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Issue 14, 2016

Flexible Hall sensors based on graphene


The excellent electronic and mechanical properties of graphene provide a perfect basis for high performance flexible electronic and sensor devices. Here, we present the fabrication and characterization of flexible graphene based Hall sensors. The Hall sensors are fabricated on 50 μm thick flexible Kapton foil using large scale graphene grown by chemical vapor deposition technique on copper foil. Voltage and current normalized sensitivities of up to 0.096 V VT−1 and 79 V AT−1 were measured, respectively. These values are comparable to the sensitivity of rigid silicon based Hall sensors and are the highest values reported so far for any flexible Hall sensor devices. The sensitivity of the Hall sensor shows no degradation after being bent to a minimum radius of 4 mm, which corresponds to a tensile strain of 0.6%, and after 1000 bending cycles to a radius of 5 mm.

Graphical abstract: Flexible Hall sensors based on graphene

Article information

Article type
08 Dec 2015
14 Mar 2016
First published
15 Mar 2016

Nanoscale, 2016,8, 7683-7687

Flexible Hall sensors based on graphene

Z. Wang, M. Shaygan, M. Otto, D. Schall and D. Neumaier, Nanoscale, 2016, 8, 7683 DOI: 10.1039/C5NR08729E

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