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- research-articleJanuary 2017
Enforcing Regular Languages
Fundamenta Informaticae (FUNI), Volume 154, Issue 1-4Pages 131–144https://doi.org/10.3233/FI-2017-1556We investigate regular languages in the context of the forbidding-enforcing systems introduced by Ehrenfeucht and Rozenberg in the variant where one fe-system defines a single language. In general, these systems may have infinite sets of rules, allowing ...
- articleJanuary 2017
Utilization of a fluidic infrastructure for the realization of enzyme-based Boolean logic operations
International Journal of Parallel, Emergent and Distributed Systems (IJPEDS), Volume 32, Issue 1Pages 139–156https://doi.org/10.1080/17445760.2016.1213250Fluidic enzyme-based logic systems for biosensor applications
- ArticleOctober 2012
Generating DNA code words using forbidding and enforcing systems
TPNC'12: Proceedings of the First international conference on Theory and Practice of Natural ComputingPages 147–160https://doi.org/10.1007/978-3-642-33860-1_13Research in DNA computing was initiated by Leonard Adleman in 1994 when he solved an instance of an NP-complete problem solely by molecules. DNA code words arose in the attempt to avoid unwanted hybridizations of DNA strands for DNA based computations. ...
- ArticleMarch 2012
Forbidding sets and normal forms for language forbidding-enforcing systems
LATA'12: Proceedings of the 6th international conference on Language and Automata Theory and ApplicationsPages 289–300https://doi.org/10.1007/978-3-642-28332-1_25This paper investigates ways to reduce redundancy in forbidding sets for language forbidding-enforcing systems. A language forbidding set disallows combinations of subwords in a word, while permitting the presence of some parts of these combinations. ...
- ArticleJune 2011
Defining languages by forbidding-enforcing systems
CiE'11: Proceedings of the 7th conference on Models of computation in context: computability in EuropePages 92–101Motivated by biomolecular computing, forbidding-enforcing systems (fe-systems) were first used to define classes of languages (fefamilies) based on boundary conditions. This paper presents a new model of fe-systems in which fe-systems define single ...
- research-articleJuly 2009
Liposome logic
GECCO '09: Proceedings of the 11th Annual conference on Genetic and evolutionary computationPages 161–168https://doi.org/10.1145/1569901.1569924VLSI research, in its continuous push toward further miniaturisation, is seeking to break through the limitations of current circuit manufacture techniques by moving towards biomimetic methodologies that rely on self-assembly, selforganisation and ...
- ArticleJune 2007
Experimental validation of the transcription-based diagnostic automata with quantitative control by programmed molecules
Biomolecular computing using the artificial nucleic acid technology is expected to bring new solutions to various health problems. We focus on the noninvasive transcriptome diagnosis by salivary mRNAs and present the novel concept of transcription-based ...
- articleJune 2005
Retrovirus-based computer
Natural Computing: an international journal (NATC), Volume 4, Issue 2Pages 127–139https://doi.org/10.1007/s11047-004-4008-xA practical intra-cellular biomolecular computer should work inside living cells without damaging them. The retrovirus-based biomolecular computer has been designed, by mimicking the natural processes of living cells, to enable the creation of a ...
- articleDecember 2004
Virtual test tubes
By their structure and operation, biomolecules have resolved fundamental problems as a distributed computational system that we are just beginning to unveil. One advantageous approach to gain a good understanding of the processes and algorithms involved ...
- articleDecember 2004
Physical modeling of biomolecular computers: Models, limitations, and experimental validation
Natural Computing: an international journal (NATC), Volume 3, Issue 4Pages 411–426https://doi.org/10.1007/s11047-004-2643-xA principal challenge facing the development and scaling of biomolecular computers is the design of physically well-motivated, experimentally validated simulation tools. In particular, accurate simulations of computational behavior are needed to ...
- articleDecember 2004
Statistical thermodynamic analysis and designof DNA-based computers
Natural Computing: an international journal (NATC), Volume 3, Issue 4Pages 443–459https://doi.org/10.1007/s11047-004-2641-zA principal research area in biomolecular computing is the development of analytical methods for evaluating computational fidelity and efficiency. In this work, the equilibrium theory of the DNA helix-coil transition is reviewed and expanded, as applied ...
- research-articleNovember 2002
Aqueous computing: A survey with an invitation to participate
Journal of Computer Science and Technology (JCST), Volume 17, Issue 6Pages 672–681https://doi.org/10.1007/BF02960757AbstractThe concept of aqueous computing is presented here, first in full generality, and afterward, using an implementation in a specific enzymatic technology. Aqueous computing arose in the context of biomolecular (DNA) computing, but the concept is ...
- ArticleSeptember 2000
Virtual Test Tubes: A New Methodology for Computing
Biomolecular computing (BMC) aims to capture the innumerable advantages that biological molecules have gained in the course of millions of years of evolution to perform computation unfeasible on conventional electronic computers. While biomolecules have ...