The Role of Organic Matter on Uranium Precipitation in Zoovch Ovoo, Mongolia
<p>Location map of the study area and depositional model of the Zoovch Ovoo depocenter in the Cenomanian [<a href="#B26-minerals-09-00310" class="html-bibr">26</a>]. The sedimentary depositional systems are fluvio-lacustrine with alluvial fans, braided rivers and deltas. The sands of the Sainshand Formation host uranium mineralization.</p> "> Figure 2
<p>Abbreviations: GR (granules), CVC (coarse to very coarse sand), VC (very coarse sand), C (coarse sand), MC (medium coarse sand), Fsp (feldspar), Qz (quartz), Py (pyrite). (<b>A</b>) Drill-core recovered from 123.20 m depth targeting the U reservoir, Sainshand Formation; Gamma ray spectroscopy measurements, presented in blue, were performed in contact with the rock unit with a step distance of 10 cm, expressed in c/s (counts per second). (<b>B</b>) Two upward-fining sequences are distinguished, starting with granules and ending with medium coarse sand in both cases. The sequences are separated by an erosional surface, followed by coarse deposits containing intraclasts of silty clay and organic matter. (<b>C</b>) A zoomed image of (B) highlighting the areas of organic matter and higher uranium concentration. The intense bright yellow color reveals an oxidation of U ores in contact with air. Uranium concentration is the highest at the contact with the erosional surface. (<b>D</b>) Organic matter particle containing 7–13 wt % uranium, without mineral expression. (<b>E</b>) Silicate grains coated by phospho-coffinite intermixed with clays. (D, E images under SEM/back-scattered electron mode.)</p> "> Figure 3
<p>Presentation of the organic particles (macerals) recognized in the Zoovch Ovoo reservoir. (<b>A</b>–<b>C</b>) Polished blocks under oil-immersion indicating telohuminite, fusinite, funginite and finally semifusinite. (<b>D</b>) Fluorescence mode on thin section indicating cutinite. (<b>E</b>,<b>F</b>) Plain light on thin section showing solid bitumen penetrating and concentrated along the rims and fractures of a porous feldspar.</p> "> Figure 4
<p>(<b>A</b>) SEM images of uraninite (U spheres) associated with organic matter and (<b>B</b>) Ca-P-coffinite (U flakes) associated with pyrite. Aggregates of both U minerals are also indicated. (<b>C</b>) Binary plot of the U + Ca versus Si in at% oxide, indicating the stoichiometric U-mineral domains of uraninite, phosphorus-enriched uraninite, coffinite and phospho-coffinite, used as references (data from EPMA).</p> "> Figure 5
<p>Organic matter relationships to U, Fe, S and Ti. The macerals corpohuminite, texto-ulminite and funginite are locally associated to framboidal pyrite (<b>A</b>) under reflected light and (<b>B</b>) in SEM mode. (<b>C</b>–<b>F)</b> The SEM-EDS maps for S, Fe, U and Ti suggest that sulfur and iron are present in all particles, showing a preference for corpohuminite, then for texto-ulminite and finally for funginite. Likewise, the uranium concentration follows the same preference pattern. In some cases, certain corpohuminite particles are particularly enriched in U. Titanium is mainly dispersed at low concentrations in macerals, but is also contained as microsized Ti-oxides.</p> "> Figure 6
<p>The profiles G-H and I-J presented in <a href="#minerals-09-00310-f005" class="html-fig">Figure 5</a>. Profile G-H (<b>A</b>) indicates that the composition of uranium in corpohuminite is more than double that of the texto-ulminite background, reaching 19 wt %. Sulfur and iron concentrations are not perfectly correlated and several datapoints show antagonistic behavior. Profile I-J (<b>B</b>) was performed on a single corpohuminite particle and shows that uranium concentration is between 16 and 22 wt %. Sulfur and iron are sub-constant and correlated, which could be related to pyrite nanocrystal inclusions. Titanium is sub-constant and around 1 wt % for both profiles.</p> "> Figure 7
<p>S–Fe binary plot, illustrating profiles G-H and I-J presented in <a href="#minerals-09-00310-f005" class="html-fig">Figure 5</a>. Reference lines refer to the stoichiometry of FeS<sub>2</sub> (pyrite) and FeS (i.e., mackinawite).</p> "> Figure 8
<p>(<b>A</b>) View of a well-preserved root structure (telohuminite) typical of the organic matter contained in the Zoovch Ovoo sediments and the associated X-Ray microfluorescence maps. (<b>B</b>) Zoomed image of a part of the root highlighting the EPMA profile (A-B) for U, Fe, S, Si and Ti, respectively. (<b>C</b>) According to the EPMA profile of A-B performed on the root structure (texto-ulminite), S and Fe are always present inside the particle; however, their stoichiometry does not indicate pyrite. Titanium is also present in minute quantities (<1 wt %). Uranium concentration fluctuates between 10 and 19 wt %.</p> "> Figure 9
<p>S-Fe wt % composition plot derived from the EPMA measurements along profiles A-B and C-D presented in <a href="#minerals-09-00310-f008" class="html-fig">Figure 8</a>. Profile A-B was performed on the internal part of the root structure, whereas C-D was performed in the external part. For the internal part, the data points (in blue) distribute close to the pyrite line, with a slight relative S enrichment. For the external part, most data points in red indicate significant Fe enrichment at constant S concentration.</p> "> Figure 10
<p>Telohuminite particle and the associated X-Ray microfluorescence maps. (<b>A</b>) Overview of the particle under reflected light, showing the EPMA profile position E-F for U, Fe, S and Ti, respectively, and a zoomed image showing the presence of pyrite. (<b>B</b>–<b>D</b>) The XRF maps for U, Fe and S. Uranium is highly concentrated around the rims and is much less abundant towards the interior of the particle. (<b>E</b>) BSE image showing uranium oxide precipitate (in this case UO<sub>2</sub>) at the rim of a telohuminite particle. (<b>F</b>) The same association in higher magnification, coupled with an EPMA measurements profile (E-F/10 points), from the rim to the interior of the particle. (<b>G</b>) Uranium cement inside framboidal pyrite. (<b>H</b>) Uraninite precipitation along a fracture in the internal part of a telovitrinite/telohuminite particle. Uranium concentration decreases progressively from 74.6 to 2.5 wt % as a function of increasing distance from the fracture.</p> "> Figure 11
<p>Profile E-F was performed on a telohuminite particle with uranium expressed as UO<sub>2</sub> at the rims. U concentration starts at 25 wt % at the rim. As shown in <a href="#minerals-09-00310-f010" class="html-fig">Figure 10</a>F, the first point was measured on a part of the particle where UO<sub>2</sub> is not expressed as uraninite. The next spot was measured on a part where U is expressed as uraninite, hence the concentration is raised to 41 wt %. Afterwards the U concentrations decrease proportionally as a function of increasing distance from the particle rim. The Fe and S concentrations are at 0.1 and 0.5 wt %, respectively (with a detection limit of 0.1 wt %), as shown in the upscaled part of the graph. Titanium concentration increases from the rim towards the interior of the particle, from 0.26 to 0.75 wt %.</p> "> Figure 12
<p>EPMA S and Fe concentration measurements of profile E-F performed on a telohuminite particle (ulminite). Both S and Fe are always below 1 wt %, with a slight enrichment in S. Reference lines refer to the stoichiometry of FeS<sub>2</sub> (pyrite) and FeS (i.e., mackinawite).</p> "> Figure 13
<p>Examples of organic matter replaced by uranium, which is expressed in oxide form at the rims of the organic particle with a composition close to UO<sub>2</sub> stoichiometry (as measured under SEM-EDS mode). (<b>A</b>) Telohuminite particle at a size range of 400 μm, with the textural characteristics (cell walls and desiccation cracks) still visible. (<b>B</b>) Elongated telohuminite particle composed of smaller epigenetized corpohuminite particles. (<b>C</b>) A fully uranium-cemented organic particle associated with framboidal pyrite showing features of corrosion and uranium replacement. The cell walls of the particle are preserved even after replacement. The particle is surrounded by U-rich clay matrix. (<b>D</b>) Collapsed cell wall structures (attrinite) surrounding a large euhedral pyrite crystal.</p> "> Figure 14
<p>Graphical representation of organic matter epigenization by uranium. Uranium is carried in solution as U(VI) until it encounters a reducing agent and becomes U(IV). When uranium is reduced in the presence of macerals, it can be concentrated around internal fractures or at the rims of the maceral as uranium oxide. There is a linear decreasing concentration gradient from the rim where U is expressed as oxide towards the interior where no mineral form is visible. Eventually the replacement process keeps up, leading primarily to partial and progressively to full replacement (i.e., organic particles with up to 78 wt % U). One of the main aspects of this replacement process is that the fully replaced organic particle maintains its textural characteristics, although organic carbon is in very small quantities or no longer present.</p> ">
:1. Introduction
2. Geological Setting
3. Materials and Methods
3.1. Petrography
3.1.1. Optical Microscopy
3.1.2. Scanning Electron Microscopy
3.1.3. Organic Petrography
3.1.4. In Situ Analysis
3.1.5. Micro X-Ray Fluorescence Mapping
4. Results
4.1. Organic Matter Sedimentology
4.2. Organic Petrography
4.2.1. Huminite Macerals
4.2.2. Inertinite Macerals
4.2.3. Liptinite Macerals
4.3. Petrography of Organic Matter—Uranium Associations and Mineral Geochemistry
4.3.1. U-Rich Organic Matter without any Distinguishable U-Phase
4.3.2. Uranium Oxides Precipitated at the Contact of the Organic Particle
4.3.3. Uranium Phases Replacing Entirely Organic Matter
5. Discussion
5.1. Detrital Organic Matter and U Distribution in Sediments
5.1.1. Origin of Organic Matter
5.1.2. Uranium Uptake from Interstitial Waters
5.1.3. Uranium Trapping Processes Involving Organic Matter at Zoovch Ovoo
5.1.4. Iron and Sulfur in Organic Matter Particles
5.1.5. Sedimentological Control of Organic Matter and Uranium Distribution
6. Conclusions
- Organic matter present at Zoovch Ovoo is land plant derived, and occurs as detrital particles concentrated into clay layers, clay intraclasts or sandy laminae. Biological features of particles are more or less preserved, depending on their transportation (proximal or distal origin). Its thermal maturity is very low (peat to lignite stage; %Rr = 0.3).
- Maceral particles show high concentrations (up to 20 wt %) of U not expressed as oxide (detectable under SEM). It is very likely that U(VI) is adsorbed as uranyl–carboxyl groups. The organic matter particles have therefore captured U from circulating fluids at a low temperature (T < 40 °C). It is not yet clear if the trapping occurred during sedimentation (pre-concentration stage), during the roll-front events or both.
- The land plant particles concentrated microbiological activity, which triggered biodegradation as well as iron and bacterial sulfate reduction. The absence of detectable pyrite crystals in the organic matter, despite the presence of Fe and S in often non-FeS2 stoichiometric proportions, suggests the presence of other forms of sulfur, such as amorphous FeS phase (e.g., mackinawite) and/or elemental sulfur.
- The distribution of UO2 in the organic particles seems to be linked to porosity/permeability of the organic structure, which may be a control of fluid accessibility to the macerals. Organic matter particles can be fully replaced by UO2, with partial preservation of organic structure (suggesting an epigenesis).
- As burial diagenesis is too low to consider reduction of U(VI) by carbonaceous moieties, it is suggested that microorganisms are mainly responsible for the reduction of U(VI), either directly through their physiological activity, or by providing reduced sulfur, which is an efficient reducing agent for U(VI). Furthermore, Fe(II) carboxylates may also be considered as a possible reducing agent [58]. The U(IV) speciation can be better understood by using EXAFS. Thus, it is necessary to identify the potential presence of biogenic non-crystalline U(IV) compounds within the macerals.
- At the scale of the sedimentary particles, organic matter plays a capital role in uranium deposition, as it acts as a uranium trap through complexation and sustains the U(VI) reduction mechanism into UO2 through biological activity.
- At the scale of the sedimentary deposit, organic matter distribution as well as the permeability network that allows the circulation of uranium-bearing fluids are controlled by the sedimentary architecture.
Author Contributions
Conflicts of Interest
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Oxides Mass (%) | Uraninite | Coffinite | ||
UO2 | 76.28 | 76.48 | 61.92 | 56.58 |
SiO2 | 1.20 | 1.30 | 6.65 | 12.69 |
P2O5 | 2.06 | 2.18 | 6.23 | 7.40 |
CaO | 3.58 | 3.39 | 4.00 | 5.67 |
Total | 83.12 | 83.35 | 78.80 | 82.34 |
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Rallakis, D.; Michels, R.; Brouand, M.; Parize, O.; Cathelineau, M. The Role of Organic Matter on Uranium Precipitation in Zoovch Ovoo, Mongolia. Minerals 2019, 9, 310.
Rallakis D, Michels R, Brouand M, Parize O, Cathelineau M. The Role of Organic Matter on Uranium Precipitation in Zoovch Ovoo, Mongolia. Minerals. 2019; 9(5):310.
Chicago/Turabian StyleRallakis, Dimitrios, Raymond Michels, Marc Brouand, Olivier Parize, and Michel Cathelineau. 2019. "The Role of Organic Matter on Uranium Precipitation in Zoovch Ovoo, Mongolia" Minerals 9, no. 5: 310.
APA StyleRallakis, D., Michels, R., Brouand, M., Parize, O., & Cathelineau, M. (2019). The Role of Organic Matter on Uranium Precipitation in Zoovch Ovoo, Mongolia. Minerals, 9(5), 310.