Experiences with non-numeric applications on multithreaded architectures
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- Experiences with non-numeric applications on multithreaded architectures
Experiences with non-numeric applications on multithreaded architectures
PPOPP '97: Proceedings of the sixth ACM SIGPLAN symposium on Principles and practice of parallel programmingDistributed-memory machines have proved successful for many challenging numerical programs that can be split into largely independent computation-intensive subtasks requiring little data exchange (although the amount of exchanged data may be large). ...
Exploring the performance of massively multithreaded architectures
We present a new scheme for evaluating the performance of multithreaded computers and demonstrate its application to the Cray MTA-2 and XMT supercomputers. Our scheme is based on the concept of clock cycles per element, \documentclass{article}\footskip=...
Generating Fine-Grain Multithreaded Applications Using a Multigrain Approach
The recent evolution in hardware landscape, aimed at producing high-performance computing systems capable of reaching extreme-scale performance, has reignited the interest in fine-grain multithreading, particularly at the intranode level. Indeed, ...
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Published In
- Chairmen:
- Rob Schreiber,
- Keshav Pingali,
- Editor:
- A. Michael Berman
- June 1997287 pages
Association for Computing Machinery
New York, NY, United States
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