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- short-paperMay 2024
xNose: A Test Smell Detector for C#
- Partha Protim Paul,
- Md Tonoy Akanda,
- Mohammed Raihan Ullah,
- Dipto Mondal,
- Nazia Sultana Chowdhury,
- Fazle Mohammed Tawsif
ICSE-Companion '24: Proceedings of the 2024 IEEE/ACM 46th International Conference on Software Engineering: Companion ProceedingsPages 370–371https://doi.org/10.1145/3639478.3643116Test smells, similar to code smells, can negatively impact both the test code and the production code being tested. Despite extensive research on test smells in languages like Java, Scala, and Python, automated tools for detecting test smells in C# are ...
- research-articleJuly 2024
High performance GPU graphics API abstraction layer in C# for real-time graphics
Procedia Computer Science (PROCS), Volume 235, Issue CPages 1258–1267https://doi.org/10.1016/j.procs.2024.04.119AbstractReal-Time rendering is the technique which allows us to have graphical applications in our everyday life, whether it is a 3D game or a tool with graphical user interface. Nowadays graphics rendering is handled by the GPU (Graphics Processing Unit) ...
- research-articleDecember 2023
Developing E-learning Software using Finite Element Technology to Enhance Engineering Mechanics Education: a Case Study
WSSE '23: Proceedings of the 2023 5th World Symposium on Software EngineeringPages 254–260https://doi.org/10.1145/3631991.3632033E-learning software development is a frontier technology in education, requiring both software development expertise and a thorough understanding of classroom teaching requirements. This paper proposes the use of finite element technology (FET) and C# ...
- research-articleJanuary 2023
Implementation of an IoT system for environment monitoring and remote web control using ARM Mbed cloud and GUI
International Journal of Computer Applications in Technology (IJCAT), Volume 71, Issue 1Pages 1–17https://doi.org/10.1504/ijcat.2023.131061This paper implements an IoT system for environment monitoring and remote web control using ARM Mbed cloud. The embedded system used for environment monitoring is implemented using an ARM Cortex-M4 core-based STM32L4 series development board integrated ...
- research-articleJanuary 2022
FPGA-based DFT system design, optimisation and implementation using high-level synthesis
International Journal of Computer Applications in Technology (IJCAT), Volume 69, Issue 1Pages 47–61https://doi.org/10.1504/ijcat.2022.126091In this paper, a discrete Fourier transform (DFT) algorithm is designed and optimised for the FPGA implementation using the Xilinx VIVADO High-Level Synthesis (HLS) tool. The DFT algorithm is written by C++ programming and simulated for functional ...
- research-articleJanuary 2021
Design, optimisation and implementation of a DCT/IDCT-based image processing system on FPGA
International Journal of Computer Applications in Technology (IJCAT), Volume 67, Issue 4Pages 303–323https://doi.org/10.1504/ijcat.2021.122346In this paper, a Discrete Cosine Transform (DCT) and its inverse transform IDCT are designed and optimised for FPGA using the Xilinx VIVADO High-Level Synthesis (HLS) tool. The DCT and IDCT algorithms along with a filter logic written by C/C++ are ...
- research-articleOctober 2020
On the use of C# Unsafe Code Context: An Empirical Study of Stack Overflow
ESEM '20: Proceedings of the 14th ACM / IEEE International Symposium on Empirical Software Engineering and Measurement (ESEM)Article No.: 39, Pages 1–6https://doi.org/10.1145/3382494.3422165Background. C# maintains type safety and security by not allowing direct dangerous pointer arithmetic. To improve performance for special cases, pointer arithmetic is provided via an unsafe context. Programmers can use the C# unsafe keyword to ...
- research-articleSeptember 2019
To var or not to var: how do C# developers use and misuse implicit and explicit typing?
Software Quality Journal (KLU-SQJO), Volume 27, Issue 3Pages 1175–1207https://doi.org/10.1007/s11219-018-9426-6AbstractWhen implicit typing with the “var” keyword was introduced into C#, it prompted contradictory opinions among developers. This paper starts by explaining the difference between implicit and explicit typing and then provides an overview of ...
- articleNovember 2018
Bi-directional education contents using VR equipments and augmented reality
Multimedia Tools and Applications (MTAA), Volume 77, Issue 22Pages 30089–30104Recently, in the Republic of Korea (ROK), the development of contents related to safe evacuation procedures has become an issue as there have been many man-made disasters. Thus, augmented reality-based bi-directional education contents that can ...
Practical detection of concurrency issues at coding time
ISSTA 2018: Proceedings of the 27th ACM SIGSOFT International Symposium on Software Testing and AnalysisPages 221–231https://doi.org/10.1145/3213846.3213853We have developed a practical static checker that is designed to interactively mark data races and deadlocks in program source code at development time. As this use case requires a checker to be both fast and precise, we engaged a simple technique of ...
- articleDecember 2017
Monitoring of the daily living activities in smart home care
Human-centric Computing and Information Sciences (HCIS), Volume 7, Issue 1Article No.: 113, Pages 1–34https://doi.org/10.1186/s13673-017-0113-6One of the key requirements for technological systems that are used to secure independent housing for seniors in their home environment is monitoring of daily living activities (ADL), their classification, and recognition of routine daily patterns and ...
- research-articleNovember 2017
House of cards: code smells in open-source C# repositories
ESEM '17: Proceedings of the 11th ACM/IEEE International Symposium on Empirical Software Engineering and MeasurementPages 424–429https://doi.org/10.1109/ESEM.2017.57Background: Code smells are indicators of quality problems that make a software hard to maintain and evolve. Given the importance of smells in the source code's maintainability, many studies have explored the characteristics of smells and analyzed their ...
- research-articleJune 2017
Static deadlock detection for asynchronous C# programs
PLDI 2017: Proceedings of the 38th ACM SIGPLAN Conference on Programming Language Design and ImplementationPages 292–305https://doi.org/10.1145/3062341.3062361Asynchronous programming is a standard approach for designing responsive applications. Modern languages such as C# provide async/await primitives for the disciplined use of asynchrony. In spite of this, programs can deadlock because of incorrect use of ...
Also Published in:
ACM SIGPLAN Notices: Volume 52 Issue 6 - research-articleNovember 2016
Novel accurate and scalable 3-D MT forward solver based on a contracting integral equation method
Computers & Geosciences (CGEO), Volume 96, Issue CPages 208–217https://doi.org/10.1016/j.cageo.2016.08.017We present a novel, open source 3-D MT forward solver based on a method of integral equations (IE) with contracting kernel. Special attention in the solver is paid to accurate calculations of Green's functions and their integrals which are cornerstones ...
- articleJuly 2016
Security Impact on e-ATM Windows Communication Foundation Services using Certificate based Authentication and Protection: An implementation of Message Level Security based on.NET Technique
International Journal of Information Retrieval Research (IJIRR-IGI), Volume 6, Issue 3Pages 37–51https://doi.org/10.4018/IJIRR.2016070103The authors proposed to design and implement a prototype research electronic automated teller machine service using Windows Communication Foundation to study the performance and scalability of implementing Web Service Security policy. The software ...
- articleMarch 2016
From verified model to executable program: the PAT approach
Innovations in Systems and Software Engineering (SPISSE), Volume 12, Issue 1Pages 1–26https://doi.org/10.1007/s11334-015-0269-zCSP# is a formal modeling language that emphasizes the design of communication in concurrent systems. PAT framework provides a model checking environment for the simulation and verification of CSP# models. Although the desired properties can be formally ...
- articleFebruary 2016
Design and implementation of an efficient hybrid dynamic and static typing language
Software—Practice & Experience (SPRE), Volume 46, Issue 2Pages 199–226https://doi.org/10.1002/spe.2291Dynamic languages are suitable for developing specific applications where runtime adaptability is an important issue. On the contrary, statically typed languages commonly provide better compile-time type error detection and more opportunities for ...
- articleJanuary 2016
An Empirical Comparison of Java and C# Programs in Following Naming Conventions
International Journal of People-Oriented Programming (IJPOP), Volume 5, Issue 1Pages 39–60https://doi.org/10.4018/IJPOP.2016010103An important indicator of source code quality is compliance with naming conventions. It is believed that such practices improve program comprehension, which directly affects maintainability and reusability. In this paper, the authors conduct an ...
- ArticleApril 2015
Engaging School Students with Tangible Devices: Pilot Project with .NET Gadgeteer
LATICE '15: Proceedings of the 2015 International Conference on Learning and Teaching in Computing and EngineeringPages 112–119https://doi.org/10.1109/LaTiCE.2015.26One of the challenges to promoting computer science in schools is to create and retain interest in programming. We describe a pilot project for primary and secondary students in Macau to introduce .NET Gadgeteer, a rapid prototyping platform for ...
- posterMarch 2015
A structure of a c# framework ContextCS based on context-oriented programming
MODULARITY Companion 2015: Companion Proceedings of the 14th International Conference on ModularityPages 21–22https://doi.org/10.1145/2735386.2735925Context-oriented programming (COP) treats context explicitly and provides mechanisms to adapt behavior dynamically in reaction to changes in context at runtime. These languages are desirable to context-sensitive embedded software since such software ...