The advances in CMOS technology over the past decades have created the need for the design of extremely complex Very Large Scale Integration (VLSI) Integrated Circuits (IC)s. The simultaneous progress in Computer-Aided Design (CAD) tools enable large design teams to work independently on sophisticated VLSI projects. The pipelining process is widely utilized in VLSI ICs as a performance enhancement tool. Efficient automated pipelining algorithms have been developed to permit the application of pipelining to large integrated circuits. The emerging technique of retiming, on the other hand, has not found its way into the VLSI circuit design process due to complex and non-practical algorithms. Therefore, algorithms and/or methodologies to help achieve retiming with simpler and practical algorithms can significantly improve the acceptance of retiming techniques in standard VLSI design methodologies.
A retiming methodology is presented in this dissertation to model low-level circuit characteristics in VLSI ICs. This objective is achieved by modeling low level circuit parameters using the Register Electrical Characteristic (REC) model. The path delays in a VLSI IC are defined from register-to-register based on this REC model. The REC model forms the core of the retiming algorithms introduced in this dissertation. The REC model, for the first time, permits incorporating low-level circuit issues into the retiming process, thereby yielding significantly more accurate retiming results than the existing retiming algorithms currently described in the literature. Path monotonicity constraints have been developed to permit the application of standard Linear Programming (LP) based techniques to the general retiming process. These monotonicity constraints permit circuits to be retimed with low-level characteristics with significantly less CPU time complexity.
Although the application of retiming to practical circuits has not as yet become common place, the research described in this dissertation is a significant improvement in making retiming into a practical and useful design methodology. The relationship between clock scheduling and retiming is also discussed in this dissertation where it is shown that the two processes are inextricably intertwined. The results of applying retiming to benchmark circuits have demonstrated performance improvements of up to 50%. When clock scheduling techniques are combined with retiming techniques while including low-level circuit characteristics, retiming can significantly improve the design efficiency and performance of the next generation VLSI circuits.
Efficient implementation of retiming
ICCAD '94: Proceedings of the 1994 IEEE/ACM international conference on Computer-aided designRetiming is a technique for optimizing sequential circuits. It repositions the registers in a circuit leaving the combinational cells untouched. The objective of retiming is to find a circuit with the minimum number of registers for a specified clock ...
Min-area retiming on flexible circuit structures
ICCAD '01: Proceedings of the 2001 IEEE/ACM international conference on Computer-aided designIn this paper we present two techniques for improving min-area retiming that combine the actual register minimization with combinational optimization. First, we discuss an on-the-fly retiming approach based on a sequential And/Inverter/Register graph. ...
Retiming scan circuit to eliminate timing penalty
LATW '12: Proceedings of the 2012 13th Latin American Test Workshop - LATWScan design has a performance penalty that affects the critical path delay by an added fanout at the origin and a multiplexer at the destination. This problem is outlined in a recent paper [10], which also proposes a solution. The purpose of the present ...