ACM Trans. Archit. Code Optim., Vol. 15, No. 3, Article 29, Publication date: August 2018.
The Sparse Matrix-Vector Multiplication (SpMV) kernel dominates the computing cost in numerous scientific applications. Many implementations based on different sparse formats were proposed to improve this kernel on the recent GPU architectures. However, it has been widely observed that there is no “best-for-all” sparse format for the SpMV kernel on GPU. Indeed, serious performance degradation of an order of magnitude can be observed without a careful selection of the sparse format to use. To address this problem, we propose in this article BestSF (Best Sparse Format), a new learning-based sparse meta-format that automatically selects the most appropriate sparse format for a given input matrix. To do so, BestSF relies on a cost-sensitive classification system trained using Weighted Support Vector Machines (WSVMs) to predict the best sparse format for each input sparse matrix. Our experimental results on two different NVIDIA GPU architectures using a large number of real-world sparse matrices show that BestSF achieved a noticeable overall performance improvement over using a single sparse format. While BestSF is trained to select the best sparse format in terms of performance (GFLOPS), our further experimental investigations revealed that using BestSF also led, in most of the test cases, to the best energy efficiency (MFLOPS/W). To prove its practical effectiveness, we also evaluate the performance and energy efficiency improvement achieved when using BestSF as a building block in a GPU-based Preconditioned Conjugate Gradient (PCG) iterative solver.
ACM Reference format:
Akrem Benatia, Weixing Ji, Yizhuo Wang, and Feng Shi. 2018. BestSF: A Sparse Meta-Format for Optimizing SpMV on GPU. ACM Trans. Archit. Code Optim. 15, 3, Article 29 (August 2018), 27 pages.
The Sparse Matrix-Vector Multiplication (SpMV) kernel is a non-trivial sparse Basic Linear Algebra Subprogram (BLAS) operation. It dominates the computing cost in many iterative methods for solving large-scale linear systems, eigenvalue problems, Krylov subspace methods, and other problems. Optimizing the SpMV kernel on modern hardware architectures is extremely beneficial for a wide range of application domains like large simulation systems, medical imaging, information retrieval, economic and climate change modeling, and many others [6, 21].
In the past few years, researchers have investigated many ways to improve the performance of the SpMV kernel on the recent hardware architectures such as many-core Graphics Processing Units (GPUs). Many sparse formats were proposed in the literature (COO, CSR, DIA, ELL, HYB, BCSR, etc.) [6, 14, 21, 59], and also different auto-tuning techniques that optimize the performance by tuning different parameters according to the sparsity structure of the input matrix [14, 23]. It has been widely observed that the GPU performance of the SpMV kernel is very sensitive to the used sparse matrix format. As shown in many studies [12, 19, 21, 33], using an “improper” sparse format can cause serious performance degradation of an order of magnitude or more. Thus, researchers and application designers usually face a challenging question: which sparse format should be used to minimize the SpMV kernel execution time on GPU?
The most widely adopted solution to such sparse format selection problem is to use the sparse format that offers the best average performance on a representative set of sparse matrices. To use the same terminology as in [56], this approach is known as the “winner-takes-all” approach. Its main drawback is that it ignores many sparse formats that are not competitive on average but offer very good performance on particular sparse matrices. The ideal solution, on the other hand, would be to use the sparse format with the best performance for each input sparse matrix. Unfortunately, given the rising complexity of the GPU architecture and the wide range of different sparsity patterns, it is extremely challenging to precisely determine which sparse format is the best for a given input matrix without running the SpMV kernel itself. Nevertheless, we can rely on machine learning techniques to build a classification system that predicts the best sparse format for a given input matrix. Specifically, in this work, we use cost-sensitive classification models trained using Weighted Support Vector Machines (WSVMs) [60] to predict the best sparse format for a given sparse matrix based on some easy to compute sparsity features. The resulting system can be seen as a new sparse meta-format that we call BestSF (Best Sparse Format).
In this article, we consider the sparse formats COO, CSR, BCSR, ELL, DIA, and HYB. These sparse formats are the basis for a lot of other simple and hybrid formats [6, 21]. We have considered some very simple sparsity features that affect the GPU performance of the SpMV kernel to characterize the sparse matrices. A dataset of 1,000 sparse matrices from the SuiteSparse matrix collection (formerly the University of Florida Sparse Matrix Collection) [20] was used in the learning and the testing process. Our experimental results on two different NVIDIA GPU architectures, Maxwell and Pascal, show that BestSF achieved more than 97% of the best performance possible with a perfect selection. We also studied the impact of selecting the best sparse format in terms of performance (GFLOPS) on the overall energy efficiency (MFLOPS/W) of the SpMV kernel on GPU. Our experimental results revealed that BestSF, despite being trained to predict the best sparse format in terms of performance (GFLOPS), was also able to achieve better overall energy efficiency than any of its constituent sparse formats. To prove the practical effectiveness of BestSF, we measured its overhead and evaluated the performance and energy efficiency gain of using it as a building block in a GPU-based Preconditioned Conjugate Gradient (PCG) iterative solver.
Automatically selecting the best performing sparse format was also addressed in [47], where a decision tree classifier was used. In our previous work [8], we demonstrated that using multiclass Support Vector Machines (SVMs) with only very easy to compute sparsity features delivered better results. SVMs were also used in Nitro [40, 41] to select the best variant of different kernels (CG solvers, BFS, Histogram, Sort, and SpMV). To the best of our knowledge, all these existing studies of the problem of sparse format selection on GPU using a machine learning approach did not consider the difference between the performance of different sparse formats for a given matrix in the learning phase. In fact, to maximize the overall performance of the SpMV kernel, a good sparse format selection system should be trained to correctly classify the matrices with large performance differences between different sparse formats even at the expense of misclassifying sparse matrices with almost no performance difference. Also, the overhead of selecting the best performing sparse format has not been thoroughly discussed making the situation not very clear about which kind of applications can benefit from using such sparse format selection systems. Finally, while many recent studies suggest that energy efficiency should be considered on par with the performance in building both the hardware and the software [51, 55], we can notice that this aspect has been largely ignored when proposing, optimizing, or selecting between different sparse formats for the SpMV on GPU. This article comes as a continuation and extension of our previous work [8]. Its main new contributions are the following:
The rest of this article is organized as follows: Section 2 gives a background about the sparse formats considered. Section 3 introduces the problem of sparse format selection. Section 4 gives an overview of BestSF's workflow while Sections 5 and 6 cover all the details about the used sparsity features and the learning process. In Section 7, we evaluate both the performance and energy efficiency of BestSF. Section 8 is dedicated to evaluating the use of BestSF as a building block in a GPU-based PCG iterative solver. Finally, Section 9 discusses the related work, and Section 10 concludes our article.
The SpMV is a non-trivial level-2 BLAS operation that multiplies a sparse matrix $ A (n \times m)$ by a dense vector $x(m)$; the result of this operation is a vector $y(n)$. Usual matrix formats (dense formats) are not efficient for implementing this kernel because of the memory wasted for storing zero values and the computing power lost in many multiplications by zero. The use of sparse formats, which reduces storing zero values, introduces many challenges. In the GPU context, over the memory-bounded nature of the SpMV [19], these sparse formats can lead, depending on the sparsity characteristics of the input matrix, to irregular and non-coalesced memory operations and also to divergence among the threads in a single warp. In this work, we consider six major sparse formats: COO, CSR, BCSR, DIA, ELL, and HYB. For the simple sparse formats COO, CSR, ELL, DIA, and HYB, we used their implementations available in the CUDA-based open source CUSP library [18]. For the BCSR format, we used its implementation available in cuSPARSE library [45]. We will use the sparse matrix shown in Figure 1 to briefly introduce these formats. More details can be found in [6, 21].
COO uses three arrays: one to store the nonzero elements of the matrix ($data$), and the two others to store the coordinates ($row\_index$ and $col\_index$). It is the most intuitive storage scheme for sparse matrices (Figure 1). The memory space needed for this format is $ size_{value} \times nnz + 2 \times size_{index} \times nnz$.
CSR uses three arrays: $data$, $col\_index$, and $ptr$. The array $data$ stores the nonzero elements. The integer array $col\_index$ is for storing the column indices of the nonzero elements of the sparse matrix. The last array, $ptr$, is used to store row pointers to the offset of each row in data (Figure 1). Due to its memory space efficiency ($ {size_{value} \times nnz + size_{index} \times (nnz+m+1)}$), CSR is the most popular format for storing sparse matrices.
BCSR divides the input matrix into blocks of $r \times c$ elements, and stores each non-empty block similar to the CSR format. If $r = c = 1$, the BCSR format is equivalent to the CSR format. An example of $2 \times 2$ block size is shown in Figure 1. BCSR format stores only one column index and one row pointer per block. Thus, the memory requirement is $size_{value} \times (r \times c \times k) + size_{index} \times ((n/r + 1) + k)$, where $k$ is the number of blocks. BCSR format can store fewer row pointers and column indices than CSR, but at the possible cost of filling in explicit zeros (padding).
The best block size that leads to the best performance depends on the sparsity of the input matrix (problem size, block density, etc.) [14]. To find the best block size for each input matrix, we considered a similar approach to [52, 53] based on the fill ratio estimation algorithm proposed in [54] which accurately measures the ratio of the number of stored values (including explicit zeros) to the number of non-zeros by sampling only a small number of rows of the matrix.
ELL uses two arrays: $data$ and $col\_index$. The array $data$ stores the nonzero elements. The integer array $col\_index$ stores the column indices of each nonzero element (Figure 1). If the dimension of the sparse matrix is $ n \times m$, each array has a size of $ n \times max$ with $max$ the maximum number of nonzero elements in a single row of the sparse matrix; thus, the memory space needed for this format is $ {size_{value} \times n \times max + size_{index} \times n \times max}$. Each row of $data$ stores the nonzero elements of the corresponding row of the sparse matrix, and each row from $col\_index$ stores the column indices of nonzero elements from the corresponding row of the sparse matrix. Zeros are added to every row of $data$ and $col\_index$ with the number of nonzero elements less than $max$ (zero padding). A given matrix fails to convert to ELL if the memory space needed after the zero padding exceeds the total global memory of the used GPU.
DIA uses two arrays: $data$ to store the nonzero elements, and offsets to store the offset of each diagonal from the central main diagonal which corresponds to the offset 0. DIA format is designed mainly for the sparse matrices for which most of the nonzero values are stored along diagonals. If some weak diagonals have very few nonzero elements, the DIA format may waste a large amount of memory space. In the example of the matrix A (Figure 1), DIA introduces a significant amount of zero padding, but it can be very suitable for regular sparse matrices arising from some regular discretization methods [6]. If $dia$ is the number of diagonals of the input sparse matrix with at least one nonzero element, then the memory needed for the DIA format is $ {size_{value} \times min(n,m) \times dia + size_{index} \times dia}$. Similar to ELL, a given matrix fails to convert to DIA if the memory space needed after the zero padding exceeds the total global memory of the used GPU.
HYB partitions the matrix into two parts, a “dense” part to be stored using ELL and a “very sparse” part to be stored using COO. Given an input sparse matrix, CUSP implementation computes a histogram of row sizes to find a threshold value $k$, where other implementations just take, as a threshold, the value of nonzero elements per row [47]. ELL is used for all the nonzero elements of the columns on the left side of $k$, whereas COO is used for the rest of the nonzero elements on the right of $k$ (Figure 1). The memory space needed for this format is $ size_{value} \times (n \times k + X) + size_{index} \times (n \times k + 2X)$ where $X$ is the number of nonzero values handled by the COO format.
In this section, we introduce the problem of sparse format selection based on our experimental observations on two different NVIDIA GPU architectures (Table 1). Note that in all our experiments, the GPU cache was activated but not the texture memory, and the CUDA code was compiled using $nvcc 8$ with the computing capability supported by each device. The nonzero elements of the matrices are coded using double precision.
GPU1 | GPU2 | |
GPU model | GTX Titan X | GTX 1080 |
Architecture | Maxwell | Pascal |
Compute capability | 5.2 | 6.1 |
GPU cores | 3,072 | 2,560 |
Shared memory/SM (Bytes) | 49,152 | 49,152 |
L2 cache (Bytes) | 3,145,728 | 2,097,152 |
Total global memory (MB) | 12,288 | 8,113 |
TDP (W) | 250 | 180 |
Figure 2 shows the performance (GFLOPS), on two NVIDIA GPUs (Table 1), of the SpMV kernel under the sparse formats COO, CSR, BCSR, ELL, DIA, and HYB for five sparse matrices from the SuiteSparse matrix collection [20]. We can make two main observations:
It is evident from this example (Figure 2) that the best performing sparse format for a given matrix depends both on the sparsity structure of the matrix and the used GPU. Matching between each input sparse matrix and its best performing format on a given GPU is known as the problem of sparse format selection.
To prove the importance of this problem, we show in the following the impact of selecting the best performing format on the overall performance of the SpMV kernel on GPU. To do so, we measured the performance of the SpMV kernel under the six considered sparse formats on a dataset1 of 1,000 real-world sparse matrices from the SuiteSparse matrix collection [20]. All these sparse matrices fit into the global memory of the two GPUs used in our work (Table 1).
The pie chart in Figure 3 displays the distribution of the best performing sparse format on the 1,000 sparse matrices of our dataset. We can observe that, on the two GPUs, CSR covers an important percentage of the dataset (34% on Maxwell and 45% on Pascal). On the Maxwell GPU, BCSR comes in the second place followed by ELL and HYB. On the Pascal GPU, ELL comes in the second place followed by BCSR and HYB. On both GPUs, COO and DIA cover only a small percentage (less than 7%) of our dataset. Table 2 shows the average performance loss, on our dataset, if one of the sparse formats COO, CSR, BCSR, ELL, DIA, or HYB is used instead of the best performing format for each input matrix of our dataset. For example, the use of the HYB format introduces an average performance loss of more than 26% on the Maxwell GPU and 20% on the Pascal GPU. DIA and ELL introduce an important performance loss on the two GPUs. Note that given the zero padding needed in the construction of the sparse formats DIA and ELL, some sparse matrices fail to convert to these two sparse representations introducing 100% of performance loss. We can also notice that CSR has the best overall performance with less than 21.3% of performance loss on both GPUs which qualifies CSR as the “winner-takes-all” sparse format. However, as shown in Figure 4, it introduces a significant performance loss of more than 20% on an important number of sparse matrices of our dataset. All the previous observations clearly indicate that selecting the best format for each input matrix is very important for optimizing the overall performance of the SpMV kernel on GPU.
Maxwell | $ 45.9\%$ | $ 21.3\%$ | $ 35.8\%$ | $ 94.2\%$ | $ 51.0\%$ | $26.2\%$ |
Pascal | $ 40.8\%$ | $ 16.0\%$ | $ 47.0\%$ | $ 92.9\%$ | $ 47.7\%$ | $ 20.9\%$ |
The metric used in our study to characterize the energy efficiency is performance per watt (FLOPS/W) or the number of floating point operations per joule (FLOP/Joule) as $ FLOPS/W = \frac{FLOP/Second}{Joules/Second} = FLOP/Joule$ [51]. For the SpMV kernel, the number of floating point operations is proportional to the number of nonzero elements of the sparse matrix, but the total energy (Joules) must be first measured in order to compute the performance per watt after that. We utilize the onboard GPU power sensors to obtain the instant power consumption of our kernels using the NVIDIA Management Library (NVML) interface which returns the power readings in milliwatts [43]. We followed a similar methodology as in [10, 39] to compute the total GPU energy consumed by our kernels.
We measured the energy efficiency of the SpMV kernel under the considered six sparse formats on our two GPUs for all the sparse matrices of our dataset. After that, we found the best sparse format in terms of energy efficiency for each one. Similar to Table 2, Table 3 shows the average energy efficiency loss, on our dataset, if one of the sparse formats COO, CSR, BCSR, ELL, DIA, or HYB is used instead of the most energy efficient format for each input matrix of our dataset. It is clear from Table 3 that there is no best for all sparse format in terms of energy efficiency. For example, using the CSR sparse format for all the matrices will introduce more than 22% of energy efficiency loss. Also, we noticed that, for 10% of the matrices of our dataset in Maxwell and almost 24% in Pascal, the most energy efficient sparse format is different from the best performing one. This observation joins what has been noticed in [16] and confirms that changing the program implementation (in our case the SpMV implementation using different sparse formats) may affect the performance and energy efficiency in a different way. However, we can notice in Figure 5, which shows the distribution of the matrices of our dataset on intervals of energy efficiency loss if the best sparse format in terms of performance is used instead of the most energy efficient one, that we have a significant energy efficiency loss (of more than 10%) only for a relatively small number of cases. All the previous observations suggest that using the best performing sparse format (GFLOPS) will also ensure the best energy efficiency (FLOPS/W) for a large number of sparse matrices.
Maxwell | $ 45.4\%$ | $ 24.6\%$ | $ 40.9\%$ | $ 94.4\%$ | $ 52.2\%$ | $ 28.8\%$ |
Pascal | $ 39.7\%$ | $ 22.0\%$ | $ 47.9\%$ | $ 93.2\%$ | $ 47.5\%$ | $ 19.7\%$ |
In this section, we present a high-level overview of BestSF's architecture regardless of the considered sparse formats and the used machine learning algorithm. All the details about the used sparsity features and the learning process will follow up in Sections 5 and 6.
Given a set of sparse formats $ f_{i} \in \mathcal {P}$ and a set of sparse matrices $ A_{i} \in \mathcal {A}$, $ P(A_{i}, f_{j})$ is the performance (GFLOPS) of the SpMV kernel using the sparse matrix $ A_{i}$ under the sparse format $ f_{j}$ on a given GPU. The problem of sparse format selection consists in finding a mapping $ s: \mathcal {A} \mapsto \mathcal {P}$ such that $ \sum _{A_{i} \in \mathcal {A}} P(A_{i}, s(A_{i}))$ is maximized. Almost all contemporary approaches to this kind of algorithm and data structure selection problem use machine learning techniques to build predictors of the best algorithm as a function of some features that characterize the performance of the candidate algorithms [9]. Two alternatives have been widely used:
Different from these two alternatives, BestSF relies on a pairwise weighted classification approach. This approach has been shown to be effective with the recent versions of SATzilla, a portfolio-based approach for SAT [57]. It learns pairwise models between every pair of sparse formats and chooses the sparse format that was predicted most often by the pairwise models. We also weight each training point of the pairwise prediction problem by the SpMV performance difference between the two sparse formats. The lower a training point's weight, the less significant that training point in creating the model. This is motivated by the fact that we care most about getting predictions with large performance differences correct even at the expense of misclassifying matrices with almost no performance difference.
As shown in Figure 6, BestSF includes two stages: an offline training stage and an online decision-making stage. The offline stage consists in training the pairwise models between every pair of sparse formats $f_{i}$ and $f_{j}$. If we consider $p$ sparse formats, then the number of pairwise models to train is $p \times (p-1) / 2$. Given an input sparse matrix, its best sparse format is predicted in the online decision-making stage.
As shown in Figure 6, the offline training of the pairwise models includes the following steps:
Given an input sparse matrix in a default sparse format $f^{(d)}$, the following steps are performed to predict its best sparse format:
In our work, we used the implementation of the SpMV kernel under COO, CSR, DIA, ELL, and HYB available in the open source CUDA-based CUSP library [18]. Concerning the BCSR format, cuSPARSE [45] library is used. The dataset used includes 1,000 sparse matrices from the SuiteSparse matrix collection [20]. In the following sections, we provide all the details about the sparsity features used in our work, the learning process, and the evaluation of BestSF.
Table 4 summarizes the used features in our study. We can notice that all the considered features are very easy to compute (computationally not expensive) for a given input matrix. Given the rising complexity of the GPU architecture and the wide range of different sparsity patterns, it is very hard to isolate and explain the exact effect of each one of these sparsity features on the performance of the SpMV kernel under the considered sparse formats on GPU. After all, the lack of such thorough understanding is behind the motivation of using a machine learning approach. However, we summarize in the following points some general observations about the performance of different sparse formats and the considered features:
Features | |
Dimensional Features: | |
$n$ | The number of rows of the sparse matrix. |
$m$ | The number of columns of the sparse matrix. |
$nnz$ | The number of nonzero elements of the sparse matrix. |
Features related to the distribution of nonzero elements: | |
$mu$ | The average number of nonzero elements per row, $mu = \frac{nnz}{n}$. |
$sd$ | The standard deviation on nonzero elements per row. If $r_{i}$ is the number of nonzero elements of the row $i$, then ${sd = \sqrt {\frac{1}{n}\sum _{i = 1}^{n}(r_{i}-mu)^{2}}}$. |
$d$ | The density of nonzero elements in the sparse matrix, $d = \frac{nnz}{n \times m}$. |
$cv$ | The coefficient of variation of nonzero elements per row, $cv = \frac{sd}{mu}$. |
$max$ | The maximum number of nonzero elements in a single row of the matrix, $max = MAX(r_{1}, r_{2}, \ldots, r_{n})$. |
$max-mu$ | The difference between $max$ and $mu$. |
$dia$ | The number of diagonals with at least one nonzero element in the matrix. |
$dis$ | Calculated as $ dis = \frac{1}{n}\sum _{i=1}^{n} dis_{i}$ where $dis_{i}$ is the average distance between each pair of continuous nonzero elements in the row $i$ of the matrix. |
We chose to use SVMs as a training algorithm in building BestSF. SVMs, in general, have been identified in [30] as a promising machine learning method for the search algorithm selection problem in comparison with other machine learning methods. Also, SVMs deliver a good accuracy when the decision boundaries between different classes are highly nonlinear [17, 49], which we intuitively expect to be the case in the context of sparse format selection. Basically known as a binary classifier, several methods exist to extend SVMs for multiclass classification [27]:
The main drawback of the previous methods based on standard SVMs is that the training points are all given equal importance in the training phase and does not allow relative importance of training points to be considered. To solve this problem, we used the binary WSVM [60] to build $p \times (p-1) / 2$ WSVM pairwise models ($p$ is the number of sparse formats). For training the model $(f_{i}, f_{j})$, we attribute a weight, $w_{s}$, to each training point ($s$) according to the performance difference between the corresponding pair of sparse formats as shown in Equation (1). $P(A_{s},f_{i})$ and $ P(A_{s},f_{j})$ in Equation (1) represent the performance of the SpMV kernel using the matrix $A_{s}$ under the sparse formats $f_{i}$, $f_{j}$ respectively. $w_{s}(f_{i},f_{j})$ depends linearly on the performance improvement between the two sparse formats $f_{i}$ and $f_{j}$. Given a new example (sparse matrix in our case), we used a similar voting strategy to the one used in the standard one-against-one strategy: if the model $(f_{i}, f_{j})$ selects $f_{i}$, then the score of $f_{i}$ is increased by one. Otherwise, the score of $f_{j}$ is increased by one. We repeat this process with all $p \times (p-1) / 2$ pairwise models. Then, the new example is affected to the class with the largest score.
We used the implementation of WSVM available in the open source LibSVM library [13]. We kept using the standard C-SVM algorithm and selected the Gaussian Radial Basis Function (RBF) kernel. We used the cross-validation technique as suggested in [26] for selecting the two parameters $ C$ and $ gamma$. The parameter $ \alpha$ in Equation (1) is set to $ \alpha = 100.0$ (we achieved our best results with this value). A very important step is scaling the data points before the training/testing process. LibSVM comes with a default linear scaling scheme that linearly scales each attribute to the range $[-1,1]$ or $ [0,1]$. However, we found that using a logarithmic transformation ($ {Log_{10}(x)}$) of our data points instead of the linear scaling improves both the accuracy of classification and the performance of BestSF.
Our feature set includes 11 sparsity features of the sparse matrices as shown in Table 4. Besides the three-dimensional features $n$, $m$, and $nnz$, that characterize the volume of work needed to compute the SpMV kernel, not all of the other features are important for training each pairwise model. In other words, we have to select the most important features for each pairwise model. To do so, we used a wrapper-based approach [28] that runs the learning process with different feature subsets of our initial feature set (our 11 features) to determine the best subset to train each pairwise model. Given that our initial feature set includes only 11 features, we used the exhaustive search as a base for our wrapper feature selection, but other search strategies can be used if more features are included and the search space becomes very huge. The features subsets in Table 5 are obtained using our dataset on our GPUs. These features subsets may slightly change if we use other GPUs or other datasets. This is why BestSF includes the feature selection as part of the learning phase as shown in Figure 6.
Classifier | Feature subset | Classifier | Feature subset |
(COO,CSR) | $\lbrace n, m, nnz, mu, sd, max\rbrace$ | (CSR,BCSR) | $\lbrace n, m, nnz, mu, d , dis\rbrace$ |
(COO,ELL) | $\lbrace n, m, nnz, d, max\rbrace$ | (DIA,ELL) | $\lbrace n, m, nnz, d, cv, max, dia\rbrace$ |
(COO,DIA) | $\lbrace n, m, nnz, sd, dia\rbrace$ | (DIA,HYB) | $\lbrace n, m, nnz, sd, max-mu, dia\rbrace$ |
(COO,HYB) | $\lbrace n, m, nnz, mu, cv\rbrace$ | (DIA,BCSR) | $\lbrace n, m, nnz, d, dia, dis\rbrace$ |
(COO,BCSR) | $\lbrace n, m, nnz, d, dis\rbrace$ | (ELL,HYB) | $\lbrace n, m, nnz, d, cv, max-mu, dis\rbrace$ |
(CSR,ELL) | $\lbrace n, m, nnz, cv, max\rbrace$ | (ELL,BCSR) | $\lbrace n, m, nnz, d, max-mu, dis\rbrace$ |
(CSR,DIA) | $\lbrace n, m, nnz, dis, dia\rbrace$ | (HYB,BCSR) | $\lbrace n, m, nnz, d, cv, dis\rbrace$ |
(CSR,HYB) | $\lbrace n, m, nnz, mu, max, max-mu\rbrace$ |
First, we run the SpMV kernel under the considered sparse formats for all the 1,000 sparse matrices of our dataset, and each matrix is attributed to its class according to its best sparse format. Then, we randomly select 80% of our dataset (800 sparse matrices) to constitute the training set that will be used to train each of the pairwise models. The remaining 20% (200 sparse matrices) are used as a testing set. This 80-20 splitting of our dataset is repeated five times to constitute five different learning/testing sets. We run the training process to train all the pairwise models using WSVN as explained above. Then, the testing set is used to evaluate the accuracy, performance, and energy efficiency of BestSF.
In this section, we evaluate the accuracy of BestSF as well as its overall performance and energy efficiency. We also compared BestSF, which is based on weighted pairwise classification, with the standard multiclass SVM classification used in [8, 40, 41] and also the decision trees used in [47]. The results presented for each GPU are the average of the results obtained with each one of the five different random learning/testing divisions prepared previously. A comparison of the performance of BestSF with CSR5 [35] and Merge-based CSR [36] is provided and the overhead introduced by the online decision-making phase (Figure 6) is discussed. In our experiments, we considered the CSR format as being the default sparse format ($f^{(d)}$ = CSR) as it is the “winner-takes-all” sparse format.
Given a testing set of $N$ unseen sparse matrices ($N = 200$ for our case) and if $N_{+}$ is the number of matrices correctly classified, then the accuracy is calculated as $ 100 \times N_{+}/ N$. Table 6 shows that BestSF achieved from 83.4% to 85.3% of accuracy between the two used GPUs.
GPU | Accuracy | PLUB | PGO (COO) | PGO (CSR) | PGO (BCSR) | PGO (HYB) |
Maxwell | 85.3% | 1.6% | 94.3% | 52.4% | 71.6% | 63.3% |
Pascal | 83.4% | 2.1% | 91.9% | 41.0% | 82.3% | 46.3% |
We calculate the average Performance Loss Under Best (PLUB). This metric measures how far the performance of BestSF is from the performance of an ideal classifier (with 100% of accuracy). If we consider a testing set with $ N$ sparse matrices, $ f^{(r)}_{k}$ is the real best performing sparse format for each sparse matrix $ A_{k}$ from the testing set, then PLUB is given in Equation (2). We also calculate PGO($f_{i}$), the average Performance Gain of using BestSF Over using the sparse format $ f_{i}$ for all the testing matrices as shown in Equation (3). Table 6 shows the PLUB values obtained on our two GPUs and also the values of PGO(COO), PGO(CSR), PGO(BCSR), and PGO(HYB). Note that we did not report the values of PGO(ELL) and PGO(DIA) because some testing matrices fail to convert to the ELL and DIA formats, which makes Equation (3) not applicable for all the testing points.
We summarize our observations in the following points:
We recall that BestSF is trained to select the best performing (GFLOPS) sparse format and not the most energy efficient format. We used the metric ELUB to measure the average energy efficiency loss introduced by using BestSF under using the most energy efficient sparse format for all the inputs. If we consider $N$ testing matrices, $EE(A_{k},f_{i})$ is the GPU energy efficiency of the SpMV kernel using the sparse format $f_{i}$, $f_{k}^{(e)}$ is the most energy efficient sparse format for each sparse matrix $ A_{k}$ of the testing set, then ELUB is given in Equation (4). We recall that $f_{k}^{(p)}$ is the predicted sparse format for the matrix $ A_{k}$. We also calculate EGO($f_{i}$), the average Energy efficiency Gain of using BestSF Over using the sparse format $ f_{i}$ for all the testing matrices as shown in Equation (5). Table 7 shows the ELUB values obtained on our two GPUs and also the values of EGO(COO), EGO(CSR), EGO(BCSR), and EGO(HYB).
Maxwell | 2.4% | 96.2% | 68.4% | 85.2% | 79.7% |
Pascal | 3.8% | 90.2% | 46.1% | 89.4% | 56.3% |
We can make the following observations:
In the following, we first compare the pairwise weighted classification approach used in BestSF to two other learning approaches, standard multiclass classification and decision trees, previously used for solving the problem of sparse format selection [8, 40, 41, 47]. After that, we use a set of commonly evaluated large sparse matrices to compare the performance of BestSF with the performance of CSR5 [35] and merge-based CSR [36].
In [47], decision trees were used for training a classification system for selecting the best sparse format from CSR, ELL, and HYB. We showed in our previous work [8], that using multi-class SVMs with very simple to compute sparsity features allows better accuracy and selection quality. In [40, 41], the authors proposed Nitro to select the best variant of different kernels (CG solvers, BFS, Histogram, Sort, and SpMV) based on SVMs. Concerning the SpMV kernel, Nitro considers only the three sparse formats CSR, ELL, and DIA. To improve the performance of the SpMV kernel, BestSF includes six sparse formats COO, CSR, BCSR, ELL, DIA, and HYB. In addition, to improve the quality of selection, it relies on a pairwise weighted classification approach based on WSVM as explained previously. Another important aspect that makes the difference between BestSF and the previous solutions is the set of used sparsity features. Table 8 exposes this aspect and also shows the accuracy of classification, PLUB, and ELUB obtained with using the standard multi-class classification and decision trees (BFtree). Comparing to Table 6 and Table 7, we can notice that the weighted pairwise classification, used in BestSF, outperforms both the standard one-vs-one multi-class SVMs and BFTrees in terms of accuracy, average PLUB, and average ELUB values on the two used GPUs. Also, using our sparsity features improves all the previous metrics. In addition, Figure 7 shows the distribution of the misclassifications on intervals of PLUB values obtained with different learning approaches. We can see that using the weighted pairwise classification reduces the number of misclassifications with more than 10% of performance loss (PLUB > 10%). All the previous observations confirm that the weighted pairwise classification based on WSVM, used in BestSF, is more suitable for the sparse format selection problem.
Feature sets | GPU | multiclass SVMs | Decision Trees (BFTree) | ||||
Acc. (%) | PLUB (%) | ELUB (%) | Acc. (%) | PLUB (%) | ELUB (%) | ||
Simple features used in [47] | Maxwell | 73.6 | 6.3 | 9.3 | 70.9 | 6.5 | 9.8 |
$\lbrace d, mu, sd\rbrace$ | Pascal | 71.3 | 6.7 | 10.4 | 70.0 | 7.1 | 10.9 |
Sparsity features used in Nitro [40, 41] | Maxwell | 76.1 | 5.6 | 8.1 | 74.2 | 6.1 | 9.1 |
$\lbrace mu, sd, maxdev, ell\_fill, dia\_fill\rbrace$ | Pascal | 73.2 | 6.0 | 10.1 | 71.0 | 6.8 | 10.3 |
Our sparsity features (Table 4) | Maxwell | 82.0 | 2.8 | 3.6 | 77.3 | 3.2 | 5.3 |
Pascal | 80.7 | 3.4 | 4.6 | 75.4 | 4.2 | 6.9 |
Figure 8 compares the performance and energy efficiency of the SpMV kernel under BestSF, across commonly used sparse matrices in evaluating different sparse formats [6, 35], to the performance obtained with using merge-based CSR [36] and CSR5 [35]. Unlike many sparse formats that perform very good on some sparse matrices and very bad on others, both CSR5 and merge-based CSR have been designed to deliver consistently high performance on a wide range of sparsity patterns (structured and unstructured). The merge-based CSR is a new implementation of the SpMV kernel using the CSR format based on a fine-grained merge-based parallel decomposition to have a well-balanced execution. CSR5 is a new variation of the CSR format and the CSR5-based SpMV kernel is implemented based on a new low-overhead segmented sum algorithm. It showed a good performance in comparaison to HYB, BRC (Blocked Row-Column [5]), and ACSR (Adaptive-CSR [4]) on both structured and unstructured matrices. We can observe in Figure 8 that BestSF, by selecting the right sparse format (from COO, CSR, ELL, DIA, HYB, and BCSR) for each sparse matrix, achieved an important performance improvement for most of the considered sparse matrices. We conclude that selecting between different existing formats is a very promising approach to have a consistently high performance across different sparsity patterns.
As shown in Figure 6, BestSF includes an online decision-making phase in which given an input sparse matrix in its default sparse format $f^{(d)}$, the sparsity features are first calculated, the pairwise models are used to predict the best sparse format $f^{(p)}$, and finally the input sparse matrix is converted to the sparse format $f^{(p)}$ ($f^{(d)} \rightarrow f^{(p)}$). Thus, the practical effectiveness of BestSF depends on the time overhead to perform this online decision-making phase. Note that all the steps of the online decision-making phase are executed on the CPU side (Intel i7-3770 running at 3.4GHz for our machine) using sequential implementations (we implemented our algorithms for computing the sparsity features, and used CUSP and cuSPARSE routines for the sparse format conversion).
Table 9 shows the sparse matrices used to evaluate the time overhead of BestSF. The sparse matrices of G1 and G2 are unstructured sparse matrices selected from the SuiteSparse matrix collection [20]. G1 matrices have been suggested in [32] and most of G2 matrices have been used in [11, 12]. The two sparse matrices of G3 are structured matrices resulting from a 3D finite difference discretization using the standard seven-point stencil. The matrices G2+G3 have the particularity of being square, symmetric, and positive-definite, and they are also used to evaluate the preconditioned conjugate gradient iterative solver based on BestSF in Section 8.
Matrix | $ n$ | $ m$ | $ nnz$ | |
G1 | FEM_3D_thermal2 | 147,900 | 147,900 | 3,489,300 |
TSOPF_RS_b2383 | 38,120 | 38,120 | 16,171,169 | |
wikipedia-20051105 | 1,634,989 | 1,634,989 | 19,753,078 | |
12month1 | 12,471 | 872,622 | 22,624,727 | |
relat9 | 12,360,060 | 549,336 | 38,955,420 | |
cage15 | 5,154,859 | 5,154,859 | 99,199,551 | |
G2 | nasasrb | 54,870 | 54,870 | 2,677,324 |
smt | 25,710 | 25,710 | 3,753,184 | |
ecology2 | 999,999 | 999,999 | 4,995,991 | |
G3_circuit | 1,585,478 | 1,585,478 | 7,660,826 | |
crankseg_2 | 63,838 | 63,838 | 14,148,858 | |
F1 | 343,791 | 343,791 | 26,837,113 | |
Fault_639 | 638,802 | 638,802 | 28,614,564 | |
inline_1 | 503,712 | 503,712 | 36,816,342 | |
boneS10 | 914,898 | 914,898 | 55,468,422 | |
Hook_1498 | 1,498,023 | 1,498,023 | 60,917,445 | |
audikw_1 | 943,695 | 943,695 | 77,651,847 | |
Bump_2911 | 2,911,419 | 2,911,419 | 127,729,899 | |
G3 | poisson192 | 7,077,888 | 7,077,888 | 49,324,032 |
poisson256 | 16,777,216 | 16,777,216 | 117,047,296 |
If the time needed for the prediction, including both features extraction and the runtime of the models, is $ p\_time$ and the time needed for sparse format conversion is $ c\_time$, then the total time overhead is $ tot\_time = p\_time + c\_time$. If the predicted sparse format $f^{(p)}$ is the same as the default sparse format $f^{(d)}$ (CSR in our case), then there is no format conversion needed and $ c\_time$ equals to zero in this case. Table 10 shows both $ p\_time$ and $ c\_time$ and also $tot\_time$ for all the sparse matrices of Table 9 for our two GPUs. As suggested in [32], the $tot\_time$ is also presented in terms of CSR-SpMV time on GPU. For example, an overhead of 30 $\times$ CSR-SpMV means that the time overhead for the online decision-making phase takes about 30 times as long as the actual GPU SpMV time using the standard CSR representation. We refer to the CSR format as it is the most used format in different application domains. As shown in Table 10, the overhead in terms of CSR-SpMV, is ranging from 21 to 152 on the Maxwell GPU and from 17 to 144 on the Pascal GPU. We can notice that, except the matrices for which $ c\_time$ is zero ($f^{(p)}$ = CSR), the sparse format conversion is the main source of overhead. Note that the need for format conversion is not specific to only BestSF. For example, if we use ELL or HYB for all the input matrices (without using BestSF), putting a sparse matrix in these sparse formats usually needs to be done from the basic COO or CSR formats [21]. Note that $p\_time$ is largely dominated by the time needed for features extraction. Using the trained WSVM models is relatively fast because it mainly consists of simple dot products between the features vector (representing the input matrix) and the support vectors of the models. The measured runtime of the models is $ 0.048$ms for the Maxwell GPU and $ 0.056$ms for the Pascal GPU, which represents less than 1% of the total overhead for all the testing matrices (Table 10).
Maxwell GTX TITAN X | Pascal GTX 1080 | ||||||||||
$p\_time$ | $c\_time$ | $tot\_time$ | $tot\_time$ | $p\_time$ | $c\_time$ | $tot\_time$ | $tot\_time$ | ||||
Matrix | $f^{(p)}$ | $(ms)$ | $(ms)$ | $(ms)$ | ($\times$ CSR-SpMV) | $f^{(p)}$ | $(ms)$ | $(ms)$ | $(ms)$ | ($\times$ CSR-SpMV) | |
G1 | FEM_3D_thermal2 | ELL | 16.02 | 30.02 | 46.04 | 97.06 | ELL | 16.03 | 30.02 | 46.05 | 116.23 |
TSOPF_RS_b2383 | BCSR | 27.02 | 95.76 | 122.78 | 152.03 | BCSR | 27.03 | 95.76 | 122.79 | 143.52 | |
wikipedia-20051105 | COO | 74.05 | 125.09 | 199.14 | 30.31 | HYB | 74.06 | 173.12 | 247.18 | 25.68 | |
12month1 | CSR | 42.03 | 0.00 | 42.03 | 21.05 | CSR | 42.04 | 0.00 | 42.04 | 17.32 | |
relat9 | HYB | 149.06 | 349.23 | 498.29 | 87.13 | ELL | 149.06 | 322.21 | 471.28 | 91.95 | |
cage15 | HYB | 218.14 | 853.57 | 1071.71 | 60.40 | HYB | 218.15 | 853.57 | 1071.72 | 29.12 | |
G2 | nasasrb | BCSR | 6.00 | 17.80 | 23.80 | 102.62 | BCSR | 6.01 | 17.80 | 23.81 | 108.96 |
smt | CSR | 7.01 | 0.00 | 7.01 | 34.36 | CSR | 7.02 | 0.00 | 7.02 | 33.09 | |
ecology2 | DIA | 14.02 | 46.03 | 60.05 | 146.87 | DIA | 14.03 | 46.03 | 60.06 | 113.18 | |
G3_circuit | CSR | 22.00 | 0.00 | 22.00 | 26.67 | CSR | 22.01 | 0.00 | 22.01 | 27.35 | |
crankseg_2 | CSR | 25.01 | 0.00 | 25.01 | 37.32 | CSR | 25.02 | 0.00 | 25.02 | 31.77 | |
F1 | BCSR | 52.04 | 156.85 | 208.90 | 115.45 | BCSR | 52.05 | 156.85 | 208.91 | 84.95 | |
Fault_639 | BCSR | 58.03 | 243.16 | 301.19 | 133.97 | BCSR | 58.04 | 243.16 | 301.20 | 121.29 | |
inline_1 | BCSR | 69.05 | 210.80 | 279.85 | 123.10 | BCSR | 69.05 | 210.80 | 279.86 | 101.21 | |
boneS10 | BCSR | 106.03 | 318.70 | 424.73 | 122.04 | BCSR | 106.04 | 318.70 | 424.74 | 95.82 | |
Hook_1498 | BCSR | 141.10 | 350.25 | 491.34 | 99.81 | BCSR | 141.10 | 350.25 | 491.35 | 74.28 | |
audikw_1 | BCSR | 149.10 | 453.75 | 602.85 | 128.54 | BCSR | 149.11 | 453.75 | 602.86 | 86.42 | |
Bump_2911 | HYB | 273.18 | 1095.73 | 1368.91 | 127.58 | HYB | 273.19 | 1095.73 | 1368.92 | 78.09 | |
G3 | poisson192 | DIA | 138.06 | 466.31 | 604.37 | 104.20 | DIA | 138.07 | 466.31 | 604.38 | 89.77 |
poisson256 | DIA | 329.05 | 606.32 | 935.36 | 56.47 | DIA | 329.05 | 606.32 | 935.37 | 41.73 | |
$f^{(p)}$ is the predicted sparse format by BestSF. $p\_time$ includes both sparsity features extraction and the runtime of the models. The measured runtime of the models is $ 0.048$ms for the Maxwell GPU and $ 0.056$ms for the Pascal GPU. $c\_time$ represents the time needed for format conversion ($f^{(d)} \rightarrow f^{(p)}$). $tot\_time = p\_time + c\_time$. |
Given the overhead of the online decision-making phase, we conclude that BestSF is more suitable for applications in which the SpMV kernel is computed many times with the same sparse matrix. This is the case of a wide range of applications using iterative solvers for solving large linear systems ($Ax = b$) and eigenvalue problems ($Ax = \lambda x$) where the SpMV kernel is usually executed hundreds if not thousands of times with the same matrix $A$ [6, 31].
In this section, we evaluate the performance and energy efficiency gain achieved when using BestSF as a building block in a GPU-based PCG iterative solver.
Conjugate Gradient is one of the most popular iterative methods for solving large systems of linear equations $ A x = b$ where $x$ is an unknown vector, $b$ is a known vector, and $A$ is a known, square, symmetric, positive-definite matrix [46, 48]. This method is generally applicable to large sparse systems for which direct methods are not efficient. This kind of sparse system arises very often when numerically solving partial differential equations and optimization problems. For unstructured sparse matrices, generally characterized by a large condition number (the ratio of the largest to smallest eigenvalue), the convergence of the CG method may need a large number of iterations. Preconditioning is usually used as a technique for improving the condition number of the input matrix and reducing the number of iterations required for convergence. However, an efficient preconditioner is not only the preconditioner that considerably reduces the number of iterations needed for the convergence but also the preconditioner for which the preconditioning matrix is easy to generate, and the preconditioning operation is easy to apply [33, 46]. Different preconditioners can be used with the PCG formulation shown in Figure 9. In this work, we consider the Jacobi (diagonal) preconditioner because of its embarrassingly parallel structure [22]. Other preconditioners, like the Symmetric Successive Over Relaxation (SSOR) and the Incomplete LU (ILU), offer better convergence rates, but applying these preconditioners comes at the price of expensive sparse triangular equations that can become a bottleneck on parallel architectures [1, 2, 34].
In this work, we use the formulation of the PCG algorithm shown in Figure 9. In each iteration (lines 8–17), the algorithm uses two dot product (DOT) operations (lines 9 and 14), two linear combinations of vectors (AXPY) in lines 10 and 11 and one AYPX operation in line 16 which consist of two successive operations: scaling a vector by a scalar (SCAL) and linear combination of vectors (AXPY). As we are considering the diagonal preconditioner, the preconditioning operation (line 12) consists of an element-wise multiplication (XMY) of the diagonal $d$ of the matrix A ($ M = d^{-1}$) by the vector $r$. The SpMV operation (line 8) is by far the most expensive operation among all the operations used by the Jacobi-based PCG algorithm.
In our implementation, the NVIDIA's cuBLAS library [44] was used for the kernels DOT, AXPY, and AYPX (by combining SCAL and AXPY). For the XMY kernel, the thrust library [7] was used. Finally, for the SpMV kernel, we used the implementation of this kernel under different sparse formats COO, CSR, DIA, ELL, and HYB available in CUSP library and BCSR available in cuSPARSE.
To evaluate the gain of using BestSF for the SpMV kernel inside the PCG solver, we measured the total execution time (including the CPU-GPU data transfer) of the PCG algorithm with different sparse formats COO, CSR, BCSR, ELL, DIA, and HYB. We also used CSR5 and merge-based CSR to be able to compare BestSF with exterior sparse formats. We used 14 square, symmetric, positive-definite sparse matrices (Table 9, G2 and G3). We recall that the two matrices poisson192 and poisson256 (G3) are resulting from a 3D finite difference discretization using the standard seven-point stencil. They are banded and diagonally dominant structured with a relatively low condition number. We included them in the testing matrices to demonstrate the case of having a relatively small number of iterations. Note that all 14 testing matrices have not been included in the learning dataset used for training BestSF. In our experiments, the tolerance factor $ \epsilon$ is set to $ \epsilon = 10^{-6}$ and double precision is used.
Table 11 shows the execution time needed for the convergence for PCG-BestSF with our 14 sparse matrices and also the performance gain (PGO($f_{i}$)) of using BestSF over using each of its constituent sparse formats (COO, CSR, BCSR, DIA, ELL, and HYB) and also over using merge-based CSR [36] and CSR5 [35]. Negative values of PGO($f_{i}$) indicate a performance loss under using the sparse format $f_{i}$. Note that the execution time reported in Table 11 represents the total execution time including the CPU-GPU data transfer, sparse format conversion, and format prediction time. For all 14 testing sparse matrices, we registered only one misclassification on each GPU (G3_circuit with 1.5% and 1.4% of performance loss on Maxwell and Pascal, respectively). BestSF was able to make the best choice for the matrices where there is a relatively important performance difference between different sparse formats like in crankseg_2 and Bump_2911. Other than the performance loss introduced by a misclassification, there is a performance loss under the sparse format that has been selected for each matrix due to the time overhead discussed previously in Section 7.5. This performance loss does not exceed 3% on both GPUs even for the matrices with a relatively small number of iterations like poisson192 and poisson256. An important performance improvement is also registered in comparison with CSR5 and merge-based CSR for most of the considered matrices.
Maxwell TITAN X | Pascal GTX 1080 | ||||||||||||||||||||||
BestSF | PGO (%) | BestSF | PGO (%) | ||||||||||||||||||||
Matrix | #iter | $f^{(r)}$ | $f^{(p)}$ | (s) | COO | CSR | DIA | ELL | HYB | BCSR | CSR5 | MERGE | $f^{(r)}$ | $f^{(p)}$ | (s) | COO | CSR | DIA | ELL | HYB | BCSR | CSR5 | MERGE |
nasasrb | 16,365 | BCSR | BCSR | 5.72 | 46.5 | 20.0 | - | 53.4 | 22.0 | -0.1 | 14.0 | 20.6 | BCSR | BCSR | 4.51 | 33.5 | 10.9 | - | 53.1 | 10.9 | -0.1 | 13.5 | 25.2 |
smt | 3,364 | CSR | CSR | 1.88 | 41.1 | -0.5 | - | 39.9 | 20.8 | 16.6 | 6.8 | 7.3 | CSR | CSR | 1.42 | 31.3 | -0.5 | - | 43.4 | 18.8 | 22.7 | 12.4 | 20.4 |
ecology2 | 5,567 | DIA | DIA | 6.39 | 29.7 | 6.0 | -0.3 | 1.9 | 2.6 | 10.9 | 6.4 | 5.3 | DIA | DIA | 6.44 | 34.8 | 5.8 | -0.2 | 2.4 | 2.2 | 11.0 | 0.1 | 4.2 |
G3_circuit | 2,727 | ELL | CSR | 5.44 | 27.4 | -0.9 | - | -1.5 | -0.1 | 26.0 | -2.0 | 3.1 | ELL | CSR | 5.40 | 37.7 | -0.24 | - | -1.4 | 0.33 | 17.4 | -7.1 | 0.7 |
crankseg_2 | 787 | CSR | CSR | 1.73 | 41.6 | -1.8 | - | 90.5 | 38.4 | -0.7 | 6.1 | 9.4 | CSR | CSR | 1.35 | 30.3 | -1.8 | - | 90.9 | 36.5 | 7.5 | 7.9 | 5.0 |
F1 | 3,665 | BCSR | BCSR | 5.93 | 63.9 | 37.3 | - | 77.3 | 51.2 | -1.2 | 25.4 | 18.2 | BCSR | BCSR | 7.46 | 59.8 | 37.1 | - | 77.2 | 39.9 | -0.7 | 28.6 | 8.5 |
Fault_639 | 7,146 | BCSR | BCSR | 19.17 | 42.9 | 11.3 | - | 63.6 | 12.4 | -0.5 | -10.5 | -9.3 | BCSR | BCSR | 18.99 | 53.7 | 12.5 | - | 67.9 | 9.6 | -0.6 | -16.6 | -11.9 |
inline_1 | 35,764 | BCSR | BCSR | 66.24 | 66.5 | 34.5 | - | 83.9 | 44.8 | -0.1 | 26.6 | 25.0 | BCSR | BCSR | 76.28 | 67.0 | 35.0 | - | 35.5 | -0.1 | 17.6 | 16.5 | |
boneS10 | 35,815 | BCSR | BCSR | 96.90 | 67.1 | 37.7 | - | 31.3 | 33.2 | -0.1 | 24.7 | 27.5 | BCSR | BCSR | 111.82 | 69.5 | 40.7 | - | 37.7 | 38.1 | -0.1 | 17.4 | 19.2 |
Hook_1498 | 5,236 | BCSR | BCSR | 22.63 | 55.5 | 36.2 | - | 42.9 | 29.5 | -0.7 | 6.9 | 8.8 | BCSR | BCSR | 19.21 | 70.8 | 52.3 | - | 60.1 | 47.7 | -0.7 | 14.1 | 14.8 |
audikw_1 | 6,819 | BCSR | BCSR | 25.20 | 68.6 | 38.5 | - | 72.9 | 49.3 | -0.6 | 22.8 | 25.5 | BCSR | BCSR | 30.75 | 70.0 | 45.4 | - | 74.9 | 48.5 | -0.5 | 15.4 | 14.8 |
Bump_2911 | 7,551 | HYB | HYB | 76.26 | 49.3 | 25.4 | - | 54.4 | -0.3 | 11.4 | -18.2 | 3.1 | HYB | HYB | 89.67 | 54.1 | 38.3 | - | -0.3 | -0.4 | -19.1 | 31.8 | |
poisson192 | 393 | DIA | DIA | 5.05 | 35.5 | 18.6 | -2.5 | 19.2 | 19.1 | 12.2 | 13.2 | 21.7 | DIA | DIA | 4.98 | 40.9 | 15.7 | -2.5 | 16.3 | 17.0 | 8.9 | 15.1 | 22.9 |
poisson256 | 527 | DIA | DIA | 13.82 | 38.9 | 26.8 | -2.1 | 17.9 | 17.7 | 13.6 | 9.5 | 2.9 | DIA | DIA | 13.90 | 43.8 | 33.7 | -2.2 | 15.7 | 16.2 | 10.5 | 10.4 | 9.1 |
$f^{(r)}$ represents the real best performing sparse format for each input matrix, and $f^{(p)}$ represents the predicted sparse format by BestSF. |
Table 12 shows the GPU total energy consumption for PCG-BestSF with our 14 testing sparse matrices. Note that the energy consumption reported in Table 12 does not include the energy consumed by the CPU (needed for controlling the GPU). We also reported the energy gain (EGO($f_{i}$)) of using BestSF over using its constituent sparse formats (COO, CSR, BCSR, DIA, ELL, and HYB) and also CSR5 and merge-based CSR. Negative values of EGO($f_{i}$) indicate an energy loss under using the sparse format $f_{i}$. EGO($f_{i}$) is reported 0 when the sparse format selected by BestSF ($ f^{(p)}$) is also the most energy efficient sparse format ($f^{(e)}$). We observe that BestSF achieved an important energy efficiency gain over using the popular CSR format (EGO(CSR)) for matrices like F1_639 and Bump_2911. We can make similar observations concerning the other sparse formats. On both GPUs, we have only one matrix for which the predicted sparse format by BestSF is different from the most energy efficient format (G3_circuit with 10.6% and 15.7% of energy efficiency loss, respectively).
Maxwell TITAN X | Pascal GTX 1080 | ||||||||||||||||||||||
BestSF | EGO (%) | BestSF | EGO (%) | ||||||||||||||||||||
Matrix | #iter | $f^{(e)}$ | $f^{(p)}$ | (J) | COO | CSR | DIA | ELL | HYB | BCSR | CSR5 | MERGE | $f^{(e)}$ | $f^{(p)}$ | (J) | COO | CSR | DIA | ELL | HYB | BCSR | CSR5 | MERGE |
nasasrb | 16,365 | BCSR | BCSR | 516.43 | 69.4 | 56.9 | - | 68.8 | 46.7 | 0.0 | 25.7 | 12.8 | BCSR | BCSR | 300.53 | 66.0 | 53.8 | - | 66.6 | 37.4 | 0.0 | 17.0 | 22.2 |
smt | 3,364 | CSR | CSR | 256.88 | 45.8 | 0.0 | - | 26.6 | 10.1 | 8.9 | -14.3 | -21.2 | CSR | CSR | 143.29 | 42.0 | 0.0 | - | 28.1 | 0.7 | 7.3 | -11.6 | -19.4 |
ecology2 | 5,567 | DIA | DIA | 1038.24 | 34.7 | 17.4 | 0.0 | 0.3 | 0.4 | 11.8 | -9.3 | -25.2 | DIA | DIA | 627.98 | 41.0 | 19.2 | 0.0 | 3.6 | 3.7 | 6.0 | 1.0 | -21.7 |
G3_circuit | 2,727 | ELL | CSR | 825.45 | 36.5 | 0.0 | - | -10.6 | 2.1 | 24.9 | 1.6 | -7.8 | ELL | CSR | 628.40 | 30.7 | 0.0 | - | -15.7 | -14.2 | -11.8 | -12.7 | -16.4 |
crankseg_2 | 787 | CSR | CSR | 187.80 | 54.0 | 0.0 | - | 78.5 | 21.8 | 14.3 | 20.9 | 11.4 | CSR | CSR | 120.09 | 46.9 | 0.0 | - | 80.3 | 15.1 | 4.8 | 12.3 | 20.1 |
F1 | 3,665 | BCSR | BCSR | 821.61 | 75.1 | 57.6 | - | 74.2 | 58.3 | 0.0 | 48.2 | 43.8 | BCSR | BCSR | 396.33 | 83.4 | 73.5 | - | 85.2 | 70.5 | 0.0 | 67.4 | 64.8 |
Fault_639 | 7,146 | BCSR | BCSR | 3,294.78 | 53.8 | 33.5 | - | 56.6 | 26.9 | 0.0 | -2.8 | -3.5 | BCSR | BCSR | 2,146.80 | 59.6 | 34.5 | - | 61.3 | 13.7 | 0.0 | -6.0 | -2.3 |
inline_1 | 35,764 | BCSR | BCSR | 10,245.46 | 76.4 | 57.1 | - | 85.2 | 57.4 | 0.0 | 46.5 | 46.2 | BCSR | BCSR | 5,901.33 | 81.7 | 66.5 | - | - | 62.0 | 0.0 | 53.8 | 58.2 |
boneS10 | 35,815 | BCSR | BCSR | 15,725.68 | 76.0 | 57.8 | - | 47.0 | 48.2 | 0.0 | 43.4 | 46.9 | BCSR | BCSR | 7,655.04 | 84.7 | 72.4 | - | 65.2 | 65.4 | 0.0 | 59.7 | 62.8 |
Hook_1498 | 5,236 | BCSR | BCSR | 4,222.17 | 61.9 | 43.1 | - | 36.4 | 27.2 | 0.0 | 21.0 | 25.5 | BCSR | BCSR | 1,598.35 | 81.1 | 72.2 | - | 68.1 | 61.4 | 0.0 | 48.6 | 54.6 |
audikw_1 | 6,819 | BCSR | BCSR | 3,828.21 | 78.2 | 57.5 | - | 73.3 | 60.0 | 0.0 | 43.8 | 51.8 | BCSR | BCSR | 2,961.71 | 78.1 | 60.7 | - | 74.6 | 57.7 | 0.0 | 36.6 | 47.5 |
Bump_2911 | 7,551 | HYB | HYB | 14,285.86 | 56.1 | 37.5 | - | 46.3 | 0.0 | 16.7 | -6.7 | 22.2 | HYB | HYB | 1,0219.02 | 59.6 | 46.6 | - | - | 0.0 | 3.0 | -22.9 | 49.6 |
poisson192 | 393 | DIA | DIA | 517.29 | 51.4 | 39.8 | 0.0 | 11.5 | 10.8 | 36.8 | 28.6 | 59.2 | DIA | DIA | 362.14 | 54.3 | 38.6 | 0.0 | 10.1 | 10.0 | 16.3 | 26.7 | 56.4 |
poisson256 | 527 | DIA | DIA | 1,603.72 | 51.2 | 43.5 | 0.0 | 10.9 | 10.7 | 45.1 | 18.3 | 42.6 | DIA | DIA | 1,118.67 | 53.3 | 46.3 | 0.0 | 10.0 | 10.2 | 22.3 | 17.1 | 42.1 |
$f^{(e)}$ represents the real most energy efficient sparse format for each input matrix, and $f^{(p)}$ represents the predicted sparse format by BestSF. |
All the previous observations prove the practical effectiveness of BestSF, especially for unstructured sparse matrices for which the winner-takes-all approach to the format selection problem leads to an important overall performance and energy efficiency loss.
Given the importance of the SpMV kernel for a wide variety of application domains and the emerging of GPU computing, many GPU-based implementations of this kernel were proposed in the literature. Bell et al. proposed in [6] the implementation of several popular sparse formats (COO, CSR, ELL, DIA, etc.). These implementations are available in the open source CUSP library [18] used in our work. Many other sparse formats were proposed like some blocked formats that take advantage of the existence of many dense blocks in the structure of the sparse matrix (BCCOO [59], BCSR and BELLPACK [14], SELLPACK [38]). Also, many other optimization techniques for enhancing the reuse at the cache and the register level were proposed in the literature like in [42, 58]. A recent survey about different sparse formats for the SpMV kernel on GPGPUs can be found in [21]. Since the performance of the SpMV kernel depends on both the sparsity structure of the input matrix and the hardware characteristics, many recent techniques tried to optimize the overall performance by automatically tuning, partitioning, and combining between several sparse formats [14, 23, 24, 50]. Finally, we point out CSR5 [35] and merge-based CSR [36] that have been designed to have consistently high performance on a wide range of sparsity patterns (structured and unstructured matrices).
Less work has been done to study the energy efficiency of the SpMV kernel on GPU. In [39], the authors studied the performance per Watt of three different kernels, including the SpMV kernel, on two platforms: Intel Sandy Bridge CPU and NVIDIA Fermi GPU. They showed that in terms of GFLOPS/W, the SpMV kernel was better in the Intel Sandy Bridge than in the NVIDIA GPU, but they only considered the CSR format and presented the results with using only one type of sparse matrices (R-MAT). In [3], the authors unveiled some energy efficiency and performance frontiers for sparse computations on GPU-based supercomputers. LOBPCG (Locally Optimal Block Preconditioned Conjugate Gradient) was chosen as a benchmark as it combines between sparse and dense linear algebra operations including the SpMV kernel. We can find in the recent literature some studies concerning other scientific kernels like in [15]. Also, we can find in the work of Mitall et al. a recent survey about the methods of analyzing and improving the GPU energy efficiency [37].
Since the performance and the energy efficiency of different sparse formats depend both on the sparsity of the input matrix and on the hardware specifications, the question of automatically selecting the most suitable sparse format has been discussed in several recent studies. A similar performance of analytical models to the ones developed previously in [14, 23–25, 29] can be used to point out the best performing sparse format for a given input sparse matrix. However, the rising complexity of the GPU architecture and the wide range of different sparsity patterns make the analytical approach very challenging in practice, and if successfully used for a given hardware architecture, porting it to other architectures may be very difficult.
On the other hand, using a machine learning approach to build an algorithm or data structure selection system seems to be more attractive [9, 30]. For example, in [49], a binary SVM classifier was used to select the best algorithm from the two libraries MKL and CARMA for the dense matrix-matrix multiplication kernel. The decision tree classifier used in [47] demonstrated the use of machine learning techniques to select the best performing sparse representation for the SpMV on GPU. In their work, the authors proposed three different feature sets. The simple one consists of the number of nonzero elements and its distribution, but the best performance was obtained by using the other two advanced feature sets that consider the number and the size of blocks of nonzero elements of the matrices which requires more time overhead to be computed. Also, the decision trees may not be the most efficient classifier, especially if the decision boundaries between different classes are highly nonlinear which is expected to be the case for the SpMV on GPU. In our previous work [8], we demonstrated that using some other very simple to compute sparsity features with one-vs.-one multiclass SVM classifier enables one to reach better performance. SVMs were also used in Nitro [40, 41] to select the best variant of different kernels (CG solvers, BFS, Histogram, Sort, and SpMV).
To the best of our knowledge, all the existing work for solving the problem of sparse format selection on GPU using a machine learning approach did not thoroughly discuss the overhead of selecting the best performing sparse format and also did not study the impact of such selection on the energy efficiency of the SpMV kernel on GPU. Also, the difference between the performance of different sparse formats for a given matrix was not considered in the learning phase which can negatively impact the quality of the selection (the existence of misclassifications with an important performance loss). This article comes as a continuation and extension of our previous work [8]. We showed how using a weighted pairwise classification instead of the standard multiclass classification allows considering the performance difference between different sparse formats in the learning phase. We also studied the time overhead of the resulting system that we called BestSF (Best Sparse Format) and studied the impact of using it on the overall energy efficiency of the SpMV kernel on GPU. Finally, we measured the gain of using BestSF as a building block in a GPU-based Preconditioned Conjugate Gradient iterative solver.
In this article, we introduced BestSF (Best Sparse Format), a learning-based sparse meta-format for the SpMV kernel on GPU. Given an input sparse matrix, BestSF automatically selects the best performing sparse format from COO, CSR, BCSR, DIA, ELL, and HYB. It consists of two stages: an offline training stage and an online decision-making stage. In the first one, the pairwise models between every pair of sparse formats are trained using Weighted Support Vector Machines (WSVMs). In the second stage, the best performing sparse format for a given input matrix is predicted using the previously trained pairwise models. Our experimental results on two different NVIDIA GPU architectures, using a wide range of real-world sparse matrices, showed that BestSF achieved a noticeable performance (GFLOPS) and energy efficiency (MFLOPS/W) improvement over using a single sparse format for all the inputs. However, the overhead introduced by the online decision-making phase makes BestSF more suitable for applications where the SpMV kernel is executed many times with the same input matrix like in iterative methods for solving linear systems and eigenvalue problems.
The list of the 1,000 sparse matrices from the SuiteSparse matrix collection [20] used in our dataset is included as a supplementary file to this manuscript.
This article is an extension of the conference paper “Sparse Matrix Format Selection with Multiclass SVM for SpMV on GPU” that appeared in the proceedings of the 45th International Conference on Parallel Processing (ICPP 2016) [8]. We extended this work by (1) using pairwise weighted classification instead of the standard multiclass classification, (2) incorporating the BCSR and DIA formats in the selection system and extending our set of sparsity features, (3) studying the impact of using BestSF on the overall energy efficiency of the SpMV kernel on GPU, (4) discussing the overhead of the online selection of the best performing sparse format and proving the practical effectiveness of our work by evaluating the gain of using BestSF as a building block inside a GPU-based PCG iterative solver.
Part of the code used in our work is available at
This work is supported by the National Key R&D Program of China under Grant No. 2017YFB0202500 and the National Science Foundation of China (Grants No. 61300010 and No. 61300011).
Authors’ address: A. Benatia, W. Ji, Y. Wang, and F. Shi, Beijing Institute of Technology, 5 South Zhongguancun Street, Haidian District, Beijing, 100081, China; emails:,,,
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©2018 Association for Computing Machinery. 1544-3566/2018/08-ART29 $15.00
Publication History: Received November 2017; revised April 2018; accepted May 2018