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ReconVAT: A Semi-Supervised Automatic Music Transcription Framework for Low-Resource Real-World Data

Published: 17 October 2021 Publication History


Most of the current supervised automatic music transcription (AMT) models lack the ability to generalize. This means that they have trouble transcribing real-world music recordings from diverse musical genres that are not presented in the labelled training data. In this paper, we propose a semi-supervised framework, ReconVAT, which solves this issue by leveraging the huge amount of available unlabelled music recordings. The proposed ReconVAT uses reconstruction loss and virtual adversarial training. When combined with existing U-net models for AMT, ReconVAT achieves competitive results on common benchmark datasets such as MAPS and MusicNet. For example, in the few-shot setting for the string part version of MusicNet, ReconVAT achieves F1-scores of 61.0% and 41.6% for the note-wise and note-with-offset-wise metrics respectively, which translates into an improvement of 22.2% and 62.5% compared to the supervised baseline model. Our proposed framework also demonstrates the potential of continual learning on new data, which could be useful in real-world applications whereby new data is constantly available.

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MM '21: Proceedings of the 29th ACM International Conference on Multimedia
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Published: 17 October 2021


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  1. audio processing
  2. automatic music transcription
  3. music information retrieval
  4. semi-supervised training
  5. virtual adversarial training


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MM '21
MM '21: ACM Multimedia Conference
October 20 - 24, 2021
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