Citizen Observatories and the New Earth Observation Science
"> Figure 1
<p>Generalized processes and elements in a remote sensing system [<a href="#B54-remotesensing-09-00153" class="html-bibr">54</a>].</p> "> Figure 2
<p>The Knowledge Exchange Chain framework, comprising a series of cycles that convert data into primary, secondary and tertiary information and knowledge [<a href="#B13-remotesensing-09-00153" class="html-bibr">13</a>].</p> "> Figure 3
<p>The Conceptual Framework for Earth Observation, showing possible parameters for each component.</p> ">
:1. Introduction
2. Citizen Science
2.1. Involving and Retaining Citizens
2.2. Controlling Data Quality and Accuracy
3. Citizen Observatories
3.1. Origins and Features
- Bidirectional information flows, i.e., “citizens are recipients of information but also important providers”.
- New citizen functions, e.g., “the public should be given the means to aggregate, combine and generally reuse information according to their various needs”.
- Support for multi-scalar governance, e.g., “participation in assessing the success of European Union (EU) environment policies”.
- Complementarity, e.g., “the potential to enormously expand in situ monitoring capability, and ... limit the charge on the public purse...”
3.2. Citizen Observatories and Citizen Science
- The information which they generate must, by definition, directly benefit citizens and society generally, rather than science alone, as in much conventional citizen science. Data collected by citizen scientists have so far had relatively few practical applications [26].
- They will be organizationally more complex than previous citizen science projects, most of which were only contributory projects [23]. Owing to the greater participation of citizens from an early stage, most citizen observatories are likely to fall within the categories of co-created projects or collaborative projects (see Section 2.1).
3.3. Relations with Other Participatory Approaches
- Public Participation Geographical Information Systems (PPGIS) are also co-created and collaborative [34]. However, PPGIS tend to operate at fairly low spatial scales, whereas citizen observatories can operate at a wider range of scales, and to do this they must use more sophisticated involvement strategies.
- PPGIS fits into the category of community science (or “science for the people”) [34] since it mainly collects and analyses data for local needs, not scientific research [23]. However, citizen observatories will involve research for and by the people, and so can bridge the dichotomy between community science and citizen science, fill gaps in scientific and lay knowledges, and contribute to policies at all spatial scales.
- Citizen observatories are a new form of crowdsourcing [35], which assumes that either “a group can solve a problem more effectively than an expert, despite the group’s lack of relevant expertise”, or “that information obtained from a crowd of many observers is likely to be closer to the truth than information obtained from one observer” [36]. They differ from a well-established form of crowdsourcing in Earth observation called Geo-Wiki, in which citizens substitute for professional scientists in classifying satellite data on land cover [6].
3.4. Interoperability with Other Initiatives
- The Global Earth Observation System of Systems (GEOSS) framework of the Group on Earth Observations. This has a vision of an integrated approach to comprehensive monitoring of the Earth System. It facilitates the collection and sharing of data and information [38], and has defined principles of interoperability, public accessibility, network distribution and capacity building [39,40]. Citizen observatory data and information could be listed in the GEOSS Registry and Clearinghouse and accessed through its Portal.
- The Infrastructure for Spatial Information in Europe (INSPIRE) Directive, which provides a practical framework for realizing the vision of a “knowledge society” through interoperable geo-spatial information. Citizen science is mentioned in various INSPIRE guidelines, such as those for specifying data on species distributions [41].
3.5. Citizen Observatory Projects Funded by the European Commission
- Employ user-friendly technologies.
- Control data quality and accuracy.
- Design observatories so they can collaborate with other initiatives.
- Design information outputs to support environmental management.
3.6. Conceptualizations of Citizen Observatories
- Situated within the Open Data paradigm because, unlike citizen science, collected data are not solely analysed by a central scientific team [52].
- Described by nine “dimensions”: (i) sensors and transmission; (ii) stakeholders; (iii) area of application; (iv) purpose of citizen observatory; (v) system integration; (vi) measurement; (vii) implementation; (viii) communications paradigm; and (ix) citizen participation in governance processes [16]. Associated with each dimension is a range of features. While the list of dimensions is helpful, it does not provide a comprehensive generic description of how citizen observatories operate. Thus, dimensions (iii) and (iv) are goals specific to each observatory; and dimension (ix) refers to whether and how citizens can participate in decision-making after they receive information from citizen observatories. Other dimensions are generic, e.g., dimension (i) distinguishes between physical sensors and social sensors; dimension (vi) distinguishes between objective measurement and subjective reporting; dimension (vii) refers to how an observatory is established organizationally, i.e., either bottom-up or top-down; dimension (viii) distinguishes between unidirectional and interactive communication; and dimension (ii) refers to potential end users.
- Described by four “aspects”: (i) collaborative participation; (ii) two data layers, in which a “hard layer” is generated by sensors and a “soft layer” by citizens; (iii) a bidirectional (top-down and bottom-up) approach; and (iv) bidirectional interactive communication [17]. This approach is also partial, and while in its present form it merely identifies ideal norms it could be converted into a generic set of variables.
- Interactive communication and information flows.
- Full citizen involvement in co-creating observatories or collaborating in them.
- Supporting the active participation of citizens in multi-scalar environmental management through good communication links with decision-makers and other stakeholders.
- Complementarity and interoperability with other Earth observation systems and other data networks through open data protocols.
4. Conceptualizations of Remote Sensing Systems
- Energy sources.
- The atmosphere.
- Earth surface features.
- Sensing systems.
- Data products.
- Interpretation and analysis (includes ground truth data collection).
- Information products.
- Users.
- Specify the output information required for a particular site.
- Specify the scene model, e.g., by the choice of spectral bands and the spatial and temporal resolutions of the sensor which are most appropriate for studying the site.
- Identify available remote sensing data.
- Specify and evaluate suitable remote sensing data.
- Select the techniques required to analyse remote sensing data to provide required information.
5. Communicating Information
5.1. Modelling Information Flows within the Scientific Community
5.2. Modelling Communication of Scientific Information and Knowledge to Decision Makers
- Now that actors at all scales can contribute to policy formulation and implementation, information is needed at all these scales too. Citizen observatories are therefore emerging at the perfect time to give individual citizens, informal groups, and more formalized non-governmental organizations the information they need to be effective in the new governance.
- Governments used to rely heavily on scientific advice, which they had the power to elevate above other forms of knowledge [63]. However, the declining power of governments limits their ability to elevate scientific knowledge in this way, and so the latter must now compete with knowledge produced by citizen observatories and other civil society groups.
6. A Conceptual Framework for Earth Observation
- Sensor design and launch.
- Energy source.
- Earth surface features.
- The atmosphere.
- Sensor features.
- Data collection.
- Data products (including storage).
- Sensor and data selection.
- Data processing (including pre-processing, ground truth data collection and validation).
- Information products (including storage).
- Information dissemination (1, 2, 3….).
- End users (1, 2, 3….).
- It contains four new components: sensor design and launch, which is needed for any sensor; data collection, which depends on the operational features of a sensor, as well as its design features; sensor and data selection, which specifies which data from which sensor are used, and can combine data from multiple sensors if necessary; and information dissemination, which identifies the channels by which information products are communicated to end users.
- It does not just apply to remote sensing systems that comprise imaging sensors, some of which are novel, such as those carried on unmanned aerial vehicles (UAVs). It also applies to non-imaging sensors, such as those in citizen observatories and those linked in wireless sensor networks (WSNs). Sensors may either be near (or proximate) to the phenomenon they monitor, as with citizen observatories, or remote from it, as with satellites.
- It can describe a single Earth observation system, e.g., a satellite remote sensing system, or a combination of systems, e.g., a satellite remote sensing system complemented by a UAV remote sensing system.
- It can evaluate systems of any physical length, from those in which the sensor and its data archive are both distant from end users, to those in which they are adjacent to end users.
- Links between components are not just unidirectional, but can be bidirectional, or even multidirectional with multiple sequential paths through the system. This is consistent with the emphasis on interactive bidirectional communication in two earlier conceptualizations of citizen observatories [16,17].
- It does not assume that all data collected by sensors are converted into usable information in the hands of end users, or that information products inevitably reach end users. Instead, it aims to explain why demand for information is not always satisfied by the supply of information.
- It does not assume that components are simply stages in a sequence. Instead, it models the operation of each component, and interfaces between components.
- Technological and social components are interchangeable, and all but two components, i.e., Earth surface features and the atmosphere, can be classified as automatic, semi-automatic or discretionary. (The energy source component can be automatic, e.g., the Sun, or discretionary, e.g., LiDAR (light detection and ranging) [70].) When operation is semi-automatic or discretionary the component includes a human element, and this is represented by two synergistic elements: the repeated practices, or institutions, of an individual actor or group, and their world view or discourse (see below). Together these determine whether or not this particular component functions on a repeated basis and how it turns inputs from the previous component into outputs. Actors will not repeat practices if this makes no sense in the context of their world view. Thus, the world view of one scientist may focus on studying the operation of a remote sensor, while that of another scientist may focus on studying the processes of Planet Earth. Giving each component the possibility of including a human element allows for the general case in which all components not describing natural features can be populated by actors from different scientific disciplines or from non-scientific backgrounds. Remote sensing systems in which many of the components are automated then become a special case.Repetitive human behaviour has been studied in recent decades by various social sciences disciplines [71]. Institutions are defined as “enduring regularities of human action in situations structured by rules, norms and shared strategies, as well as by the physical world” [66]. Formal institutions comply with formal rules, e.g., the rules of evidence of a scientific discipline, while informal institutions are everyday practices that can become accepted norms [71]. Using Ostrom’s concept of multi-level institutions [72], day to day operational institutions are nested in higher level collective choice institutions, e.g., those of a given scientific discipline, and these in turn may be nested, to varying degrees, in constitutional choice institutions, e.g., those of governments and United Nations organizations. In citizen observatories, human institutions can substitute for technologies that are automated in remote sensing systems. Whether or not actors choose to repeat practices depends on many factors. According to Hajer [73] these factors include the world view, or discourse, of the actor, since the reproduction of an actor’s discourse and their institutions are synergistic: in his definition, a discourse is “a specific ensemble of ideas, concepts, and categorizations that are produced, reproduced and transformed in a particular set of practices and through which meaning is given to physical and social realities”.
- Technological and social components may be characterized by their capacity as well as by their frequency of operation. Capacity can refer to the processing power of computers, the size of databases, and the human skills of actors, e.g., in processing satellite images or collecting data in citizen observatories.
- Various components may be combined according to the particular group responsible for them. For example, in a satellite remote sensing system, a satellite agency would typically be responsible for all components from sensor design and launch to data products, but other groups would be responsible for the remaining components. In other Earth observation systems, such as citizen observatories, group responsibilities would be more complex. This principle enables communication interfaces between different groups to be easily delineated. For the sake of generality, Figure 3 only shows communication between adjacent components. When the framework is used in practice, the groups responsible for sets of components, and the communication interfaces between them, would be overlaid onto the component sequence in a way that best suits the particular case.
- Communication interfaces between different groups may be of various kinds, but each will be structured within some form of institutional framework. For example:
- A market-based interface would be framed within institutions that allow for private property rights, so that a satellite agency can sell the images that it collects to those who wish to process them into information.
- An open data interface would be framed within institutions that allow for open access rights. Thus, a satellite agency could distribute its images free of charge to remote sensing scientists, who might then make processed information available free of charge over the World Wide Web to other scientists or to non-scientific end users.
- The effectiveness of open data communication interfaces between different groups may be evaluated using the boundary organization model, which uses interactive communication as a norm, and specifies the constraints on the translation of information and knowledge from one language to another and between groups with different institutions. “Language” is used here in a general way to refer to: (i) the form of communication, e.g., words, numbers, pictures etc.; and (ii) the medium of communication, e.g., paper, video, digital format, Web-based etc. (as emphasized in Level C of the Remote Sensing Communication Model [60]). For convenience, only one information dissemination component and one end users component are represented in Figure 3. This allows the figure to represent the first three cycles in the knowledge exchange chain shown in Figure 2. In practice, however, it may be expanded to include any number of dissemination interfaces with scientists from other disciplines or with decision-makers.
- A fully effective Earth observation system, which has a seamless Copernicus Chain from component 1 (sensor design and launch), to component 12 (end users), is characterized by perfect interactiveness (or bidirectionality) throughout the system. This is consistent with one of the conditions already identified for effective citizen observatories [16,17].
- The actual degree of effectiveness/interactiveness of an Earth observation system depends on the balance between: (a) the forward momentum generated by the repetitive functioning of each component, resulting from automatic operation or human institutions, and by the effectiveness of forward communication interfaces; and (b) the backward flow of information on the information needs of end users, which depends on the effectiveness of backward communication interfaces. The more components operate repetitively, and the more components are included within the reach of forward and backward flows of information, the more effective a system will be.
- Natural, such as the prolonged presence of high cloud cover in the atmosphere which obscures an area of the planet from remote sensors and inhibits data collection.
- Technological, which includes the degradation of a sensor and operational limitations, both of which restrict its temporal resolution of data collection for a particular area of the planet; and limitations on computing power which can restrict, for example, the number of satellite images which can be processed into information in a single day.
- Institutional. When the operation of a component is semi-automatic or discretionary it depends on a human element, and if this fails to ensure repetitive functioning, i.e., institutionalization, then the component becomes ineffective. This can cause a blockage in the Earth observation system and in the wider knowledge exchange chain associated with it. Sometimes the operational institutions of a particular group that correspond to its repetitive functioning are restricted by the collective choice institutions of the discipline or wider group to which it belongs, and even by constitutional choice institutions.
- Economic, in which, for example, the cost of satellite images restricts the number of images purchased and hence the spatial scale at which images are processed into information.
- Communication. When information is passed from one scientific discipline to another, or from scientists to non-scientists, its utility can be degraded by forward blockages, linked to poor translation from the originator’s language to the receiver’s language. In this case “language” refers to both the form of communication and the medium of communication (see above). The form and medium of communication chosen by suppliers of information will be influenced by their collective choice institutions, e.g., many satellite remote sensing scientists in the past chose to satisfy the common institutions of their discipline by communicating their outputs in written papers that gained them recognition by other remote sensing scientists, rather than as digital outputs that could be used by scientists from other disciplines. The reverse flow of information from those who need information to those who can supply it can be interrupted by backward blockages. Even if information on demand passes beyond the information dissemination component(s) it is likely to experience a critical blockage at the first discretionary component after that.
7. The Effectiveness of Satellite Remote Sensing Systems and Citizen Observatories
7.1. Introduction
7.2. Evaluation
7.3. Synthesis
8. Discussion
8.1. Significance
8.2. Limitations
8.3. Future Research
9. Conclusions
Conflicts of Interest
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Characteristics | Sources |
Characteristics of Projects that Motivate Volunteers | |
| [25] |
| [23] |
| [23] |
| [23,26] |
| [23] |
| [23] |
| [21] |
| [21] |
| [21] |
Characteristics of Websites that Motivate, Recruit and Retain Volunteers | |
| [23] |
| [27] |
| [23] |
| [23] |
| [28] |
| [25] |
| [29] |
Characteristics of Websites that Control Data Quality | |
| [23] |
| [23] |
| [23] |
| [23] |
| [23] |
| [23] |
| [23] |
Priority | Sources |
| [49] |
| [33] |
| [43,50] |
| [43,49] |
Feature |
Lillesand and Kiefer [54] | Strahler et al. [55] | Phinn [56] | Schott [57] |
| - | - | - |
| Yes | - | - |
| Yes | - | - |
| Yes | Yes | - |
| - | Yes | Yes |
| - | Yes | Yes |
| - | Yes | Yes |
| - | - | - |
Component | Passive Satellite Remote Sensing System | Citizen Observatory | ||
Repetition | Possible Blockages | Repetition | Possible Blockages | |
| Discretionary | T | Discretionary | I |
| Automatic | - | Automatic | - |
| - | - | - | - |
| - | N | - | - |
| Automatic | T | Discretionary | I, T |
| Automatic | - | Discretionary | I, T |
| Automatic | N | Discretionary | I, T |
| Discretionary | E, I | Automatic | - |
| Semi-Automatic | E, I, T | Discretionary | I, T |
| Discretionary | I, C | Discretionary | I, C |
| Discretionary | I, C | Discretionary | I, C |
| - | - | - | - |
© 2017 by the author. Licensee MDPI, Basel, Switzerland. This article is an open access article distributed under the terms and conditions of the Creative Commons Attribution (CC BY) license (
Share and Cite
Grainger, A. Citizen Observatories and the New Earth Observation Science. Remote Sens. 2017, 9, 153.
Grainger A. Citizen Observatories and the New Earth Observation Science. Remote Sensing. 2017; 9(2):153.
Chicago/Turabian StyleGrainger, Alan. 2017. "Citizen Observatories and the New Earth Observation Science" Remote Sensing 9, no. 2: 153.
APA StyleGrainger, A. (2017). Citizen Observatories and the New Earth Observation Science. Remote Sensing, 9(2), 153.