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- posterOctober 2024
Peer-Awareness to Support Learning: An In-the-wild Study on Notification Timing
UbiComp '24: Companion of the 2024 on ACM International Joint Conference on Pervasive and Ubiquitous ComputingPages 14–18https://doi.org/10.1145/3675094.3677576Researchers have proposed various approaches to increase motivation for learning. However, in many cases, they are designed to boost motivation but fall short of creating learning habits. Gamification and competition between peers are widely used to urge ...
- research-articleSeptember 2023
Pushing Yourself Harder: The Effects of Mobile Touch Modes on Users’ Self-Regulation
Information Systems Research (INFORMS-ISR), Volume 34, Issue 3Pages 996–1016https://doi.org/10.1287/isre.2022.1155Mobile health interventions are widely used to facilitate individuals’ management of their health behavior. A notable issue is that health interventions with obvious persuasive intent may cause negligence and reactance. In this study, we propose a subtle ...
Many mobile applications use push notifications and reminders to explicitly educate, remind, and motivate users to perform healthy behaviors. However, users do not always act according to these explicit digital interventions. Our study investigates ...
- research-articleAugust 2023
As Wages Increase, Do People Work More or Less? A Wage Frame Effect
In jobs in which workers have the flexibility to decide how much work to supply, such as in the gig economy, the effect of a wage change on work supply can be hard to predict. A wage increase offers workers the opportunity to make more money. At the same ...
- abstractJune 2023
On the Stochastic and Asymptotic Improvement of First-Come First-Served and Nudge Scheduling
SIGMETRICS '23: Abstract Proceedings of the 2023 ACM SIGMETRICS International Conference on Measurement and Modeling of Computer SystemsPages 97–98https://doi.org/10.1145/3578338.3593556Recently it was shown that, contrary to expectations, the First-Come-First-Served (FCFS) scheduling algorithm can be stochastically improved upon by a scheduling algorithm called Nudge for light-tailed job size distributions. Nudge partitions jobs into 4 ...
Also Published in:
ACM SIGMETRICS Performance Evaluation Review: Volume 51 Issue 1 - research-articleDecember 2022
On the Stochastic and Asymptotic Improvement of First-Come First-Served and Nudge Scheduling
Proceedings of the ACM on Measurement and Analysis of Computing Systems (POMACS), Volume 6, Issue 3Article No.: 50, Pages 1–22https://doi.org/10.1145/3570610Recently it was shown that, contrary to expectations, the First-Come-First-Served (FCFS) scheduling algorithm can be stochastically improved upon by a scheduling algorithm called Nudge for light-tailed job size distributions. Nudge partitions jobs into 4 ...
- research-articleMarch 2022
ADioS: Angel and Devil on the Shoulder for Encouraging Human Decision Making
HRI '22: Proceedings of the 2022 ACM/IEEE International Conference on Human-Robot InteractionPages 1192–1193"Angel and Devil" expression has been used to cause a dilemma in various animations and comics.In this video demo, we implemented this expression with multiple robots. We supposed a scene in daily life, a student carrying a backpack and two robots riding ...
- research-articleOctober 2021
NudgeCred: Supporting News Credibility Assessment on Social Media Through Nudges
Proceedings of the ACM on Human-Computer Interaction (PACMHCI), Volume 5, Issue CSCW2Article No.: 427, Pages 1–30https://doi.org/10.1145/3479571Struggling to curb misinformation, social media platforms are experimenting with design interventions to enhance consumption of credible news on their platforms. Some of these interventions, such as the use of warning messages, are examples of nudges---a ...
- research-articleSeptember 2021
INSHA: Intelligent Nudging System for Hand Hygiene Awareness
IVA '21: Proceedings of the 21st ACM International Conference on Intelligent Virtual AgentsPages 183–190https://doi.org/10.1145/3472306.3478355Maintaining hand hygiene is the one of the most effective way to prevent the spread of germs during a pandemic. This paper focuses on encouraging people to use a hand sanitizer more frequently by applying the nudge theory to improve hand hygiene ...
- research-articleNovember 2020
Admission Control Biases in Hospital Unit Capacity Management: How Occupancy Information Hurdles and Decision Noise Impact Utilization
Providing patients with timely care from the appropriate unit involves both correct clinical evaluation of patient needs and making admission decisions to effectively manage a unit with limited capacity in the face of stochastic patient arrivals and ...
- short-paperDecember 2020
Children as Candidates to Verbal Nudging in a Human-robot Experiment
ICMI '20 Companion: Companion Publication of the 2020 International Conference on Multimodal InteractionPages 482–486https://doi.org/10.1145/3395035.3425224In this research, Nudges, indirect suggestions which can affect the behaviour and the decision making, are considered in the context of conversational machines. A first long term goal of this work is to build an automatic dialog system able to nudge. A ...
- posterOctober 2020
Giving Motivation for Using Secure Credentials through User Authentication by Game
AVI '20: Proceedings of the 2020 International Conference on Advanced Visual InterfacesArticle No.: 85, Pages 1–3https://doi.org/10.1145/3399715.3399950One of the issues in the knowledge-based user authentication is that users do not set and use a secure credential. Some methods exist to be able to resolve this issue, such as password policy, education, and password meter. However, these countermeasures ...
- research-articleMay 2020
Which Healthy Eating Nudges Work Best? A Meta-Analysis of Field Experiments
The effectiveness of healthy eating nudges in field settings increases as they shift from focusing on influencing cognition to affect to behavior.
We examine the effectiveness in field settings of seven healthy eating nudges, classified according to whether they are (1) cognitively oriented, such as “descriptive nutritional labeling,” “evaluative nutritional labeling,” or “visibility enhancements”; (...
- surveyAugust 2017
Nudges for Privacy and Security: Understanding and Assisting Users’ Choices Online
- Alessandro Acquisti,
- Idris Adjerid,
- Rebecca Balebako,
- Laura Brandimarte,
- Lorrie Faith Cranor,
- Saranga Komanduri,
- Pedro Giovanni Leon,
- Norman Sadeh,
- Florian Schaub,
- Manya Sleeper,
- Yang Wang,
- Shomir Wilson
ACM Computing Surveys (CSUR), Volume 50, Issue 3Article No.: 44, Pages 1–41https://doi.org/10.1145/3054926Advancements in information technology often task users with complex and consequential privacy and security decisions. A growing body of research has investigated individuals’ choices in the presence of privacy and information security tradeoffs, the ...
- articleJune 2017
The dark side of reviews: the swaying effects of online product reviews on attribute preference construction
Based on the "wisdom of the crowd" effect, consumer-generated online reviews are supposed to help consumers make more accurate product evaluations. However, the large amount of information in the reviews, coupled with conflicting opinions, can make it ...
- research-articleFebruary 2016
One LED is Enough: Catalyzing Face-to-face Interactions at Conferences with a Gentle Nudge
CSCW '16: Proceedings of the 19th ACM Conference on Computer-Supported Cooperative Work & Social ComputingPages 172–183https://doi.org/10.1145/2818048.2819969Face-to-face social interactions among strangers today are becoming increasingly rare as people turn towards computer-mediated networking tools. Today's tools, however, are based on the following assumptions: increased information encourages interaction,...
- research-articleApril 2014
A field trial of privacy nudges for facebook
CHI '14: Proceedings of the SIGCHI Conference on Human Factors in Computing SystemsPages 2367–2376https://doi.org/10.1145/2556288.2557413Anecdotal evidence and scholarly research have shown that Internet users may regret some of their online disclosures. To help individuals avoid such regrets, we designed two modifications to the Facebook web interface that nudge users to consider the ...
- ArticleOctober 2013
Nudging through Technology: Choice Architectures and the Mobile Information Revolution
3PGCIC '13: Proceedings of the 2013 Eighth International Conference on P2P, Parallel, Grid, Cloud and Internet ComputingPages 255–261https://doi.org/10.1109/3PGCIC.2013.44The information revolution has radically changed the way we make decisions and has expanded into mobile devices capable of informing choices at the point at which they are made. However, it is arguable whether the explosion of available information ...
- ArticleSeptember 2013
Social Issues of Big Data and Cloud: Privacy, Confidentiality, and Public Utility
ARES '13: Proceedings of the 2013 International Conference on Availability, Reliability and SecurityPages 506–511https://doi.org/10.1109/ARES.2013.66Business people and academia are now excited about Big Data and Cloud Computing as the new and most innovative means for enhancing productivity and customer satisfaction. Simultaneously, there are strong concerns about privacy not only among privacy ...
- research-articleMay 2013
Privacy nudges for social media: an exploratory Facebook study
WWW '13 Companion: Proceedings of the 22nd International Conference on World Wide WebPages 763–770https://doi.org/10.1145/2487788.2488038Anecdotal evidence and scholarly research have shown that a significant portion of Internet users experience regrets over their online disclosures. To help individuals avoid regrettable online disclosures, we employed lessons from behavioral decision ...
- keynoteJune 2012
User' interpretation of travel information and implications for system design
Sense Transport '12: Proceedings of the 6th ACM workshop on Next generation mobile computing for dynamic personalised travel planningPages 1–2https://doi.org/10.1145/2307874.2307876This paper provides a vision that sketches insights from behavioural economics, and illustrates their potential use in the design of travel information systems, with a specific focus on personal mobile applications.