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10.1145/3209280.3209525acmconferencesArticle/Chapter ViewAbstractPublication PagesdocengConference Proceedingsconference-collections

Vectorisation of Sketches with Shadows and Shading using COSFIRE filters

Published: 28 August 2018 Publication History


Engineering design makes use of freehand sketches to communicate ideas, allowing designers to externalise form concepts quickly and naturally. Such sketches serve as working documents which demonstrate the evolution of the design process. For the product design to progress, however, these sketches are often redrawn using computer-aided design tools to obtain virtual, interactive prototypes of the design. Although there are commercial software packages which extract the required information from freehand sketches, such packages typically do not handle the complexity of the sketched drawings, particularly when considering the visual cues that are introduced to the sketch to aid the human observer to interpret the sketch. In this paper, we tackle one such complexity, namely the use of shading and shadows which help portray spatial and depth information in the sketch. For this reason, we propose a vectorisation algorithm, based on trainable COSFIRE filters for the detection of junction points and subsequent tracing of line paths to create a topology graph as a representation of the sketched object form. The vectorisation algorithm is evaluated on 17 sketches containing different shading patterns and drawn by different sketchers specifically for this work. Using these sketches, we show that the vectorisation algorithm can handle drawings with straight or curved contours containing shadow cues, reducing the salient point error in the junction point location by 91% of that obtained by the off-the-shelf Harris-Stephen's corner detector while the overall vectorial representations of the sketch achieved an average F-score of 0.92 in comparison to the ground truth. The results demonstrate the effectiveness of the proposed approach.


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Published: 28 August 2018


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  1. COSFIRE filters
  2. Vectorisation
  3. freehand sketches
  4. junction detection


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August 28 - 31, 2018
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