View citations (3)
- The Inheritance of Race Revisited: Childhood Wealth and Income and Black–White Disadvantages in Adult Life Chances
EconStor Open Access Articles and Book Chapters, 2020, 7, 599-627 View citations (4)
- How to Implement Respondent-Driven Sampling in Practice: Insights from Surveying 24-Hour Migrant Home Care Workers
EconStor Open Access Articles and Book Chapters, 2019, 1-13 View citations (2)
- How to measure and proxy permanent income: evidence from Germany and the U.S
The Journal of Economic Inequality, 2018, 16, (3), 321-345 View citations (13)
Also in The Journal of Economic Inequality, 2018, 16, (3), 321-345 (2018) View citations (13)
- The Potsdam Grievance Statistics File. New data on quality of life and political participation for the German Democratic Republic 1970–1989
Historical Methods: A Journal of Quantitative and Interdisciplinary History, 2018, 51, (2), 92-114 View citations (1)
- Apportionment methods
Stata Journal, 2012, 12, (3), 375-392
- Comparing coefficients of nested nonlinear probability models
Stata Journal, 2011, 11, (3), 420-438 View citations (113)
- Stata tip 103: Expressing confidence with gradations
Stata Journal, 2011, 11, (4), 627-631
- New Developments in Sequence Analysis
Sociological Methods & Research, 2010, 38, (3), 359-364 View citations (12)
- Informal Food Production in the Enlarged European Union
Social Indicators Research: An International and Interdisciplinary Journal for Quality-of-Life Measurement, 2008, 89, (1), 113-127 View citations (12)
- Determinanten des Glücks: Lebenszufriedenheit in Europa
WSI-Mitteilungen, 2007, 60, (7), 373-379 View citations (1)
- Sequence analysis with Stata
Stata Journal, 2006, 6, (4), 435-460 View citations (75)
- Data inspection using biplots
Stata Journal, 2005, 5, (2), 208-233 View citations (9)
- Stata tip 16: Using input to generate variables
Stata Journal, 2005, 5, (1), 134
- Stata tip 25: Sequence index plots
Stata Journal, 2005, 5, (4), 601-602 View citations (3)
- Review of A Visual Guide to Stata Graphics by Mitchell
Stata Journal, 2004, 4, (4), 476-479 View citations (1)
- Speaking Stata: On structure and shape: the case of multiple responses
Stata Journal, 2003, 3, (1), 81-99 View citations (1)
- Data Analysis using Stata, 2nd Edition
Stata Press books, StataCorp LP View citations (27)
Software Items
- KHB: Stata module to decompose total effects into direct and indirect via KHB-method
Statistical Software Components, Boston College Department of Economics View citations (2)
- SOEPUSE: Stata module providing easy SOEP access
Statistical Software Components, Boston College Department of Economics
- TWOSTEP: Stata module to perform twostep multilevel analysis
Statistical Software Components, Boston College Department of Economics
- PSIDTOOLS: Stata module to facilitate access to Panel Study of Income Dynamics (PSID)
Statistical Software Components, Boston College Department of Economics View citations (1)
- SQ: Stata module for sequence analysis
Statistical Software Components, Boston College Department of Economics
- PSIDUSE: Stata module providing easy PSID access
Statistical Software Components, Boston College Department of Economics
- DIRTOOLS: Stata modules to manage files in the working directory
Statistical Software Components, Boston College Department of Economics
- MERESC: Stata module to rescale the results of mixed nonlinear probability models
Statistical Software Components, Boston College Department of Economics
- CM2IN: Stata module to provide conversion between inch/cm and others
Statistical Software Components, Boston College Department of Economics
- NLCORR: Stata module to compute correlation metric for cross-sample comparisons using non-linear probability models
Statistical Software Components, Boston College Department of Economics
- _GAPPORT: Stata module to calculates seats in party-list proportional representation
Statistical Software Components, Boston College Department of Economics
- SDLIM: Stata module to rescale variables measured with a limited rating scale
Statistical Software Components, Boston College Department of Economics View citations (1)
- OUTDAT: Stata module to export data to other statistical packages
Statistical Software Components, Boston College Department of Economics
- BIPLOT: Stata module to generate biplots
Statistical Software Components, Boston College Department of Economics
- MKDAT: Stata module providing easy SOEP retrievals
Statistical Software Components, Boston College Department of Economics
- SOEPREN: Stata module providing easy SOEP renames
Statistical Software Components, Boston College Department of Economics
- DSEARCH: Stata module to find variables with given variable label
Statistical Software Components, Boston College Department of Economics
- RGROUP: Stata module for Random Group Variance Estimation
Statistical Software Components, Boston College Department of Economics
- HIMATRIX: Stata module to highlight selected elements of scatterplot
Statistical Software Components, Boston College Department of Economics
- HIST3: Stata module to draws histograms for intervals of different size
Statistical Software Components, Boston College Department of Economics
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