Agile/iterative methods: From business case to successful implementationThis is the definitive guide for managers and students to agile and iterative development methods: what they are, how they work, how to implement them-and why you should.Using statistically significant research and large-scale case studies, noted methods expert Craig Larman presents the most convincing case ever made for iterative development. Larman offers a concise, information-packed summary of the key ideas that drive all agile and iterative processes, with the details of four noteworthy iterative methods: Scrum, XP, RUP, and Evo. Coverage includes: Compelling evidence that iterative methods reduce project risk Frequently asked questions Agile and iterative values and practices Dozens of useful iterative and agile practice tips New management skills for agile/iterative project leaders Key practices of Scrum, XP, RUP, and EvoWhether you're an IT executive, project manager, student of software engineering, or developer, Craig Larman will help you understand the promise of agile/iterative development, sell it throughout your organizationaeand transform the promise into reality.
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Index Terms
- Agile and Iterative Development: A Manager's Guide
Adopting to Agile Software Development
Abstract Agile software development can be made successful, but there is no well-defined way how to achieve this. The problem is that the successful adoption of agile methods and practices is a complex process and this process should be customizable for ...