"Certain Rational Sets in Formal Language Theory" considers monoids as "memory storage" for non-deterministic computations: I examine the images in free monoids of rational subsets of various (non-free and, in general, finitely presented) monoids M under rational transduction; call the resulting sets M-transduced.
From Salomaa's paper on equality sets, it follows, for example, that if A* is the free monoid generated by two elements and if M = A* $\times$ A* then M-transduced consists of the recursively enumerable sets.
The more important results obtained are the following: (1) If M is a monoid, and if P denotes the free product of M with the non-negative integers (identity elements being amalgamated), then P-transduced consists exactly of the sets rational over M-transduced. From this follows the fact that if M is a Kleene monoid, then so is P. Reutenauer's theorem ("The free product of two Kleene monoids, one of which has a trivial group of units, is again Kleene") now follows easily from a more general result of mine. (2) The composition of rational transductions between free monoids is again rational, as is well known. I provide a new proof of this fact, valid for any equidivisible Kleene monoid. (3) Results from Eilenberg-Schutzenberger's well-known paper on rational sets in commutative monoids are used to derive facts about the complexity of M-transduced when M is commutative. The Eilenberg-Schutzenberger results imply Parikh's theorem for context-free languages. I obtain some structure theorems for commutative Kleene monoids.
In a universal algebraic setting, additional results are obtained. Perhaps most interesting is a generalization of the known theorem, "The set of base k representatives of a recognizable subset of the non-negative integers is recognizable in (0,1, ...,k $-$ 1)*." The proof involves functions which are themselves not rational.
A Bialgebraic Approach to Automata and Formal Language Theory
LFCS '09: Proceedings of the 2009 International Symposium on Logical Foundations of Computer ScienceA bialgebra is a structure which is simultaneously an algebra and a coalgebra, such that the algebraic and coalgebraic parts are "compatible". In this paper, we apply the defining diagrams of algebras, coalgebras, and bialgebras to categories of ...
A non-commutative and non-idempotent theory of quantale sets
In fuzzy set theory non-idempotency arises when the conjunction is interpreted by arbitrary t-norms. There are many instances in mathematics where set theory ought to be non-commutative and/or non-idempotent. The purpose of this paper is to combine both ...
Semigroup automata with rational initial and terminal sets
We consider a natural extension of the usual definition of M-automata (also known as extended automata or valence automata) which permits the automaton to utilise more of the structure of each monoid, and additionally allows us to define S-automata for ...