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Efficient Algorithms for Shortest Paths in Sparse Networks

Published: 01 January 1977 Publication History


Algorithms for finding shortest paths are presented which are faster than algorithms previously known on networks which are relatively sparse in arcs. Known results which the results of this paper extend are surveyed briefly and analyzed. A new implementation for priority queues is employed, and a class of “arc set partition” algorithms is introduced. For the single source problem on networks with nonnegative arcs a running time of O(min(n1+1/k + e, n + e) log n)) is achieved, where there are n nodes and e arcs, and k is a fixed integer satisfying k > 0. This bound is O(e) on dense networks. For the single source and all pairs problem on unrestricted networks the running time is O(min(n2+1/k + ne, n2 log n + ne log n).


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Published In

cover image Journal of the ACM
Journal of the ACM  Volume 24, Issue 1
Jan. 1977
175 pages
Issue’s Table of Contents


Association for Computing Machinery

New York, NY, United States

Publication History

Published: 01 January 1977
Published in JACM Volume 24, Issue 1


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