Cited By
View all- Chen YZhou RGuo BShen YWang WWen XSuo X(2022)Discrete cosine transform for filter pruningApplied Intelligence10.1007/s10489-022-03604-253:3(3398-3414)Online publication date: 30-May-2022
This paper presents an algorithm for scalable compression using tree structured vector quantization (TSVQ) of perceptually weighted block, lapped, or wavelet transforms. The algorithm produces an embedded bit-stream to support decoders with various ...
Classical video prediction methods exploit directly and shallowly the intra-frame, inter-frame and multi-view similarities within the video sequences; the proposed video prediction methods indirectly and intensively transform the frame correlations into ...
Lossless Data compression is the process of reducing the size or the number of bits required to represent data, and Arithmetic coding is one of the popular lossless text compression techniques. This project focuses on lossless data compression ...
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