Author Guidelines
Please consult the description of the journal coverage and scope on the "About TSC" page.
How to Submit
All manuscripts considered for publication in TSC must be prepared in PDF format and submitted via the ACM Manuscript Central submission site at
Double-blind review
TSC has adopted double-blind review, meaning that the authors and reviewers are unaware of each other's identities. To prepare a manuscript for double-blind review, follow the following steps:
- Anonymize the title page.
- Remove mention of funding sources and personal acknowledgments.
- Anonymize references found in running prose that cite your papers.
- Anonymize citations of submitted work in the bibliography.
- Ambiguate statements on well-known or unique systems that identify an author.
- Name your files with care and ensure document properties are also anonymized.
For more details, please see the Double-blind Instructions.
Revisions of conference papers
Extensions of previously-published conference papers can be submitted. The revised paper should have at least 25% new material (per ACM policy). The new material should be substantive, not just the addition of proofs or a few more performance figures. The revision provides an opportunity for the author to describe the novel approach in more depth, to consider the alternatives more comprehensively, and to delve into some of the issues listed in the conference paper as future work. For the initial anonymous review, the cover letter (but not the manuscript) should cite the previous publication and explain what was added for the journal submission. If the paper is accepted, the final submission must add the citation of the prior publication and a brief description of the extension to the introduction or abstract.
Presentation at conferences
Papers accepted to ACM TSC have the opportunity to present their work at participating SIGCHI conferences. (Conference organizers may screen papers to ensure topical fit.) Presentation allows journal paper authors to get greater exposure for their work, and allows people to take advantage of the greater continuity of the journal review process while still having their work presented at a SIGCHI conference. Each paper will have the opportunity to present at only one conference within approximately a year of their paper being accepted. Note that while papers are invited for presentation, authors may elect to forego presentation without penalty. Presentation is not required for your paper to be published.
ORCID Requirements
ACM requires that all accepted journal authors register and provide ACM with valid ORCIDs prior to paper publication. Corresponding authors are responsible for collecting these ORCIDs from co-authors and for providing them to ACM as part of the ACM eRights selection process. For journals using the ScholarOne submission system, the submitting author will be required to provide their own ORCID upon submission. Authors are strongly encouraged, but not required, to include ORCIDs for all authors in their source files. Please note: ACM only requires you to complete the initial ORCID registration process. However, ACM encourages you to take the additional step to claim ownership of all your published works via the ORCID site.
ORCID provides a persistent digital identifier that distinguishes you from every other researcher through integration in key research workflows such as manuscript and grant submission and supports automated linkages between you and your professional activities - ensuring that your work receives proper recognition. This requirement will also enable ACM to provide improvements to the normalization process of ACM Digital Library author profile data, aid in the detection of undeclared conflicts of interest and other publications-related misconduct in ACM Publications, assist with the implementation of ACM Open, and offer a host of other researcher benefits to ACM authors and the scientific community.
Before submission, the corresponding author should register for an ORCID. Your co-authors should also create their individual ORCIDs at that time and add them to their accounts in the manuscript submission system. Otherwise, you will need to enter them manually into the ACM rights system upon paper acceptance and before publication in the ACM Digital Library. Simple instructions for complying with this mandate are provided inside the ACM eRights system.
ORCID information for all authors will appear on the article’s page in the ACM Digital Library. If ORCIDs are included in an article’s source files, they will also be linked in the published output.
The ACM ORCID FAQ should answer many of your questions.
ACM Policies
As a published ACM author, you and your co-authors are subject to all ACM Publications Policies.
ACM Policy on Authorship
The ACM Policy on Authorship and the associated list of Frequently Asked Questions cover the criteria for authorship and for submission, as well as acceptable and unacceptable authorship practices.
ACM Conflict of Interest (COI) Policy
The ACM Conflict of Interest (COI) Policy describes what a COI is, who is responsible for being aware of such conflicts, how to manage COIs, and how to report violations.
ACM Peer Review Policy
ACM recognizes that the quality of a refereed publication rests primarily on the impartial judgment of their volunteer reviewers. Expectations of reviewers and ACM, including key topics such as confidentiality, the use of large language models in the peer review process, and conflicts of interest, can be found in the ACM Peer Review Policy and its associated list of Frequently Asked Questions.
ACM Publications Policy on Research Involving Human Participants and Subjects
All authors conducting research involving human participants and subjects must meet appropriate ethical and legal standards guiding such research. These requirements are detailed in the ACM Publications Policy on Research Involving Human Participants and Subjects.
Manuscripts accepted for publication in any ACM publication must be formatted using the ACM authoring template. Submissions must also use the ACM authoring templates. ACM style files will closely approximate the final output, enabling authors to judge the page-length of their published articles.
ACM authoring templates and detailed instructions on formatting can be found at For both Word and Latex technical support, contact [email protected].
ACM Computing Classification System (CCS)
If your paper has been accepted, please read the HOW TO CLASSIFY WORKS USING ACM'S COMPUTING CLASSIFICATION SYSTEM for instructions on how to classify your document using the CCS and insert the index terms into your LaTeX or Microsoft Word source file. Providing the proper indexing and retrieval information from the CCS provides the reader with quick content reference, facilitating the search for related literature, as well as searches for your work in ACM's Digital Library and on other online resources.
Author Rights
ACM authors can manage their publication rights in either of the following ways:
- A license granting ACM non-exclusive permission to publish—allowing authors to self-manage all rights to their work by choosing to pay for perpetual open access from the ACM Digital Library.
- A publishing license agreement granting ACM exclusive publication rights—by granting ACM the right to serve as the exclusive publisher of a work and to manage ongoing rights and permissions associated with the work, including the right to defend it against improper use by third parties. (This license is roughly the equivalent of ACM’s traditional Copyright Transfer Agreement except that the author continues to hold copyright.)
As of January 2023, per decision of the ACM Publications Board, the traditional Copyright Transfer Agreement option is no longer available for ACM authors. ACM will continue to defend all ACM-published works against improper use when allegations of publication-related misconduct are brought to light. For more information please refer to this article in The Blue Diamond.
Additionally, ACM authors may post all versions of their work, with the exception of the final published "Version of Record", to non-commercial repositories such as ArXiv. See the ACM Author Rights page for additional information.
Learn more, including about posting to pre-print servers and institutional repositories, by visiting the ACM Author Rights page.
Open Access
ACM has made a commitment to become a fully sustainable and Plan S compliant Open Access (OA) scholarly publisher within approximately five years. ACM offers a number of ways to achieve this goal, including Hybrid OA, Gold OA, and the ACM OPEN program.
Most ACM journals, with the following exceptions, are Hybrid OA. ACM Gold OA journals are:
- ACM Transactions on Architecture and Code Optimization (TACO)
- ACM Transactions on Human-Robot Interaction (THRI)
- ACM Transactions on Programming Languages and Systems (TOPLAS)
- ACM Transactions on Probabilistic Machine Learning (TOPML)
- ACM/IMS Journal on Data Science (JDS)
- Digital Government: Research & Practice (DGOV)
- Digital Threats: Research & Practice (DTRAP)
- Formal Aspects of Computing (FAC)
- Proceedings of the ACM on Programming Languages (PACMPL)
- Proceedings of the ACM on Software Engineering (PACMSE)
Click here to view the Article Processing Charges (APCs) to publish your article Open Access.
Additionally, all corresponding authors from an institution participating in ACM OPEN will have their research articles published OA at the time of publication at no cost to the authors. Click here for a list of participating institutions. To ensure eligibility for the program, corresponding authors from participating institutions must use their institutional email address upon submission.
Language Services
ACM has partnered with International Science Editing (ISE) to provide language editing services to ACM authors. ISE offers a comprehensive range of services for authors including standard and premium English language editing, as well as illustration and translation services, and also has significant outreach in China. Editing is available for both Word and LaTeX files. As an ACM author, you will receive a generous discount on ISE editing services. To take advantage of this partnership, visit the Dedicated ACM Editing Service. (Editing services are at author expense and do not guarantee publication of a manuscript.)
Author-izer Service
Once your manuscript is published, this service allows you to generate and post a link on your home page or institutional repository to your published article. This link will let any visitors to your personal bibliography pages download the definitive version of the articles for free from the ACM DL. These downloads will be recorded as part of your DL usage statistics. A detailed description of the service and instructions for its use may be found at the ACM Author-Izer Service page.
LaTeX Collaborative Authoring Tool on Overleaf Platform
ACM has partnered with, a free cloud-based, authoring tool, to provide an ACM LaTeX authoring template. Authors can easily invite colleagues to collaborate on their document. Among other features, the platform automatically compiles the document while an author writes, so the author can see what the finished file will look like in real time. Further information can be found at The ACM LaTeX template on Overleaf platform is available to all ACM authors
Kudos Article Sharing Platform
Kudos is a free service that you can use to promote your work more effectively. After your paper has been accepted and uploaded to the ACM Digital Library, you'll receive an invitation from Kudos to create an account and add a plain-language description. The Kudos “Shareable PDF” allows you to generate a PDF to upload to websites, such as your homepage, institutional repository, preprint services, and social media. This PDF contains a link to the full-text version of your article in the ACM DL, adding to download and citation counts.
Author Gateway
Please be sure to visit the ACM Author Portal for additional important author information.
Contact Us
For further assistance and questions regarding the journal editorial review process and paper assignment to an issue, contact the journal administrator ([email protected]).