Multicomputers: Message-Passing Concurrent Computers
A status report is provided on the architecture and programming of a family of concurrent computers that are organized as ensembles of small programmable computers called nodes, connected by a message-passing network, each with its own private memory. ...
Architecture and Applications of the Connection Machine
The concept of data-parallel computers is explained, and their architecture of the Connection Machine (CM), which implements this approach, is described. It provides 64 K physical processing elements, millions of virtual processing elements with its ...
Automatic Programming: Myths and Prospects
The authors consider five common myths about automatic programming and expose the fallacies on which they rest. They attempt to provide an accurate picture of these systems in terms of what the user sees, how the system works, and what the system knows. ...
The 1986-1987 Taulbee Survey (Computer Science Graduates, Employment Survey)
The authors describe the results of a survey completed in December 1987 on the production and employment of PhDs and faculty of PhD-granting computer science/engineering departments during the academic year, 1986-7. All 123 computer science departments (...