This primer describes a notation for program composition. Program composition is putting programs together to get larger ones. PCN (Program Composition Notation) is a programming language that allows programmers to compose programs so that composed programs execute efficiently on uniprocessors, distributed-memory multicomputers or shared-memory multiprocessors. (Revised December 12, 1990)
Thrift Service Composition: Toward Extending BPEL
SCIOT '18: Proceedings of the international conference on smart cities and internet of thingsToday, there are more than 7 billion connected devices including resource-constrained devices which are capable of participating in service collaborations. Service Oriented Architecture (SOA) is prominent as a result of loose coupling and platform ...
Web service composition: a reality check
WISE'07: Proceedings of the 8th international conference on Web information systems engineeringAutomated web service composition is one of the major promises of service-oriented architecture, where services can be discovered and composed dynamically and automatically. To investigate the methods for composite web service construction, we conducted ...
Web Service Composition in UML
EDOC '04: Proceedings of the Enterprise Distributed Object Computing Conference, Eighth IEEE InternationalAs the number of available web services is steadily increasing, there is a growing interest for reusing basic web services in new, composite web services. Several organizations have proposed composition languages (BPML, BPMN, BPEL4WS, BPSS, WSCI), but ...