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- Monagan M Linear Hensel Lifting for Fp[x,y] and Z[x] with Cubic Cost Proceedings of the 2019 International Symposium on Symbolic and Algebraic Computation, (299-306)
- Inaba D (2005). Factorization of multivariate polynomials by extended Hensel construction, ACM SIGSAM Bulletin, 39:1, (2-14), Online publication date: 1-Mar-2005.
- Kaltofen E and Monagan M On the genericity of the modular polynomial GCD algorithm Proceedings of the 1999 international symposium on Symbolic and algebraic computation, (59-66)
- Gianni P and Trager B (1996). Square-free algorithms in positive characteristic, Applicable Algebra in Engineering, Communication and Computing, 7:1, (1-14), Online publication date: 1-Jan-1996.
- Man Y and Wright F Fast polynomial dispersion computation and its application to indefinite summation Proceedings of the international symposium on Symbolic and algebraic computation, (175-180)
- Bach E, Driscoll J and Shallit J Factor refinement Proceedings of the first annual ACM-SIAM symposium on Discrete algorithms, (201-211)
- Davenport J and Trager B Factorization over finitely generated fields Proceedings of the fourth ACM symposium on Symbolic and algebraic computation, (200-205)
- Moore P and Norman A Implementing a polynomial factorization and GCD package Proceedings of the fourth ACM symposium on Symbolic and algebraic computation, (109-116)
- Yun D Algebraic algorithms using p-adic constructions Proceedings of the third ACM symposium on Symbolic and algebraic computation, (248-259)
- Yun D On square-free decomposition algorithms Proceedings of the third ACM symposium on Symbolic and algebraic computation, (26-35)
- Yun D (1974). A p-adic division with remainder algorithm, ACM SIGSAM Bulletin, 8:4, (27-32), Online publication date: 1-Nov-1974.
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- Miola A and Yun D (1974). Computational aspects of Hensel-type univariate polynomial greatest common divisor algorithms, ACM SIGSAM Bulletin, 8:3, (46-54), Online publication date: 1-Aug-1974.
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- Yun D (1973). On algorithms for solving systems of polynomial equations, ACM SIGSAM Bulletin:27, (19-25), Online publication date: 1-Sep-1973.
- Moses J and Yun D The EZ GCD algorithm Proceedings of the ACM annual conference, (159-166)
- Loos R (1972). Algebraic algorithm descriptions as programs, ACM SIGSAM Bulletin:23, (16-24), Online publication date: 1-Jul-1972.
- Caviness B and Collins G (1972). Symbolic mathematical computation in a Ph. D. computer science program, ACM SIGCSE Bulletin, 4:1, (19-23), Online publication date: 1-Mar-1972.
- Caviness B and Collins G Symbolic mathematical computation in a Ph.D. computer science program Proceedings of the second SIGCSE technical symposium on Education in computer science, (19-23)
- Collins G The calculation of multivariate polynomial resultants Proceedings of the second ACM symposium on Symbolic and algebraic manipulation, (212-222)
- Collins G The SAC-1 system Proceedings of the second ACM symposium on Symbolic and algebraic manipulation, (144-152)
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New Sparse Multivariate Polynomial Factorization Algorithms over Integers
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Exact polynomial factorization by approximate high degree algebraic numbers
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