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View all- Deep SZhao HFan AKoutris P(2024)Output-sensitive Conjunctive Query EvaluationProceedings of the ACM on Management of Data10.1145/36958382:5(1-24)Online publication date: 4-Nov-2024
Dynamic graphs are often the initial data for scientific analyses. However, existing methods designed for static graphs struggle with efficiency and accuracy when applied dynamically. One challenge occurs when local interactions in dynamic graphs ...
A straight-line drawing of a plane graph G is a drawing of G where each vertex is drawn as a point and each edge is drawn as a straight-line segment without edge crossings. A proximity drawing Γ of a plane graph G is a straight-line drawing of G with ...
In spite of the fact that many durable products are sold through dealers, the literature has largely ignored the issue of how product durability affects the interactions between a manufacturer and her dealers. We seek to fill this gap by considering a ...
Association for Computing Machinery
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