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Linear algebra algorithms for divisors on an algebraic curve
We use an embedding of the symmetric dth power of any algebraic curve C of genus g into a Grassmannian space to give algorithms for working with divisors on C, using only linear algebra in vector spaces of dimension O(g), and matrices of size O(g2) × O(...
Construction of quotient BCI(BCK)-algebra via a fuzzy ideal
The present paper gives a new construction of a quotient BCI(BCK)- algebra X/µ by a fuzzy ideal µ in X and establishes the Fuzzy Homomorphism Fundamental Theorem. We show that if µ is a fuzzy ideal (closed fuzzy ideal) of X. then X/µ is a commutative (...
Souslin algebra embeddings
AbstractA Souslin algebra is a complete Boolean algebra whose main features are ruled by a tight combination of an antichain condition with an infinite distributive law. The present article divides into two parts. In the first part a representation theory ...