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Issue 10, 2012

Graphenequantum dots: an emerging material for energy-related applications and beyond


In this perspective, we focus on a new type of quantum dots, graphene quantum dots (GQDs). Due to quantum confinement and edge effects, GQDs have presented extraordinary properties, attracting extensive attention from scientists in the fields of chemistry, physics, materials, biology, and other interdisciplinary sciences. Herein, we summarize the significant advances achieved by us and other groups in the past few years on both the experimental and theoretical fronts. Synthetic strategies, unique optical and electronic properties, and the promise of GQDs in energy-related devices, such as photovoltaic devices, fuel cells, and light-emitting diodes, are systematically discussed.

Graphical abstract: Graphene quantum dots: an emerging material for energy-related applications and beyond

Article information

Article type
26 Jul 2012
21 Aug 2012
First published
22 Aug 2012

Energy Environ. Sci., 2012,5, 8869-8890

Graphene quantum dots: an emerging material for energy-related applications and beyond

Z. Zhang, J. Zhang, N. Chen and L. Qu, Energy Environ. Sci., 2012, 5, 8869 DOI: 10.1039/C2EE22982J

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