widexs.nl checked at 2024-12-29T19:06:19.988Z 309ms 119/119/119 100% R:26
DNSTREE.COM - widexs.nl
Search for IP or hostnames
NS | ns1.dns.nl | ||||||
NS | ns3.dns.nl | ||||||
NS | ns4.dns.nl |
rank #11733 in the tld
0 | |
0 | |
0 | |
0 | |
7 | |
(u) | ns1.widexs.nl |
(u) | ns0-3.widexs.nl |
(u) | mail.widexs.nl |
(u) | ns2.widexs.nl |
(u) | hosting.widexs.nl |
(u) | migratie.widexs.nl |
(u) | www.widexs.nl |
5 | |
(lm) | widexs.co.uk |
(lm) | widexs.com |
(lm) | widexs.net |
(lm) | widexs.nl |
(lm) | widexs.ru |
15 | |
(le) | dxwise.com |
(le) | wiedxs.nl |
(le) | xdwise.com |
(le) | widexs.com |
(le) | widexs.net |
(le) | widexs.nl |
(le) | swidex.ch |
(le) | weidxs.nl |
(le) | swedix.com |
(le) | wisedx.com |
(le) | widexs.ru |
(le) | widesx.nl |
(le) | wdiexs.nl |
(le) | wisdex.com |
(le) | widexs.co.uk |
AI analysis
The parent of host names ns1.widexs.nl, ns0-3.widexs.nl, mail.widexs.nl, ns2.widexs.nl, hosting.widexs.nl, among others, is widexs.nl. is the IP number that widexs.nl points to.
IP numbers are shared between widexs.nl and other host names such as ischannel.com, wxs.nl, nic.kpn, worldaccess.nl, and dedicatedserver.nl.
Five name servers, ns13.kpn.net, ns3.kpn.net, ns01.is.nl, ns02.is.nl, and ns03.is.nl, are delegated to widexs.nl.
Other domains like hostedoffice.nl, pinsadmin.com, exchange2010server.nl, ismobile.nl, and feed24.com, share the same name server setup as widexs.nl.
The name servers of widexs.nl are at least partially shared with other domains such as 119.194.217.in-addr.arpa, 247.121.195.in-addr.arpa, 181.246.80.in-addr.arpa, 145.250.87.in-addr.arpa, and lieveld.com.
The name servers ns7.kpn.net, ns8.kpn.net, and ns14.kpn.net are frequently combined and utilized together.
ns13.kpn.net, ns3.kpn.net, ns01.is.nl, ns02.is.nl, and ns03.is.nl all point to two IP numbers each: 2a02:a47f:ac:1::1353 and; 2a02:a47f:ac:1::353 and; 2a02:a47f:ac:1::1153 and; 2a02:a47f:ac:1::1253 and; 2a02:a47f:ac:1::1353 and respectively.
The two mail servers, fallback.werkonline.nu and mailscanner.werkonline.nu, manage widexs.nl.
Just like domains such as my-life.nl, mixitmedia.nl, cbt-online.nl, talert.nl, and nonverbaal.nl, widexs.nl also shares the same mail server setup.
Domains such as wallie.org, jtddesign.nl, ciio.nl, lionmetals.nl, and greensensation.com share some mail servers, at least partially, with widexs.nl.
The mail servers ciio-nl.mail.protection.outlook.com and lucasonderwijs-net.mail.protection.outlook.com are frequently used in conjunction with these mail servers.
fallback.werkonline.nu points to IP number:, while mailscanner.werkonline.nu points to IP number: