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Advanced chopping of sequential and concurrent programs

Published: 01 June 2011 Publication History


A chop for a source statement s and a target statement t reveals the program parts involved in conveying effects from s to t. While precise chopping algorithms for sequential programs are known, no chopping algorithm for concurrent programs has been reported at all. This work introduces six chopping algorithms for concurrent programs, which offer different degrees of precision, ranging from imprecise over context-sensitive to time-sensitive. Our evaluation on concurrent Java programs shows that context-sensitive and time-sensitive chopping reduces chop sizes significantly. We further present an extensive evaluation of chopping algorithms for sequential programs and describe a new, easy-to-implement chopping technique for sequential programs that computes fast and almost context-sensitive chops.


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Information & Contributors


Published In

cover image Software Quality Journal
Software Quality Journal  Volume 19, Issue 2
June 2011
248 pages


Kluwer Academic Publishers

United States

Publication History

Published: 01 June 2011

Author Tags

  1. Chopping
  2. Concurrency
  3. Program analysis
  4. Slicing
  5. Threads


  • Article


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  • (2022)On debugging the performance of configurable software systemsProceedings of the 44th International Conference on Software Engineering10.1145/3510003.3510043(1571-1583)Online publication date: 21-May-2022
  • (2018)Low-deterministic security for low-nondeterministic programsJournal of Computer Security10.3233/JCS-1798426:3(335-366)Online publication date: 1-Jan-2018
  • (2018)A new algorithm for low-deterministic securityInternational Journal of Information Security10.1007/s10207-014-0257-614:3(263-287)Online publication date: 24-Dec-2018
  • (2017)Precise slicing of interprocedural concurrent programsFrontiers of Computer Science: Selected Publications from Chinese Universities10.1007/s11704-017-6189-311:6(971-986)Online publication date: 1-Dec-2017

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