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A Sketch Algorithm for Estimating Two-Way and Multi-Way Associations

Published: 01 September 2007 Publication History


We should not have to look at the entire corpus (e.g., the Web) to know if two (or more) words are strongly associated or not. One can often obtain estimates of associations from a small sample. We develop a sketch-based algorithm that constructs a contingency table for a sample. One can estimate the contingency table for the entire population using straightforward scaling. However, one can do better by taking advantage of the margins (also known as document frequencies). The proposed method cuts the errors roughly in half over Broder's sketches.


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cover image Computational Linguistics
Computational Linguistics  Volume 33, Issue 3
September 2007
154 pages
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MIT Press

Cambridge, MA, United States

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Published: 01 September 2007
Published in COLI Volume 33, Issue 3


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