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- ArticleJuly 2020
Defining a Human-Machine Teaming Model for AI-Powered Human-Centered Machine Translation Agent by Learning from Human-Human Group Discussion: Dialog Categories and Dialog Moves
AbstractThe vision of human-machine symbiosis is that a human will work closely and harmoniously with the machine. We study interactions among human translators to help define potential Human-Machine Interface (HCI) and Human-Machine Teaming (HMT) models ...
- research-articleJuly 2017
Using Argumentative Structure to Interpret Debates in Online Deliberative Democracy and eRulemaking
ACM Transactions on Internet Technology (TOIT), Volume 17, Issue 3Article No.: 25, Pages 1–22https://doi.org/10.1145/3032989Governments around the world are increasingly utilising online platforms and social media to engage with, and ascertain the opinions of, their citizens. Whilst policy makers could potentially benefit from such enormous feedback from society, they first ...
- research-articleJune 2016
Xart system: discovering and extracting correlated arguments of n-ary relations from text
WIMS '16: Proceedings of the 6th International Conference on Web Intelligence, Mining and SemanticsArticle No.: 8, Pages 1–12https://doi.org/10.1145/2912845.2912855In this paper, we present Xart system based on a hybrid method using data mining approaches and syntactic analysis to automatically discover and extract relevant information modeled as n-ary relations from text. A n-ary relation links a studied object ...
- ArticleFebruary 2016
Developing a Formal Model of Argumentation-based Dialogue
ICAART 2016: Proceedings of the 8th International Conference on Agents and Artificial IntelligencePages 258–263https://doi.org/10.5220/0005665502580263We are considering dialogues in natural language where the participants (A and B) are arguing for and against of doing an action D by B. The participants can have similar or opposite communicative goals. If both A and B have the same goal (â B will do ...
- ArticleJanuary 2015
Communicative Strategy in a Formal Model of Dispute
ICAART 2015: Proceedings of the International Conference on Agents and Artificial Intelligence - Volume 2Pages 489–496https://doi.org/10.5220/0005274904890496We study human-human dialogues in a natural language where the communicative goal of the initiator of dialogue is to bring the partner to a decision to do a certain action. If the partner does not accept the goal then dispute will start. Arguments for ...
- ArticleOctober 2014
Modelling Debates on the Computer
IC3K 2014: Proceedings of the International Joint Conference on Knowledge Discovery, Knowledge Engineering and Knowledge Management - Volume 2Pages 361–368https://doi.org/10.5220/0005129303610368In the paper, a model of debate is developed which includes a model of argument. When starting interaction, the participants have opposite communicative goals. They are exchanging arguments and counter-arguments and one of them has finally to abandon ...
- articleSeptember 2014
Complement Polyvalence and Permutation in English
Journal of Logic, Language and Information (KLU-JLLI), Volume 23, Issue 3Pages 275–285https://doi.org/10.1007/s10849-014-9191-2In this paper, I address the problem wherein the same English word permits one of its complement positions to be satisfied by phrases of different categories. A well-known example of such an English word is the copula to be, whose complements include ...
- ArticleMay 2010
Research on Persuasion Type Argument-negotiation System Based on Agent and Its State of Arts
ICEE '10: Proceedings of the 2010 International Conference on E-Business and E-GovernmentPages 4418–4421https://doi.org/10.1109/ICEE.2010.1110Persuasion type argument-negotiation system based on agent can meet needs of cooperation among organization. After introduction of this system, advance in this area has been reviewed from three aspects: protocols、strategies and models、development. Then ...
- ArticleJuly 2009
Are PCPs Inherent in Efficient Arguments?
CCC '09: Proceedings of the 2009 24th Annual IEEE Conference on Computational ComplexityPages 81–92https://doi.org/10.1109/CCC.2009.40Starting with Kilian (STOC `92), several works have shown how to use probabilistically checkable proofs (PCPs) and cryptographic primitives such as collision-resistant hashing to construct very efficient argument systems (a.k.a. computationally sound ...
- articleApril 2009
Partial information basis for agent-based collaborative dialogue
Applied Intelligence (KLU-APIN), Volume 30, Issue 2Pages 142–167https://doi.org/10.1007/s10489-007-0108-5We propose a partial information state-based framework for collaborative dialogue and argument between agents. We employ a three-valued based nonmonotonic logic, NML3, for representing and reasoning about Partial Information States (PIS). NML3 ...
- chapterMarch 2009
Enlarging the Diversity of Valency Instantiation Patterns and Its Implications
Logic, Language, and ComputationMarch 2009, Pages 206–220https://doi.org/10.1007/978-3-642-00665-4_17In the prototypical case, arguments (=actants) are directly subordinated to their predicates and occupy positions of the subject and direct or indirect object. Valency slots filled in this way are called active. In non-prototypical cases, arguments can ...
- ArticleDecember 2008
Novel Stereo Matching Method on Multi-scale Harris Corner Points
ISCSCT '08: Proceedings of the 2008 International Symposium on Computer Science and Computational Technology - Volume 01Pages 167–170https://doi.org/10.1109/ISCSCT.2008.108A feature point detection algorithm is presented based on the scale-space theory. The algorithm overcome the drawback that a typical single-scale Harris detector usually leads to either missing significant corner points or detecting false corner points ...
- ArticleJuly 2008
A Practical Way for Projects to Visualize Design Rationale
IV '08: Proceedings of the 2008 12th International Conference Information VisualisationPages 553–558https://doi.org/10.1109/IV.2008.76Design rationale remains poorly explained and rarely modelled on projects in industry. However, the reasons for design decisions are important when a specification has to be re-examined, eg for reuse, for safety, for validation, or to satisfy ...
- ArticleOctober 1996
Assessing Complex Computer Based Systems using the Goal Structuring Notation
Procurers of critical computer based systems have to assess the suitability of implementations provided by external contractors. What an assessor requires is a clear, comprehensible and defensible argument, with supporting evidence, that a system will ...